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Randy Johnson May 2018
You come into my house and try to cram political correctness down my throat.
I'm sick and tired of hearing you run your big mouth, you're on a sinking boat.
You try to tell me how to talk and how to believe.
You're not welcome in my house, you'd better leave.
You won't force your views on me.
You say that my lifestyle is wrong but I don't agree.
You continue to run your mouth and you refuse to stop.
You're refusing to leave so now I'm going to call the cops.
When I put you in jail, you certainly won't be missed.
You call yourself politically correct but I call you a fascist.
phoebe fructuoso Apr 2018
If you ask me if I believe in love, I do.
I believe that it exists, but it’s difficult in our generation.
A generation that lies, cheats, and does not know what VALUE is.

Everyone’s a little ****** up, a little confused or simply just don’t care.
….or at least try to act like it.
Examples? There are people who are in love with the idea of being in love.
There are people who NEED a relationship, they gotta have one right after the other
There are people on crossroads, maybe having more than one lover.
There are people who “go with the flow” on a mentality that whatever happens, happens.
There are people, a lot - who have been hurt.
And they tend to hurt other people too…..some even become the person that broke them.
There are people who see see love as cheesy instagram posts, surprises and whatever.
Everyone’s tryna make it last ‘forever’.
Everyone’s focused on these “relationship goals” or are so fed up to live up to the standards of the millennial.
But seriously,  what is love?

Do you know? Cause I don’t. All I know is I feel lonely and I want someone around, someone to be there when I have problems, someone who actually cares, listens, wants the best for me and wants to grow with me. Someone to hold, someone to kiss, someone to defy the odds. Someone to become my drug. Someone to make me feel undeniably ecstatic without a doubt. Someone to break my walls for, someone who understands me, my anxiety and how I can never escape it. Someone who is sensitive and most importantly someone who knows God.

It all sounds like mission impossible.

It’s all so crazy you know? To put your happiness into one person, to get used to someone.
Cause I expect it to come crashing down at one point and when it does,
It’s hell. Its sadness. It’s more depression.
But eventually I’ll get back up…..and then I’m back to square one.

It’s a cycle I want to end.
May 2017
Svode Mar 2018
Fill with hate!
Expose their views
at any rate!

Expose their lives
at any rate!

Expose your own life
at any rate!
Shiv Pratap Pal Mar 2018

When I was traveling in the train,
With no strain on my brain,
Only peeping through the window,
To have a look of nature.

The flying birds, the grazing cows,
The race of trees in opposite direction,
The green green fields, the great mountains,
Lovely ponds and walking rivers.

The muddy huts and the children playing,
That was all that I could see,
My soul went somewhere else,
And I was thinking, what is life?

The gift of God, or the curse of devil,
Life is to enjoy or to suffer,
Many answers floated in my mind,
But the journey finished with answers incomplete.

Thereafter, I bombarded this question,
to each and every person I met.
A philosopher told, Life is sorrow,
A Scientist told, it’s an invention.

It’s a game answered the player.
No, it is a play, told the actor.
I went to a sage to get the answer,
Devotion is life, I was told.

Life is an ambition and dream,
Answered rich and cultured youth,
But the other youth not agreed,
Because he believes, it’s struggle.

Life is a chance, said the gambler,
No, its dance of happiness and pain,
Answered the classical dancer,
No, Life is Renovation, told the Archeologist.

Life is knowledge, said the teacher.
Life is thought, said the thinker.
“Life is a matter of self realization”,
It cannot be defined, defined the absent minded professor.

I met a roadside preacher,
That’s poor little creature,
Totally filled with confusion,
Said, ‘Life is an illusion’.

I asked this question to the driver,
Who picks me daily for the school?
He said, Life is like a bus,
Running on the roads of time.

So many answers, all were right,
But all were somewhat incomplete.
So it was difficult to compile,
And get the answer as a whole.

I keep on thinking all the time,
Deriving the answers as solving equations.
At last, I concluded as a whole,
That Life is Hope and Hope is Life.

A School going Child, Simply Exploring What is Life?
Within Pantheon Of Classical Gods

stricken with affliction,
sans amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(also known as ALS, 
or Lou Gehrig's disease)

in the prime of his youth wrought
underestimation, vitiated termination,
targeted sequestration,
solidified rigidification,

rendered quandary,
per paralyzation obliterated,
nixed navigation,
morphed motivation,

marked limitation
kickstarted infatuation,
jinxed immobilization,
induced intellectual hyperfunction,

garnered fundamental fascination,
fanned fabled exploration,
devastation demonstrated
delectable declaration,

cosmological constant comet
clinched, chained certain capitulation,
brainstormed benefaction,
benediction attribution assured.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
his longevity (marked by bing permanently
     linkedin, hitched, drafted
     to a custom made wheelchair,
his brilliant unsullied scientific genius)

     endured seventy six orbitz veer
ring round the nearest star,
     though seemingly motionless, he freed their
ret tickle physiochemical insight

