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Nat Lipstadt Oct 2021
~for Steve and Marshall~

And the drowsy old world’s growing gloomy and gray,
While the joys that are sweetest are passing away;
And the charms that inspire like the picture of dawn
Are but playthings of Time—they gleam and are gone,
    While the drowsy world dreams on.

"The Drowsy World Dreams On" by Walter Everette Hawkins


my personal time ladder, nearer to the top step,
hungrily devour the photographs of time’s daily sweets,
every natural picture evokes gasping, wonderful wonder,
acutely aware and wary that this confirms my duality,
rejecting and welcoming the nearer end of my personal poem

the poems of many-a-day stored securely in the ever expanding
internet, for memory is the most untrustworthy partner, and who? will retrieve, reinspect them, clapping to their bright shining, who in teary wake, be commanded by my no more heart beat-throbbing, an irony unflattering, as my disposition ranking first among the
forever stillest

some few gleam and gone; in the wee hours, when I enter
the confessional, both priest and penitent, my sins gleam
for but a moment and the priest sadly informs, there is no prayer or poem that will forgive your multitude of poor paths taken, of love ungiven, craven cowardice of safety’s paths taken when choice was offered

these poems are merely
the residue of a life poorly lived,
poorly given, seeking no mercy,
for if I cannot forgive myself,
why should you?

Rama Krsna Oct 2021
the world calls you a beauty
and me the beast.
you call me a pagan,
while i smirk knowing you’re the crusader.
society says you’re the intellectual and i a mere lowbrow,
what is night for you, feels like my day!
and what you deem so ugly,
my darling
i find intricately beautiful!

this is the sum total of our lives.

© 2021
It’s always amazing to me how the lens we wear colors our world
GaryFairy Oct 2021
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, unless he owns the orchard.

Either way you have to pay to keep the doctor away, or in a bushel basket. A signal from your own mind keeps the doctor away. That's free though...and we don't want nothing free! Not even our neighbor! Not even our dom. Or is it dum? No handouts buddy! Until we figure out a way to tax your mind, no handouts.

Get it yet Waldo?

Medical Industry - You Work For Us, and YOU Pay Yourself By Paying Us To Make You Think You're Not Doing The Labor. If this isn't true, we have a pill for you. We know having no pill is hard to swallow. AMA
GaryFairy Oct 2021
hello, i am manager Skip Hopper, here are your team rules for baseball. follow these rules and then follow the base line home

first you need a home plate
then you measure the space between the base
then we must put the base in the proper place

ok slugger, the players have rules
please stand for the national anthem of your country
after all, it is your country, even more so than corruption's country
look at all your fellow countrymen, who came to see you
that's your photo on a sports card, and your name in lights
those racists and haters are afraid of the lights
you must have a lot of power, please don't choke
only in the country that old stars and stripes flies over
would you even have a right to sit down when a nation stands
don't stand for the flag, stand for your right to choose
after all, is it not a signal from your brain that you follow?
you have more white people on your side than a lot of white people have

even if it is a white man signing your paycheck, it's all the more polar opposite of what is for some.
plus you think the kids want that white to sign a ball?
my team plays ball, and not politics
then my team shares with all races and colors
my team looks to win, on and off the field
welcome to team victory!

you'll bat first until you show me that home run capability

watch the ball and the pitcher
do what you have to do, even if you have to take a pitch to the arm
get to the first base, and lay claim to it
don't get attached to that base
a base is just a rest stop on the way to home
after today, we will no longer call it a base
think of it as a step on your front porch
calling it a base is like calling a baseball bat a baseball glove
now, the team is counting on you to get to first
then you have to count on your team to bring you home
this whole stadium is full of team members too
this whole league is on your team, in ways
the guy who makes the season schedule has a certain amount of teams
he must arrange the schedule according to us, and then do the hard part
you know us dumb jocks can't do math, or much else really
that's why it's all about the numbers guys sometimes, too
why do you think we wear numbers
everything has to have a system to work properly
there may be some rules or players that you don't like

