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Logan Robertson Oct 2019
Sally's eyes followed the bouncing ball
Up and down the rubber hit the wall
Peter patter played swell
Back and forth in the well
When the ball lost its bounce, her eyes bawl

Logan Robertson


Sally's the love of my life I never had. So I can only imagine her spell on me.
Logan Robertson Mar 2019
A relationship in both eyes
Stormy clouds apace
For love was only a guise
In a two-person rat race

When cloudy conflicts arise
Disharmonies at a trace
It's better and wise
To leave than save a sad face

There was no marriage prise
Or a loving embrace
No figuring out to surmise
The answers the hidden ace

It was up a sleeve-like sunrise
That morning dawn unbrace
You left as the rooster or hen cries
Your vanity lies for saving grace

Your new walks a baptize
A fresh flower in a vase
Blossoming for sunny skies
The vested card a blessing in place

Life is too short to capsize
On someone's null space
The pretense and sad eyes
So go, go, with the blues to replace

Logan Robertson

With every relationship, it's a matter of having a balance of happiness.
If there's no buoyancy it makes no sense in being unhappy. Its best to have a contingency plan, an ace up a sleeve so to speak, if the relationship
goes south than to sit sadly and only play the bad cards dealt to you.
Logan Robertson Feb 2019
His hearing loss is going fast
Speeding past his aching heart
There's no foot on the brake
Just inches of peril
And how he wishes there was a pearl
One, one with life
Not one that now opens to a calamity
As old age creeps
Wrinkles and gray
Are part of the bay
As the sun weeps on the horizon
But his ears
And maybe his mind
Are a different story
He sees an impending sunset
Where the bay meets the sand
Where the pearls bask in the sun
There's still a splash
A tongue roars somewhere
He guesses
He sees the crescendo
A beauty, blues merging with white
Ripples and small waves everywhere
Seabirds might be squalling in the sky
He hears nothing
He feels a tap on his shoulder
His imagination
It's the whisper of the wind
For a moment he's at lost
The ones in the bay
The purples, whites, and golds mutating, too

Logan Robertson

For this old friend, there were setbacks. Life marches on. It was sad watching dad, then mom.
582 · Oct 2018
We Were No Longer Hermits
Logan Robertson Oct 2018
We Were No Longer Hermits

She came into my life
By the sea.
We were like two hermit *****
Sunning on the shore.
I looked at her
She looked at me.
We both looked away.
Says who
To the lost love at bay.
She peeked again
The shyness began to reign.
Simultaneous bestow
Hello launched its flow
We both now had a glow.
The inches by inches we came to be.
Into the sea, we go
Both of us filled with glee.
We swam the floor
Rock bottoms
And low tides
To opening a new door
At the core.
At the shore
She was swell
I was in her spell.
She rocked the boat
I felt her love by rote.
Off into the blue yonder
We went far,
Side by side,
Through the highest tide
We are.
A seed was soon implanted
The kingdom was enchanted.
Mama and the hermitage chanted.
When the shells came off
Through the seas we are coif.
As a new life permits
We were no longer hermits.

Logan Robertson

I can dream a storybook, dream. Paint a picture, brush. Frame
it in my mind, like always. Turn the pages ... with tears in my eyes.
Logan Robertson Sep 2019
Sally's oven is on highest heat
Shaken and baking the meat, a treat
All the trimmings set forth
Her bird's a rising north
The game ****'s glow knocked her off her feet

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Feb 2021
The Changing Colors (Senryu)

Autumn winds pick up  

Lovers slip into romance

It was a good fall

Logan Robertson

558 · Sep 2017
Bye, My Imagined Love
Logan Robertson Sep 2017
To my imagined love
Forget the giraffe ride,
Our desert trek
On a magic carpet ride.
Life spoke.
Reality listened, for once.
And the taxidermist stopped the game.
For what was once painfully alive is now stuffed.
It hurts.
To have seen the tears in the giraffe's eyes,
His mirrored innocence
Forever immortalized in my memory.
Now sitting in someone else's collection.
And to have imagined the howls of the Serengeti
Me wrestling with the lions,
Valor shining,
Saving you from the lions,
All in the sunset of your hair blowing in the wind,
Wild fires, too
Flames abound, erecting.
All this fairy tale,
Angel dust seeding from where
Who knows?
Maybe from catching the look in your eyes, once.
But the tears of the giraffe,
His innocence
Was for forever real, my love.
Bye, my imagined love.

