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Arcassin B May 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

undercover,broken neck,
‎Charlie horse here,
‎from your bones to your sweat,
‎they will all see fear
‎all and all,we all see,
‎all seeing eye your peers,
‎forbidden even for you eyes,two times
the surprise,
We all gotta live in this crule society,
Learning all its secrets like a hive,
can't be hiding bee,
Consuming so much dumb **** in this
world through memory,
But common sense is common sense,
Ain't no conspiracies,
Blind to the fact , when the,
Vultures starts attacking , and they,
Drive the beast up and down every coast.
Love to sway the weak and break the strong,
Time is on our side , we'll move on,
Watch your **** back cause they do the
andromeda green Apr 2018
She wears a mask of steel around her face,
That one can never break,
She stashes her feelings behind her smile,
But to discover them would be worthwhile,
She seems fine on the outside,
While she pushes her emotions aside
Onto the platter of feelings that drowns
Beside the superficial wearing crown,
When she just wants to scream
This isn’t the real me

This mask developed over time
From the harsh words she was forced to mime,
The feelings that she had within,
Came about her thick buckskin
No longer can the feelings break through
Bittersweet tears swept away as her spirit bid adieu

- a.g.
Solitude Man Mar 2018
There is something about the human condition
truths are popular philosophies
hate our realism; love an idealism
while forever living in the hope for an eccentric world,
we forget we are the revelation of tomorrow.
For in the human condition there are no facts, just trends;
wanting to be something we are not,
we became slaves to our autonomy.
What we seek to be is a reflection; a mirror of what others seek to be
in the end the void is never filled.
For about the human condition, there is something,
something ******* in thinking we are woke.
Bonnie Reina Mar 2018
i am who i am when my mind isn’t taking control
when everything is unknown and understood at the same time
when the calm of the storm hits and your frozen in time  
when the 8 ball knows the answer to every question
This is where the trees go to let go of their confessions
where the plants, flowers, and nature in itself, combine all expressions
Where they stand beautifully at ease
gliding so effortlessly with the calls from the earth, and its leaves
telling them exactly where to go
glide effortlessly, my loves
in case you didn’t know
let the earth take control
and your aura, let it glow
bradley C Mar 2018
Life is like riding in a car without the breaks.
Everyday i wake up without knowing the numbers of breaths i take.
I move along as the day passes by
then arrives the moon
and to the sun we say goodbye
i don't want to take these drugs that i pray upon anymore
but still i do.
We sin for a penny but im sure you already knew.
Before you sleep at night i wonder do you pay your dues
to bends your knees and put both hands to lock
and still life is like pendulum clock.
as an
razors blade
my heart
her lips her lips her lips

Julia Nov 2017
loss of ego immortal wound
loss of possessions
bohemian hallways crumble
souls escape through backbends
spiders build webs
as Lucy learns to walk on legs

an eye is opening
showing us as one
becomes infinity
escapes zero
precedes the binary
in the absence of (time)
the crucial slit makes here/there
omnipupil primes the present

3 6 9 ...
5 8 13 ...
17 19 23 ...
everything you want
nothing how it seems
There once was this universe that only existed in the memory of it's Creator
Named after the Creator's cousin
Early on by the inhabitants of the universe

To its Creator
It only existed 5 or 10 minutes

To its its inhabitants
Time and space
Lasted long enough for them to directly communicate with that which created them

All manor of experience
All types of existence
Was present there

Science discovered Magic as Magic welcomed Science home

When this universe came to an end
Its Creator created a thing that universe had never seen
The creator's creation disturbed the peace and shattered the balance
The Creator's creation was a selfish and ego filled thing.

The creator created a being whose purpose was
be everything
the creator had never seen
Be everything
the creator never had

A being whose only purpose was
do nothing else and only this:

Love the creator like it had never been loved

Doing this warped and then shattered the universe.

© Christopher F. Brown 2017
Voicesinthewild Aug 2017
I see reality TV every time I look outside.

First they desensitized our eyes now we crave what we once despised.

What's real has become fake, so even though I close my eyes, I make sure I stay awake.
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