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Mark Wanless Nov 2017
"Sonnets From a Conversation With a Friend IX "

You fool yourself so much i gape
In awe at the continued survival
Of your being. Such self serving drivel
Spews from those lips in bent effort to shape
A comfort pleasing to your limitless
Myopic views, tears and anguish deeply
Flow within. Yet i know this mind display
Grows not in your gray wrinkled sphere rootless.
The sentient race revolves around some
Vast constellation, a cogent cosmos
Constrained by physics pure beauty to course
Elliptic and mandatory. Till from
New thoughts grappled leaps new sight and release.
How many journeys needed for this peace?
The colors coating my eyes
Are monochromatic
Shades of black and white
The stark contrasts
A sharp glare in my bleak world
Vision filled with terror
Images of forgotten memories
Cast aside for fear of pain
Of the horrer it brings
Through days and nights
They tainted my sight
Haunting my ghost
Vengeful spirits lost in limbo
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
Fake the new news
More of new use
Get many views
With glittering headlines
Now no true
Just attempt to glue
As the sky blue
Not as much due.
Mane Omsy Oct 2017
Races, casts, religions, complexion
Differing everything between
Your heart still pumps blood
Red blood will flow to your heart
Give your mind what it needs
Not what it doesn’t

Straighten the perceptions
About the people you see
It’s your eyes seeing differently
Discover the reality
Gaze with wide smiles
Through your eyes
Diary of Jane Oct 2017
we live
under the same sky
we look at the same sky
yet we look at it
so very differently-
you might look at a cloud
and see an elephant's trunk
while I look at the same cloud
and see a little boy flying a kite.
Alienpoet Sep 2017
Existential views
Church bell blues
Christian old news
Messiah complex
Respectful specs
Saviour syndrome old tech
Love in the heart of the wild
A sky cannot be outsourced or out styled
It has millions of vistas and views
I will never be old news
We are the sky
We will never die
Or sink into religious why's
Who is Daniel Hooks?
Neither a robber or a crook
Just a man who looks
Into the depths
like the mind who crept into a unfinished novel
I keep your secrets in my hovel.
Cedric Jul 2017
Subjectivity of the eyes,
Transverse the sea,
To see the world's vice,
Drowning in a sea of lies,
We dream of locks and keys.

Keep to yourself and lie -
- down on roses of red and white,
With scents and fragrance,
So alluring, sweet, and suffocating.
Of roses so white become red,
From wounds of the past -
Cedric Jul 2017
Of vacant, empty, fragile dreams,
Of hope, love, lies and deceit.
As I try  to walk this path of dread,
I face myself in dreary despair.
A loss of hope is but my demise,
Wobbling through this life so divine,
To be free and caged is but a reality,
As we dance in this cage of futility.
We dream, and dream, then hope,
Only to wake up and stay awoke.
everly Jun 2017
its incredible how everyone views stars diffently
some who see the stars as the nightlights when the sun goes out
some who wish on the stars
some who dream about being that high like stars
some who hope to be stars someday
some who think they can count the stars
some who want to shut out the world and cry out against the stars
some who want to think that the stars are
pieces of heaven shinin' through in a world so cold and somber
those who know that theres more to our world past the stars
some who love to identify and track the stars
some who wish they can know where the stars came from to give praise to such wonderful creation
some who know where the stars and everything under it came from
some who have to give up on everything in their lives and are forced
to wallow about in the streets and give the stars names
some who are too busy to think about stars
some whove never really looked up from whats in front of them
but me
ill love them because theyll always be there for me
unlike these human beings
Written March 10
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