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Big Virge Nov 2020
So Is it... Uni Or College... ?
That Gives Someone KNOWLEDGE.... ?

Or Is It Just A... FACADE... ?
To Teach People NONSENSE... !!!!!!!!!!

Knowledge Is CONSTANT...
And... EVER Evolving...
And CONSTANTLY Spinning....
WITHOUT.... “ Poli-Tricking “...

Which Gets Me To THINKING....
Is Knowledge In Books...
Or In Your... Outlook... ?!?

Do Books You Peruse... ?
Give Knowledge To You... ?

Or Do They POLLUTE... !?!
Your Mind With... " UNTRUTHS “... ?!?

Is Knowledge WISDOM... ?
If You DO NOT Listen... ?!?
That Guide You To Living...
In Ways MORE Fulfilling....

Than Those That Teach...
...... KILLING...... !!!!!!

It’s NOW My Life’s MISSION... !!!
To Let Knowledge GLISTEN...
In Words That I’ve Written...

Because What They Share...

From Things That I’ve Been Through...
To Things That I’ve VIEWED...

Where Knowledge Is PROVED...
NOT Skewed To Breed FOOLS... !!!!!


Schooled To Be... USED...
And ABUSED Like GUN TOOLS... !!!!!!!!

Knowledge In THEM...
Is Causing PROBLEMS... !!!!!!!

Because What They’ve LEARNT...
DOESN’T Deal In GOOD Turns... !!!

It Deals In MUCH WORSE...
Than... MILITANT Verse... !!!

It Gives People KNOWLEDGE...
of HEARSES And Churches.... !!!

Knowledge That HURTS... !!!
And Makes People CURSE... !!!

When They HAVE TO LEARN.... !!!
To Face... Ashes in Urns... !!!!!

A Knowledge That Life...
Can NEVER DENY... !!!!!!
When Life Says GOODBYE...
Because People DIE... !!!!!!!!

But Then There Are Times...
When It’s CLEAR The MOST HIGH...
Sends... Spiritual Signs...

That Everything’s FINE... !!!
DON’T Grieve And DON’T Cry....

REJOICE In The Knowledge...
That BODIES May Die...
But SPIRITS... FLY HIGH...  !!!!!

To Look Back And SMILE... !!!!!

When LOVE Was What SHINED... !!!!!!

When I Think of Mine...
I KNOW That She’s Fine... !!!
Because I Have Knowledge...
of Her... PAIN and STRIFE... !!!!!!

And How NOT ONE College... !!!
Or Uni  ... Could Find...

A CURE For The Ailments...
That Fuelled Her DERAILMENT...
From Ageing In... “ STYLE “... !!!

But What Was PROFILED....
Was KNOWLEDGE That Adults...

In PAIN... There Is Knowledge...
That HITS Like A Stoppage...
In... HEAVYWEIGHT Boxing... !!!!!

TOO VAST For A Sonnet...
Where WIT Is The Object... !!!

And STRONG Like Scotch Bonnet... !!!!!

Or Like... **** Stockings...
On A Girl You’ve Been Clocking...

You See Knowledge Is FREE... !!!
Well I Think It Should Be... !!!!!

Government FEES.....
Are For WHAT... EXACTLY... ?!?

... Tuition For Students...
That’s REALLY NOT Prudent... !!!
It’s CLEAR That Most Schooling...


From Teachers They’re Using...
Who KEEP ON ABUSING... !!!!!
To Subjects They’re Choosing...
Now SPREADING Confusion... ?!?

Genevieve And EVE... ?!!!?
And... Adam And STEVE... ?!!!?

Their Knowledge KEEPS Changing... !!!
Like Commuters In Stations... !!!

ALL It is That I’m STATING...
Is Knowledge Is Simple...
And NATURAL Like... MATING... !!!

But Bears NO RELATION...
To MUCH Now CREATED... !!!

From MAN MADE Ideals... !!!

Knowledge Is REAL.....
Like.... REALITY.... !!!!!

On Knowledge That’s RAW... !!!

Instead of The Knowledge...
That’s CLEARLY NOT Pure... !!!

THIS Subject Is Something...
We NEED To Explore... !!!

To Find DEEPER Meanings...
For... School Corridors... !!!!!

Where It Seems That NEW Teachers...
Are REALLY... Quite Poor... !!!!!

So HERE IS The Score... !!!

NO Losers or Draws... !!!
Just THESE FINAL Thoughts...

Knowledge SURROUNDS US...
And That Is FOR SURE... !!!!!