     encompassing, revolutionizing,
     and jaw-dropping, revelations
     with mortals he did share
transcendent seeded plentifully

     mental limitless groundswell
     fed his fecund rare
if eyed cogitated, formulated, insulated
     (infinitesimal nook and cranny) force queer

lee disproportionate overly endowed capacity
     bracketed with mar ching madness peer
ring with laser, razor, and taser sharp mind
     (or a minuscule approximate near

facsimile thereof) scrutinizing, positing,
     and discerning astronomical phenomena mere
via concentrating gifted limned, and rapacious,
     though processes affixed
     with a visage mordantly like King Lear.
anotherdream Mar 2018
Your eyes shine,
Like the moon’s pure reflection,
Hope they’ll be mine,
Don’t want perfection.

Your hair is the victim,
In these cases of feelings.
I’ve got all the symptoms,
Now I’m just bleeding,

From all the emotions,
Made from your presence,
If you felt your potence,
They’d only be remnants,

Of what I see in you,
Beauty in disguise.
But I’ve got the views,
You’ve got the eyes.

I found your loss,
I felt your pain,
Mine’s a different cause,
But I still wear the stains.

They say eyes aren’t important,
Just spheres made of glass.
But I love their orbit,
I feel their mass.
Your eyes are locks I wish I had the key to... S.B. <3
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
The world is crying!!

poets where are you, we all need you God has gifted you!

To help hearts of this world make it through..

Where are you?..

The World around us is falling..

Parts of it feeling tragedy feeling disastrous.

feeling help us Lord stand with us.

Poet, Leaders, Teachers, Ministers, come through,

Motivators where are you!

Rain is pouring..

Don't sleep on us hope your not snoring.

We are standing we are fighting, we are protesting.

We don't know what to do, our world is troubling.

Days appearing cloudy, whats our world coming to.

Is the world being punished for its iniquities,

Is this meant to bring us to our knees.

It's hard for many to see eye to eye,

We see a grey cloudy dark sky.

As the world is crying.

Some parts of it are laughing and mocking.

Most are denying, That things are coming apart by its seams.

As the Minority are bleeding. Our World is crying.

Many are denying,,. its the quiet before the storm.

It's the beginning of a tragic alarm.

It's history in the making!

It's very alarming..

The storms are rolling..
Poets speak your volumes..
Speak your views.. Speak in colorful hues.
On the things of today.
Help wipe some tears away.

SelinaSharday aka
heavensRosepoet 1-22-2017 S.A.M ©
In today stressful times with President Trump.. many are protesting.. tragedy the world is digesting.. many different political views..Speakers can help us deal, we need the comedy relief the poetic defense/offense. Poets/Motivators. SPEAK your truths..
jas Jan 2018
lack of motivation
life gets overwhelming
where am i consciously
thoughts are unpleasing
they tell me "chin up" but it's not that easy
swear it's like a disease
only can rely on me

tell me , am i setting myself up to fail?
just wanna make it , don't tell me the ship has sailed
spinning in circles , ******* life derailed
just take my *** to jail
problems too big it broke the scale

i'm losing myself ; can no longer feel
is anything left even real?
lost control soon as i took my hands off the wheel
swear i'm so low , how is this ideal?

gasping for air
if i took my last breath
who would care?
death and despair
why can't i just disappear

ripped apart from reality
the page tears
fell to my knees
so i say a prayer
why is happiness having an affair

how can i find myself
try to rewire my brain
force feed me pills to get rid of the pain
think i'm going insane
i'm not that picture perfect
don't pick me up and put me in a frame
compared to you , we are not the same

stuck in a slump
this is a speed bump
fall back down just to get up
than i shrug
life's got me ****** up
but negativity i will unplug

sweep these feelings under a rug
squash depression like a bug
don't come around if you ain't got no love

least i know my way back home
where the flowers bloom
the fireflies glow
when i take a midnight stroll
if i get lost along the way
i'll search for the words i wrote
and sing along to the tune that goes

"you might hit me with throws
and the low blows
put me on a ledge
keep me on my toes
but this is not the life i chose
if i'm down only god knows
i'll find the glasses colored with rose"
Alec Jan 2018
I'm waiting for the words to flow down from my fingertips
To swirl and twirl and sound more magical than if it came from my lips.
Waiting for that mystical world of vivid hues
To grace my bland hands with its adventurous views.

Pen to paper, fingers to keys
Ideas and notions crashing like oceans and buzzing around like bees.
My thoughts entrance me
Leading my fingers to start dancing.
Rapidly writing and typing
Twisting and turning 'round stanzas and lines
Embracing the thoughts that are mine.

What is Truth
And what is it's use?
How to explain Love
And it's many notions of soaring above.
Laughing as i write little tricks and hints.
Words with many shades and tints.

The page turns golden
The swirls scramble, they never end
Words shining loud as can be
The true beauty of poetry.
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