Logan Robertson

544 · Aug 2019
Texas El Paso In Mourning
Logan Robertson Aug 2019
Yesterday's fears
Are today's tears
As a gunman rears
On evil stairs
With evil stares
Taking flights of theirs
Three steps there
Racing here, and here
With madness 'tween his ears
He squeezes off any cares
Gunning the airs
For those lost in prayer
As cornered life's tears
At the face, his devil peers
Through a Walmart s lairs
To hells kin he endears
Twenty two pearls smears
Stranded for his wares
Such hatefulness, he bares
His manifest he cheers
Today El Paso spits his despairs
And the neverending nightmares
USA, and mass shootings spheres

Logan Robertson

Once again my heart aches for the victims (22 slain). It's like we're running in circles from evil and it shouldn't be that way.
521 · May 2018
Jack's Undying Love Gored
Logan Robertson May 2018
eyes threw
darts at his
he couldn't stand
his target of life
growing smaller by day
the eye of the bull sees red
when wife left she became a blur
the mat at her door denied killed him

Logan Robertson

I just love this poem. However, I'm afraid readers have a hard time understanding the poem judging by the few views (a 100 or so in 9 months). Who is Jack? Jack is the personification of a bull and former husband. He *sees*
red, a blur. His target (life) is getting smaller (because his wife left him).
Hence the mat at the door (Matador) denied killing him.
Logan Robertson May 2019
there he was
head hanging low
on a totem pole
for all to see
their crucification, self imposed
like a bull seeing red
and feeling melancholy
he walked out of the casino
pockets empty, again
and just fresh off the farm
he now wished he stayed home
milking cows
collecting eggs
saving his money
instead of losing his scalp
to the Indians
he looked passed the exit
a door he walked into a few hours ago
with wide open trappings
where the glitz. glamor and neon
caught his eye and addiction
the cling, the clang
the sound of music
Julie Andrew's voice coming to life
reach for the sky, reach for the sky
whirling around in his head
... a cut of cloth
who knows
maybe it was his grandmother's roots
grandma are you watching
yes grandson, I'm crying and praying ...
he looked over at the green mountains
the lost forests of patrons
the felted tables, banks of chips
fjords of  waitresses serving drinks
majestic, scenic and serene
and for a moment
he wished to be a boat in Norway
like always
he took to a splash in the abyss
******* and sadism  
his lost fork in the road
and like a billy goat
teetering on the edge
echo's  from the valleys below
don't do it , don't do it, don't do it
he peeled off all his Benjamin's
and credit
to the depts of the dungeon
beaten and wounded
where if only the next time
he rewinds his entrance
and finds his bouency and oars

Logan Robertson

To my nephew, godspeed. You have a good job, good looks, especially with those blue eyes that knock women off their feet. Yet you can't stand prosperity. Every so often you get on your high horse and gallop to the nearby Indian Casino and keep falling off. My nephew choose better.
Logan Robertson Mar 2019
Trump's bubbles surface
And his school covers him up
A little fishy

Logan Robertson

The American public is asking what's going on. He has the gills to change the scales of the country for the worst, run his mouth and twitter in horror, have countless affairs, coverups; and alienate and belittle those not agreeing with him. He's the biggest laughing stock that ever held office. It smells. It begs for impeachment and a whale that's hungry.
512 · Aug 2018
My Dear Do Clear Headgear
Logan Robertson Aug 2018
Please hear
My dear
Why sit
Down with
Men's hearts
In parts
That stand
The land
Of snakes
And flakes
That hiss
And ****
Pour your
Front door
Your bone
Less worth
Less mirth
My dear
That tear
Drops bare
On cheek
So meek
Less high
To sky
You play
The prey
On songs
So wrong
To sit
On fence
So dense
Those eyes
Do lie
Down fast
My dear
One cheer
Do clear

Logan Robertson

507 · Jun 2017
Lifeboat (10 W)
Logan Robertson Jun 2017
He floated
on her tongue,
her words,
were his lifeboat.