I don't like a 1st step, or 3rd step coach myself
after all, that's kind of undermining the manager
we don't need them looking over anyone's shoulder
that kind of **** even makes me nervous
i'm not the type of manager that looks over my team's shoulder

everyone wants a title...standing there just to tell you to go
that would be a fan
like i'm gonna just split my job three ways?
then hire people to stand on the steps of your porch?
and they're gonna tell you how to get home, when you are home?
i hired two guys who are into that "curling" crap
that is not a man's game
plus, why doesn't the guy with the broom sweep before the guy pushes that thing that is round
a puck maybe? it's not round, but i guess the circumference is a perfect circle
now a baseball, that is round
anyhow, i gave them their titles they wanted

head coach of ball scratching affairs
and head coach of spit buckets
it's so funny to see them be so serious about sweeping and ****
they concentrate so hard that i think they could scratch that spot on a player's *****
that spot that the players can't seem to scratch
who knows, i will tell head (ball boy) coach to look for *****
they're just like all canadians...innocent
i can't figure why a baseball team has a better flag though
a maple leaf? take off aaayyy

call everything by a sensible name

they call a rubber thing a base, and they call home a plate
see, a base is something you spend time on
a plate is something you clean twice during, and after a meal
well, on our team we try to keep the the next guy in line fed'
so, he is on your steps and it's as easy as handing him the plate
knowing you and your family have more than enough
knowing your fellow batters will hand you a plate when you're on their steps

remember, you don't follow the rules...
you step up to the plate, and the rules follow

it's really all about the fans

they are our world, and when our world does good
the cheers turn into waves and vibrations
like a fine machine, the sound becomes a hum
you can literally see the waves travel through the stadium

maybe this will catch on again

those waves travel beyond our world
just maybe some little green men will take notice
maybe they will respect us for how we make a diamond into a circle
or just maybe the world series will be known as the universal series
we could really use some competition

these other managers think they are so great
but one loss and they pinch their hitters and runners
then they try to change the rotation
you can't change a dang rotation without stopping
well, in our world, we have faith in the rotation
i also have faith in each player, and as our whole team
we are whole, keep that in mind always

that's why our team is called the country whole
plus, just naming it that, the whole country got tricked
they used to think we were tobacco spitting country boys
that positive energy really is like a snowball going downhill

our two head coaches love snow and hills
haha...everyone from canada is a comedian without trying
the great white north huh?
let's hear it for cheese curds and hat tricks
this is baseball and apple pie land
and by the way canada...

why aren't there any canadians on your major league baseball teams?
you make it hard to call it the world series
you also made ham and called it bacon

sorry slugger, sore spot...but anyhow

we all have a job to do, and doing it right is always a self win
counting on others, and trusting them to do their job, makes your job easier

there are a lot of rubber arms
they will be throwing all kinds of curves at you
only swing at pitches that are in your strike zone
never swing at breaking ***** and they can't break you

now, get out there and get a hit, walk, or home run
see you around the home slugger...know this

i guess my managing isn't needed here
i'm headed to club to watch in comfort
i don't know why people miss out on so much to be at the game
i'm a fan more than i am a manager
either way, we all know what's going to happen every time
we will extend our undefeated streak another game
like a fine oiled machine
making a perfect circle out of a diamond
while canadians scratch our ***** like fine oiled curlers
haha, scratching so seriously like that kills me

my team is awesome!

remember, this is not america's game
it's not baseball, and we know that
base and ball touch and you're out
then you'll run from a base and be shot by military police for going awol
just kidding slugger, tell the team i say hi and thanks for being on the team
i will tell the rest of the home team at that press conference *******

welcome to the big leagues kid

play ball!

take me out to the bar!
Japanese that like Japanese Texas? Or is hitting out of the park also and out of country home run? Sorry, the new me only picks on who and what doesn't get all **** hurt...nukes didn't even **** hurt them! A whole country. A whole tiny little country.
Delicacy8100 Oct 2021
Signals transmitted
Underlining the next the how the who
Taking control in brief unsettling encounters
Flaring a flame
challenging messages to surface
Puzzles of the universe.
Signals to a path
Who really knows
Life is
Just laugh
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now People... To My Mind... !!!

... It’s About That Time...
For The Masses To RISE... !!!

But I DON’T Mean...
By Using Protest Lines... !!!

If That’s Your Scene...
Well Okay That’s Fine... !!!

But I’m Thinking More Like...
By... DEFYING The Vibe...