We Need To Be BOUNDLESS.... !!!
But STICK To The CORE... !!!

It’s Levels Are COUNTLESS...
So WE MUST... ENSURE... !!!

That We Use it WISELY... !!!

Nature PROVIDES...

That’s A Word To The WISE...

And COMMON SENSE Topics... !!!!!

As The BEST GUIDE We Have...
To... Passing On....

..... “ Knowledge “.....
We all need some ...
Masha Yurkevich Nov 2020

I'm twisting, turning,
sweating, burning.
What's in my mind is so disturbing.
The world is falling,
People are mad like angry beasts.
I open my eyes but the remain closed,
showing me this world that is
out of control.
I pry my eyes but the refuse,
exposing this world of issues.
I don't want to see this;
its far too ugly.
People are mad, everything is ******.
I want to wake up from this nightmare;
where is the other world, where?
But I don't wake up, not now, not ever.
This is the nightmare we are
living together.

breathe, my dear
stay up
as long as you wish
we don't want the heavy
to stay here
so breathe, my dear
take in the world you missed
Gray Dawson Nov 2020
Pigment caked under my nails.
Tasting the metallic remnants of a lost childhood.
The reality is hidden in visions and supposed dreams.
Fed to me, was the comforting hugs of mother and soothing lies.
Grew up in the age of paid horror.

A new appendage is cheaper than keeping the original.
Marked by the price of my body.
Each fall, subtracting, each workout, adding.
Beauty is a curse nowadays.
Each beautiful child is raised and sold for millions.
Each ugly child prays to be one of the lucky to receive the new parts.

Greedy families hope for attractive offspring,
to disassemble for a new future.
A pair of brilliant green eyes can change your luck.
Having blue eyes guarantees you to be blind.
Leaving you with shades to cover the hollow left behind.

Adults will tell you sports lead to a promising future.
But they don’t tell you that it’ll lead you to losing your body.
Self-harm is a death sentence. A cut drops your value.
It forces you into the career of taking.       Taking the beauty from the beautiful.
Cutting a limb or two won’t hurt them. Taking an eye is just life.
Tell yourself they should know better. They should’ve expected it.
Expect the unexpected when you are beautiful. Expect a life of pain.
Expect misery and lose those emotions when you are ugly. You won’t need that conscience.

Forget about the forgotten already. Use that arm to grab a new leg.
Use your head to get a better one.
Use your emptiness to end others. They won’t need that life.
And don’t forget, to use your misery.
The more miserable you are, the better off the world is when you end it.
What do you think of this poem?
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
You think I was half-hearted when you heard my phone voice! My opponent - you may have known - was resignation even then! "Time has put my arm on my hard-ticking heart, and I can't know who will be by my side when the" majority "considered it Adults, even though I was just a child left behind in the world! Tell me, my dear friend? Is there anything left of that serenity that divides selfless harmony, your sun-smiled smile that could once restore my unconditional zest for life?! Do you know where I had to land on the depths of my self-pity alone to be a dignified human being and still myself?!
What you gave as a gift, if there were any, I could only accept your words of encouragement Treasure and the holy supplication of angels from your soft and tender voice as if
as a mother, you would hold in my hand the eternal dinner! "You're sure to say today, 'Leave me alone.' I don't have time for you either! ” "And somewhere inside, the black pain haunted and chewed selfishly!" Please, you should sincerely promise as an Acceptable Oath or Faithful Confession; as soon as you can free up a fraction of your little ******* time you only deal with me and care and honor my soul-craving soul
with your pair-line savior messages! I feel a familiar will governing my Scapegoat, and I can’t find the sparks of Happiness I deserve even if I remain a self-indulgent, shy Don Quixote! I was afraid you couldn’t get to know it enough anymore, you don’t fully accept it yet! And what you refer to as a childish gossip is ****** serious fate problems worrying my Soul! "Give uplifting courage, a comforting refuge to my anxious palm."
Beulin S S Nov 2020
Beyond my desire,
Twinkling gems appeared
Shining to enlighten my life...

All around the world
Rare gems appeared;
Mingled among the souls,
Yearning desires filled with delight.
Precious things coming into life to make us happy
Serendipity Nov 2020
I sit at the edge of the world,
as water falls from the ocean
into the abyss that is the sky
and floats past the stars.

Where I cling to handfuls of dirt
and grass, and the rocks that cling too,
so I do not fly up
and drown in the universe above
and below me.
Nylee Nov 2020
I've been sitting on the top of the ladder
looking at the world from the high I can reach
every once in a while someone glances my way
I look back straight in the eye till they look away.