Logan Robertson

504 · May 2019
suddenly a swan
Logan Robertson May 2019
a million goose eggs

her first toe loop and axel

suddenly a swan

Logan Robertson

To all those that never gave up.
473 · Apr 2019
ISIS Juggernaut
Logan Robertson Apr 2019
ISIS Juggernaut


Logan Robertson

Xenophobe-a person having a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries

Zygodactylous- In birds, applied to feet in which two toes point forwards, and two to the rear. How this concept applies to the poem is that ISIS can strike from every direction, swoop down at any time, with eyes and a network lurking from every tree branch so to speak. Sad.

Sad was this last Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, 253 innocent victims, as mankind watches in horror. These birds of a feather flock together, and their flock is getting bigger, and I wish that it would fall and end.
Logan Robertson Jun 2018
Jack's needle now thread a stitch of dames bred
Don't look far ahead, Jack's heart now bled
He cried the sea of red, the stirred waves of dread
For wise owl's wing spread, parting words in his head

Let hindsight be wed and hotbed be dead
Let your swing be fled and loving paths be fed
Listen to words said, settle the homestead
For homes on the heart with a wife ... better stead

Logan Robertson

468 · Jun 2017
His Car Picks Her Up
Logan Robertson Jun 2017
He drove his car timely through her tunnel of love
Full throttle zest, he bore a flitting of whiting doves
Warmth's ah peaking from their nest
Sweet coos a heaving from her chest
Parked at the end of her tunnel his treasure troves

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Aug 2017
To my baker, lovely friend
can I visit someday and come over?
Your cakes are still my godsends
though icings hungover.

Your frosting's in the air,
my obstinate competes.
Can a nice guy, now, take your chair
as your hands warm his seat.

As sour is to sweet riddles
and my fiddle once played mean songs.
Can we meet once in the middle
and makeup for all my wrongs?

Dough, ray, me a tune someday
for my heart will always find your way.

Logan Robertson
463 · Dec 2019
Sally Paints Her Santa
Logan Robertson Dec 2019
Sally has a Santa Claus crush
On the eve she began to blush
T'was that time of year
Stockings filled with cheer
For his gifts, she came to ******

Logan Robertson

Sally paints her Santa with a smile.

8, 8, 5, 5, 8
457 · May 2019
He Wasn't In Her Orbit
Logan Robertson May 2019
Her flame
spread upon
his heart
red on red
he faced

No prayer
in hand
or a cup
share forth

His full moon
ran away
leaving heart's

On fire
To seethe, where

Her pass hurts

Logan Robertson

There's a poetry contest I've come across
at Poetry Soup-Charlieku.
It challenges the contestants with a new
poetry form-15 lines./with these syllable counts
(23232), (3232), (323), (23), (3)

Interesting form. Stimulated my thoughts
as I look outside the window.

Some men have a moon that looks
over them through and through and the feeling is reciprocal.
That would be the plan. Sigh.
445 · Apr 2019
LA Lakers Toy Buses
Logan Robertson Apr 2019
six seasons awash
another spring *******
bus streaking playground

Logan Robertson

To say that the LA Lakers of the NBA is in a crisis is an understatement. Six years of no rain. Or sunshine. Six consecutive years of unhappy faces of fans enduring one bus short of a barn. No playoff appearances, nothing, but a bus being stripped of its parts. When you look at the Lakers then, when the father (Jerry Buss) ran the franchise, and now it's hard not to refute that the current Buss' (six siblings that have 66% ownership of the Lakers), led by Jeanie are a bunch of toy clones of the father. Since the father died in 2013 the Lakers management has been tinkering not thinking.
424 · Feb 2021
She Fell Into Abyss
Logan Robertson Feb 2021
She Fell Into The Abyss