That Money Makes Your Life...
A Thing That Sheds Light...
On Doing What’s Wise...
And Living Life Right... !?!

Because I’m Really Not Sure...
That This TRULY Supplies...
A Way To Really Live PURE...
And With RIGHTEOUS Vibes... !!!

When What You ADORE...
Is NOT Being POOR...
In Financial Terms...
Within This Modern World...

Cos’ Corona’s Quickly Turned...
And Has Shown The Herds...

That Those Who CONTROL...
Will Really Get Quite BOLD...
And Will TELL You Where To Go...
And When And How To Do So... !!!

So I Think That It’s Time...
For Heads To RECOGNISE...

That Life Is PRECIOUS... !!!

Which We...
Should NOT Be Forgetting... !!!

Infections Have Brought Lessons...
That Certain Things Are Spreading...
That Don’t Give Us Protection...

Like Conscious Thought Collecting...

There’s MUCH That Needs Inspection...
In Government Collectives...
And Those We Call Detectives...

Because Police NEED VETTING...

Instead of Out PROTECTING...
ALL People From The EVIL...
That’s Sadly Now INFECTING...

Our Youth And Misdirecting...
Like Ships WITHOUT A Heading... !!!

Or Captains Who Are Guides...
Who Help People Live RIGHT... !!!

And Causing PAIN And STRIFE... !!!

... It Really Is That Time... !!!

To CUT OUT These Divides...
That Are Based On Colour Lines...

If Colour Is The Thing...
That Makes You Think You’re A KING...
You May Need To... RETHINK...
The Way You Choose To Think...

... Are You A SUPREMACIST... ?!?

Whose Chain REFUSES Links...
Because of Someone’s SKIN... ???

Of Course Racism STINKS... !!!

On Killing Based On THIS...
Should Basically... NOT LIVE... !!!

To Let Your Anger Flip...
Your Mind To Think Like Crips...
Or Bloods Who Give Hatred A HUG... !?!

Now Those Words Are NO DISS...
They’re Meant To Make You THINK... !!!

Before You Choose To Give...
Somebody Their Death Wish...
By Leaving Them EXTINCT... !!!

Is A Gang Life What You Want...
Do You Think That’ll Make You STRONG... ?!?

If So Then What Is WRONG...
And What Will STOP Problems... ?!?

The BIGGEST Gang We Have...
I Thought Was Us... HUMANS... !!!

From Living In Societies... !!!

Like Those Whose GREED...
Leaves People Living In Poverty... !!!

And Those Who Go On Killing Sprees... !!!
Corrupted Breeds Like Thieves And Fiends...
Who Will NOT HEED Our Need To AGREE...
And Breed..... UNITY..... !!!

The Type of Peeps...
Who CURRENTLY Lead... !!!

From Presidencies...
To Big Business Chiefs...

They Need To Be Held...

Before They Make Economies STALL...
And Make The Masses Walk...
Towards Their... Downfall... !!!

It’s About That Time... !!!
To... Make The CALL...
For The Type of War...
That Breeds Something MORE...

Than Causing Blood To Pour... !!!

I Really Don’t Know If...
We All Can Live If We Don’t Think...
... BEYOND Money...
And The Colour of Skin... !!!

... Hate Is UGLY... !!!

As Are The SINS...
That Fuel Racists...
And Ignorant Minds...

Which Is Why These Rhymes...
Are Those That Imply...

That We NEED To Find...
Ways To Be HUMANE...

And To Find BETTER Ways...
Than We’re Living Nowadays... !!!

Which Means Taking AiM...
At Those Who LIE...
And Choose To DENY...
FREEDOM And Vibes...
That Help Us ALL UNITE... !!!

Because I Really Think...
That It’s Time To Fight...
Against CORPORATE Guys...
And CORRUPTED Designs...
From Government Types...

So Please Heed These Rhymes
Because Modern Day Life...
Keeps Giving Us Signs...


..... “ It’s About That Time “.....
I think that it really is folks....
Strying Sep 2021
a wave of air
a stream of fire
a world ablaze
a person enranged
a life encaged
and eyes
and a smile
and everything
and you.
exhausted, but felt like writing something :)
goodnight everyone <3
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