There is peace which I can attain here
no one looks down on me even if they want to
But there is nothing straight up to my height
Everything is placed below my sight.
Big Virge Nov 2020
It’s DISTURBING To Me... !!!
To See Communities...
Who... CLAIM To Be...
Supportive of HONEST Poetry...

REFUSE To Deal...
With Poetry That Speaks...
On Political Themes...
Or ANYTHING Likely...
To Make The Sheople BLEAT... !?!

Because of Things Expressed...

When We Have PRESIDENTS...
And Leaders Who UPSET...
Because of Things Now Said...
That Fuel Their Governments... !?!

Are Humans Now SO WEAK... ?!?
That Arguments Should Be...
Now Left To Media Teams...
Whose Biases Now WREAK...
of More Than FALLACIES... !!!

Are People So... “ P.C. “...
That They Don’t Want To Speak...
UNLESS It’s On The Streets...
Through PROTEST Scenes... !!!

Poets Once... DARED... !!!
To Openly Speak On Humanity...
And Peoples' Movements Globally...

Is FEAR What Really Runs...
Free Speech Kingdoms... ?!?

Cos It’s...
CLEARLY NOT FREE When Artistry...
Is Placed Inside A World That Hides...
The TRUTH From Minds...
That Are Being Downsized...

Because of Lockdowns Due...
To This... CORONA FLU... !!!

Why Are Groups Enforcing Rules...
To Keep The TRUTH...
LOCKED In Bedrooms... ?!?

Cos’ That Just KEEPS Art CHOKED...
And UNABLE To Grow... !!!

So WHAT If Some Cause ARGUMENTS... !?!
Isn’t That Part of Us Being Human...
Using Our Art And Creative Freedom...

To INSPIRE A Desire...
To RETIRE Empires...
That Are FILLED With LIARS... !!!

Because Unity...
Has NEVER Been Achieved...
In Our Societies... !!!
For Century After CENTURY... !!!

So WHY Should We Deal...
Within Artistry...
That Should Surely Be FREE... !!!

It’s A Trend That I See...
That Now WORRIES Me... !!!
When Those Making Movies...
And Those On Our TV's...

Seem To Air Their Views...
To The World FREELY...
Even When Their Speech...
Is FAKER Than... FALLACIES... !?!

Although The CLAIM Nowadays...
Is That Movies Being Made...
Deal In Real Stories Based On REALITY... !!!

But... Hollywood Clans...
AREN'T Known To Feed FACTS... !?!

It’s Visual FICTION Mostly...
With... DRAMATISED Themes... !!!

So If What Is Now Displayed...
Is... REALITY Based...
Why Are People So AFRAID...
To... Poetically Deal...
With What Is REAL... ?!?

They Are WEIRD Communities...
Those In Spoken Word Scenes...
And The Field of Poetry...

It Seems That Poets CAN'T DEAL...
With What Now Makes Them Angry...
But Will Follow Policies...
That Treat Humans Like SHEEP... ?!?

I Guess It’s Just ME...
Who Sees A Future That’s BLEAK... ?!?

Where The Use of Poetry...
Over Some... TRAP Beat... !!!!!!!!

Or When It’s In A MOVIE...
Where It’s Vetted By Teams...
Who Are Those Who Control...
What Is Said And What Is Seen...

Because of... Policies...
That Are Probably NOT As Free...
As They Are CLAIMED To Be... !!!

These Companies That Now Stream...
Have Agendas For Their Means...
And AGENDAS That Now Feed...
Some... Pretty SCARY Themes... !!!

Much Like People Who Feel...
That EVERYTHING That They Read...
Or Now Hear... Poetically...

Should Just Feed... UNITY...
And Words of LOVE And PEACE... ?!?

When As I’ve Said Before...
We’re STILL Embracing WAR...
And Have Found No Route To Peace...
And Racial Harmony...
That Deals In UNITY...
And... REAL EQUALITY... ?!?

Poetry Should SURELY Be...
Something RESTRICTION FREE... !!!

Is Spreading So QUICKLY... !!!!!

Well So They Say...
... “ ALLEGEDLY “... ?!?

That I’m Now Thinking SERIOUSLY...
When It Comes To Future Scenes...
of... Poetic Artistry...

“Is This Really How Things
Will Continue To Be ?”
It's actually not that new an issue, of course some people are brutally honest in their poetic creativity, but it's rare that these peoples' work, gets to be heard or seen, in anything that is fed to the world publicly, especially now through online communities !
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