he takes to the tunnel of night
dark at first, but he tiptoes in
and sees the light
he follows a trail
a women's scent that arouses him
he sees her across the bar
seated by herself
hunger on her face
a wallflower
a sheep in a lea to him
weak and pull-able of wool
and he needs wool
a ball of yarn to desensitize
and spins to his satisfaction
and he needs to be sated
... especially
with this ones youth and innocence
her striking blue eyes
and sweet mouth
indifferent to him
but it's her pond of ducks that excites ... him
hidden in his pocket
is a knife of fantasy
a blade of deceit
rope of words to incapacitate
... then
he looks into her blues
as he begins making his move
sweet talking, sweet talking
her socks off
he keeps seeing the ducks in the pond
swimming faster and faster
his heart beating faster and faster
a fruit ripening before his eyes
ready to be eaten
he takes the first dagger from his pocket
two white pills and slips into her drink
laughs to himself
at least this dagger won't hurt
as he chokes on his sadism
she falls into her arms
so soft and vulnerable
unsuspecting and naive
she walks out with him in slumber
later that night
a shotgun blasts breaks the air
ducks flapping in the night
then ... silence

Logan Robertson

423 · May 2019
Trump's Tax Return
Logan Robertson May 2019
Trump's Tax Return

Donned keys
That locked his guilt
From being opened by the  supreme court
A judge was quoted, Trump makes his own rules
He hides taxes
Pets his

Logan Robertson

A double tetractys is a poem of 8 lines with a syllable count of 1, 2, 4, 10, 10, 4, 2, 1. When it comes to Trump's lineage the bottom line is important.
Logan Robertson Feb 2021
Skaters Introduce Themselves To Nature (haiku)

Winter's landscape calm
Treeline of green laps the lake
Skaters break the ice

Logan Robertson

411 · Jul 2019
A Whale Of A Night
Logan Robertson Jul 2019
Such a happy whale
I am
Out of the *******
With a new friend at my side
Dark is the night
The moon, the stars
Lighting our way
Over the sands of time
Our hearts a racing
To take the plunge
To go deeper into the unknown
Stopping to sight see
The sparkles in each other's eye
Welcoming are the movements  
On a wave
The shrill of the wind
And a wake of white water soon rising
Carrying, carrying us  home

Logan Robertson

409 · Jun 2019
To My Dear, Amore
Logan Robertson Jun 2019
To My Dear
Once more
I speak from no blind
Without arms
Without an edge
I wish all the while
The well was face to phase
You were once in the hunt
Yet it wasn't your scent I was after
It was your fallen words
Like leaves that still a windy day
I remember that night
You hosted and hoisted my delusions
Pried my pride
With your rules and my rues
Shall a man be so shell shocked
At you
At the chill in the air
The wave of a pointed hand
The weave of lost tapestry
I often think back
At my metamorphosis
I was once told
Your dialogue
My dying on a log
Like tomorrows frog
To take upon a pond
And to jump into it

Logan Robertson

Of all the women I've met she was not the norm, or the spark of my eye.
Yet she was a puzzle. I couldn't figure her out, or come closer. It was looking at twin and that may have been the attraction. The irony being that that one chance encounter having a lasting effect on me, where I do often think about her now.
389 · Nov 2018
Cupid Arrows in the Feet
Logan Robertson Nov 2018
Is that you my little tigress
I see you
So covert
In oranges shaded in black
Peeking through the blades of grass
Your eyes darting at my movement
We're both in this jungle
Called life
On this last visit
You tiptoe closer
Your eye candy melting
Vitamin C runs amok
My heart beats past your orchard
I see your teeth
Whiter than the piano keys
Lined hungrily
Sharper to take me to mill
But it's that tounge
Carrying a war of words
From your  tundra you bring lightning
My feline is hurt
Am I to prey
You let out a roar
Forsaken are the trees
The ground bellies up
In sync
Your words  
Carrying me lower in debt
Change will be  sparse
My pockets empty
Of heart
My eyes, like the mist
And wander away from you
We cried that night
The moon and stars having a front seat
The ushers of fate not to be
A buzz
With Cupid arrows
In the feet

