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The wishing well has done its part

Now still its water's lie.  

The reasons for the darkest nights

Come as the Dawn draws nigh.
©2017 Daniel Irwin Tucker

Just a few persistent thoughts that had to translate from my mind to the pages of HP.
Pax Nov 2024
I should have sent my love letters to Cupid
And ask Destiny for the right time.
Yet stubborn as I am, I remain still…

Some loves are too shallow for me to dive into
So, I remain in the shoreline,
always testing the waters…
never got to dive deep....
Sonja Kettunen Oct 2024
Dark waters claim the lily pads,
Delicate greens shatter, blacken, and sink—
Deeper, deeper into shadows they wade,
To be alive in their mortality.
As cold twilight wraps them in tender embrace,
A mortal heart cannot love what cannot decay;
To love, to lose—such fleeting beauty lies.

-Sonja Kettunen (@sojafoxpoetry)
Wrote this today while gazing at lily pads. :)
Debra Lea Ryan Jun 2024
(Spiritual Sailor)

The Waves Await
So travel your Sea
Captain your Ship
You have Ability
To Navigate Safely
Your spiritual Waters
Anchor your Heart
Upon your own Orders
As you reach new Shore
It is time to Explore
The treasure to be Found
On your Sacred Ground!

(c)  Debra Lea Ryan
I love analogy and metaphor related to the Sea.  Maybe it is that Celtic connection being a Ryan/Beckett  etc.
Savio Fonseca Jun 2024
I hiked on the highest Mountain,
Swam the deepest Sea.
I fished in crystal Waters,
but success kept evading Me.
I felt Success, was a Race Horse,
that runs Fast and Free.
So I ran My Races with Blinkers,
but success never greeted Me.
In reality, Success is not a Race Horse.
But it's the field, on which it Raced.
Success had always, held My Hands.
I was Blind, in having it Chased.
Success is in the Journey,
I chose to climb the tallest Heights.
All this while, Success sat besides Me.
Watching Me, for Days and Nights.
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2024
In the days of Jupiter
during the age of
lovely intimate things

the abundant rain giving life
to a lactating mother


her magic ocean
and incipient seabright moon
together at the center of creation

Farah Taskin Oct 2023
the summer solstice
or the winter solstice
by turns
the sunrise of Tiger hill that is breathtaking
the sunsets are very similar in colours
but the sunset of sea is quite different
I compare its beauty with Helen's of Troy

twilight after twilight
Vitamin D falls in love with Vitamin Sea!
in the watery dark
artistically sinks
the scarlet garnet
Alcyone looks out for Poseidon
I wade courageously in the saltiness
like lucky Neil Alden Armstrong
who moonwalked
so silently on the sea of

as a boon the magnetic
moon arrives at last
the irresistible lover attracts
rich water and drives
her crazy
the eternal triangle!
nightly billows chant
Danielle Sep 2023
They say don't test the waters
but absentmindedly dived
in blue and black
engraved with the souls that once adorned my body— bone crushed and barely breathing. Drowned in lovestruck, a ***** to an armor.
Madeleine Aug 2023
My Child
You're in a boat
And I am your oar
You'll make it farther in life
When you involve me in every aspect
If you choose not
You'll drift wherever the waters take you
Soon to be lost
Without even knowing
Melissa Wessel May 2023
I stand at the shore of an ocean
vast, uncrossable waters
between me and my salvation
I could swim, but for how long?

how long before my limbs give out
my lungs searing in my chest
metal in my throat
salt in my mouth

so I stay on the shore
(metal in my throat
salt in my mouth)
feet on the ground
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