Logan Robertson

Your writer loves to use play on words, homophones. For example mill-meal, thundra-thunder, feline-feeling, prey-pray, foresaken-shaken, debt-depth, sync-sink, like the mist-dismiss, not to be (a bee) a buzz, Cupid arrows in the feet-in defeat. I do remember that night. We both worked at a small hotel. It was the last face to face. It rained. It stormed. I sought better weather. When I look back, and my heart still thinks of her, maybe my thinking was clouded.
386 · Aug 2018
Enchanted Welcome
Logan Robertson Aug 2018
rise up
wind, and sun
shine knocking on

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Sep 2019
Sally sashayed straight to her man's  source
Overhead, their song played on with force
Like jockeys in a saddle
Two lovers rage a battle
That madly left their concourses hoarse

Logan Robertson


The newfound fire, passion and happiness adds to the drive.

Note- I'm not sure if the readers picked up on the double meaning of the word choice of overhead. Noted 9/10.  To me, I thought it was witty. And certainly risque.
379 · Aug 2019
Poem Snatcher Caught
Logan Robertson Aug 2019
this thief in the night~ left his prints in sight~ on that wayward flight~ around the moon's light~ he stole what you write~ harboring your ship's right~ for his boat is spite~ he caused a storm's might~ buoyed by his own smite~ yet fished the sea, quite~ and caught an indict~ this closure shines bright~ thanks to a beacon's light~

Logan Robertson

On another poetry site, Poetry Soup, in it's blog section under the title Thief, the author describes how a person   from Nigeria has infiltrated that site and has been stealing members poem only to take these poems to another site and post them under his name. This is despicable. The good thing is that this **** was caught, uprooted, and outed. Forever the moons light (aka poetry community) insulates from the dark and evil.
Logan Robertson Feb 2021
It takes

To fall
In all


White sheets
Such treats

All day
Kids play

Some sled
The spread

Some ski
With glee

Some skate
The slate


Catch alls

Such fun
Is spun

My youth
Had tooth

Long ago
I glow

Logan Robertson

My fond memories of my youth were high lighted with the first fall of snow. It was so much fun. To play like kids, fast, furious, and fathomless (at the time, and who would of imagined how fast time went by).  After a long winter's day we would head home. Mom would makes some hot chocolate and the warmth of our house always felt good
372 · Jul 2019
Jack's Somber Notes
Logan Robertson Jul 2019
jack fiddles life away on his thumbs~
the little digits beating like drums~
over loaf he brows~
buttering skid rows~
from his jam, he awaits for crumbs

Logan Robertson

Jack's stuck on the corner of life, a quarter here, a quarter there, is his angle.
Logan Robertson Jan 2018
My bread basket filled
with bread and wine,
and I hope yours is, too,
as I, we, stroll into 2018
hand in hand,
in love,
in joy,
in communion with nature,
with each other,
and Christ.
My hearts now open.
My eyes to the top of the mountains,
the blue skies,
the Heavens,
the journey.
I awe.
This New Year,
I start at the bottom,
with many forks to choose.
For the many winding trails,
faith of trees, and under bushes,
I look for prayer
and Christ.
And His Guidance.
It was a cold January morning.
The first of many to come,
frost of winter biting at my feet,
escaping my lips,
and snow flurries at my knees.
I zest.
Paying homage,
as birds sing in my hearts
and blossoms dance in my eyes.
So glorious
with Christ in my soul.
My feet on the right trail,
I continue to awe,
trees draped in white,
for my guided path.
Snow tracks of the past I bury.
Fresh new tracks,
I forge.
My eyes and mind focus.
A deer locks my eyes and darts away,
a pair of rabbit make a beehive home,
all in wonderment,
all in longevity and immortality,
perhaps signage.
So glorious.
The landscape,
and the ascent.
It was a cold January morning.
the first of many to come.
I warm to the task.
I continue to look at the peak,
I awe,
blue skies,
the Heavens.
I bow to this New Year,
Christ, peace, happiness, wealth
and good health.
To all a blessed 2018.

Logan Robertson

345 · May 2019
Life's Achilles (10 words)
Logan Robertson May 2019
Over the heel,
a sock,
fading in color
and shape.

Logan Robertson

As we age it's inevitable. Arriving to the
point of being over the hill is filled with
prayers, mostly giving thanks to making it this far. Best wishes to all.
342 · Sep 2017
Our First Time Of Bliss
Logan Robertson Sep 2017
We once threw caution to the wind
on a drunken night of spree.
It was just two teens having a good time
with smuggled beer and lost inhibitions,
parked on lover's lane.
This was back in '74,
and I remember Terry Jack's
crooning Season's In The Sun,
the radio music guiding us along.
The moon and stars stood watching in horror,
their hands covering it's mouth in shock,
and her father's wrath soon following suit,
his hands ruffling a kids feathers.
But who regresses?
At first we walked over twigs,
careful like,
soft kisses here,
soft kisses there.
The usual fare,
where we knew the line in the sand
was the console and gear stick,
her father's subtle reminder.
Yet this time we ran *******.
Like two polar bears snuggling,
in a tree of a magic forest.
At first, playfully
touching our noses,
eyes a dancing,
and lips a smacking,
pausing at new discoveries,
magic dust floating in our eyes.
Our breathing turning into moans.
The wonderful fur.
Then auto pilot kicked in
and my seeing eye dog springing to life,
leaping onto her bucket seat,
onto her,
her eyes and face inviting,
our maiden voyage
all natural,
erecting in flames.
Our little hearts a racing,
keeping up to the rhythm of the sea,
riding the wave into shore,
like two beach whales,
basking in the moment.
And it was a glorious moment
introspective of whom you ask.
Our lives grew from that night on,
years later into beautiful blossoms,
and her father,
yes her father,
the last of the forgives me not,
now preens over his granddaughter,
and her daughter. 

Logan Robertson

330 · Oct 2020
Sally's Halloween Dance
Logan Robertson Oct 2020
Sally's Halloween dance the pumpkin patch
She plays the field, tricks and treats for her match
Thru to the winding vines, she scored
A Jack-O-Lantern she adored
With her sweet find Sally beamed at her ******

Logan Robertson


It's fun to write with puns and innuendoes and Sally does it swell.
326 · Oct 2017
Wale's Whale Watchers Wail
Logan Robertson Oct 2017
watchers wait
with wistful
whopping whales
welcoming waves
with wails
which wakes

Logan Robertson

317 · Feb 2021
A Passing Rainbow (haiku)
Logan Robertson Feb 2021
A Passing Rainbow (haiku)

A trout looks above
Sees a fly land the surface
It's glee is short lived  

Logan Robertson

Notes-My little rainbow. You saw what you thought was your dinner splashing on the surface and instead your fate turned the other way. Think fly fisherman.
306 · Sep 2019
Sally's Trade-In Limerick
Logan Robertson Sep 2019
Sally went shopping for a new car
Her old one lost it's spark, zip and flair
She searched high and, ahem, low
Striking out finding her glow
For now she'll catch a ride at the bar

Logan Robertson


Sally lives her life to the fullest.
304 · Jul 2018
Marriage Annulled
Logan Robertson Jul 2018
Behind the divorce
Poetry's silk dress caught my eye
Drawing my fancy
First a round face with smiles
Now caught in her web I frown

Logan Robertson

I have no one to blame but myself.
297 · Jul 2018
Weary Window of Opportunity
Logan Robertson Jul 2018
Weary Window of Opportunity

would we
waste what's wise
when wisdom waned
wraps waxed wicks withdrawn
where wildfires within white
wash wanton wavering welled
wits with wonderment's wheel wearing
worth warrants weaving wholeheartedly

Logan Robertson

296 · May 2019
At The Foot Of The Zoo
Logan Robertson May 2019
at the foot of the ladder, a monkey fell~
six stories of rungs and she rings his bell~
he sat picking daisies off his fallen spell~
hands cupping petals of air being his quell~
poor little monkey's a shaken as hell~
his eyes run circles around the pink pastel~
as shocked onlookers stand visual at his well~
in his cage, his cousin's saddened at their shell~
at the foot of the ladder, a zoo's a cell

Logan Robertson

It's like the monkeys, once free, are dropped from the sky
into Pandora's box, staring at the four walls. Sad. Sad is
their captivity in the zoo. To decipher their language of continuous e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ings, bickerings and fightings are easy-I am unhappy.
291 · Jul 2017
His Hardship
Logan Robertson Jul 2017
His Hardship

she donned foreplay rough
domineer tied, whipped and waxed
his hardship piques her

Logan Robertson

288 · Dec 2017
She Saw Self
Logan Robertson Dec 2017
she saw sea shell standalone,
sandy shore,
standing sentry,
sweet songs
sharing soul,
soothing silver skies,
stark sands,
silhouetted silence,
spanning sea swells,
sea stars,
salted scenery,
seeing self

Logan Robertson

Here's a lone women with a sunny outlook similar to that of a lone seashell. She sees
the gravitation pull a seashell faces, forces of nature, which parallels to her life, a life that is resigned to forces of nature filled with regret and resignation ... hence her environs, too, salted and bitter.
287 · Sep 2019
The Elephants At The Zoo
Logan Robertson Sep 2019
The Elephants At The Zoo

The elephants at the zoo, lumbering in their cells, like deadwood floating downstream, where the mouth is closed. When kids arrive they put on a show. It brings them minute happiness to see the smiles, hear the laughter and to look into the eyes of freedom.

As the day moves on, it's a blur, as the sunny disposition is weathered and fake. Each movement of the trunks, calculated, silenced and each passing face, a tear.

Such sadness their eyes
Windows wide open to see
Pantomimes of hope

Logan Robertson

Each trip to the zoo, storybook. There's a tale to tell. Even those in silence,
286 · Sep 2017
Logan Robertson Sep 2017

He got off her bus
And fumed the rest of the way
Carbon ***** matter

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Sep 2019
my little puppies

eyes at my feet looking up

pupils so playful

Logan Robertson

My fondest memories are my two Maltese, especially when both were puppies, and found a way to my heart even though they tore up the living room furniture on that day I'll never forget. I arrived home from work and much to my dismay the green floral frabic of the couch was in shreds, spongy pieces everywhere on the floor. The rattan chewed on. My face looked worst. Who did this, I yelled out. It was awfully quiet. I looked under the couch and remember their eyes peering back at me, so childlike and worried, that instead of being angry I reached out to them. We grew from that day on.
285 · Jun 2017
A Husband's Infidelity
Logan Robertson Jun 2017
A Husband's Infidelity

crumpled leaves **** wind
in their garden bed of sin
her birdies brought worms

Logan Robertson

279 · Jun 2017
Lone Destiny
Logan Robertson Jun 2017
Lone Destiny

To go through life
Without a nest egg
Or a wife
Falling on sad legs

And fallen skies
Of bluer ***** pent
And candy less eyes
His island of lament

On his shores she waves
His past took him to his grave

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Oct 2019
Why did his lost love
Find the shoeshine
And not the moonshine
As she polished his walk
With closure
Her tongue ragging his soul
Their arch
His boot
His foot in the grave
Those lost steps are so unkind
We're they not a pair
The fabric of their souls
One lace short of an eyelet
Two insteps short of a dance
Then ... her kiss of wax goodbye
The ***** and spam
The breaking of a dam
He often looks back
At the years
Thirty four unanswered prayers  
At the abyss, the black
The knife in his back
The foreclosure
With no procurement
His mind playing no tricks
To her, it was just for kicks
She, twirling in defeat
The moon, the stars absent
Forever, the lingering pain
His step in time elongated

Logan Robertson

She wanted marriage unconventional. And when those words reached his ears it broke his heart. He conceeded the seesaw but not the swings.
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