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AmeriMav Feb 2019
Time is a hard thing to crack
Can't steal back the smallest shard
Guard best with strongest barred rack
Still lack! You reap no reward

It will be lost while in sight
Trust not might it won't change cost
Frost cannot freeze its swift flight
Each bite to its track is tossed

So we will climb and take note
In rhythm float moment's rhyme
And mime love's light chime gloat
Each dote to stop ticking time
Rannaigheact Mhor form
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2019
How are you?
If anyone asks

For once
Looking at their eyes, reply
50% Off

They will be
Genre: Observational
Theme: Obsessed with shopping || Strategy
Leo Janowick Feb 2019
Try not to become a person of success
    but rather a person of value.....

Try not to want more
    but to be grateful for what you have....

Try not to judge those that you see
    but to think of what they would see

Be kind, be humble, give a smile now and then
    you may just make someone's day..
Kaeli Hearn Jan 2019
my body weighs more than a number.

my body is the weight of the sea -- the stars, moon, and galaxies dancing around the corners of my soul.

my body weighs more than a number.

my worth is the airplane rides, deep conversations, dancing, laughing, crying.

my body weighs more than a number.

my legs have taken me across worlds of sea, land, and mountains.
my arms have hugged. my lips have kissed. my hair has been washed in salt water and seaweed. my fingers have playing white and black keys, painted, created and traced the corners of his palms.

my body weighs more than a number.
my value weighs more than a number.
I am m o r e than a number.
mc ish Jan 2019
there will never be any shortage of wanting for you
someone will always be there
one can only hope
in years to come
it won't be me
AmeriMav Jan 2019
Do you know how lovely you are?
Though often passing time seems to mar
Your beauty fires of life just unearth
Shining light behind every scar

Do you know the sum of your worth?
More precious than all of the jewels of the earth
An intricate, masterful, purposed design
Something unchanging in sorrow or mirth

Can't you see now, your exquisite and fine?
More eloquent than any fragrance or wine
This I will show you, each day that I can
And celebrate you, knowing this, you are mine
Interlocking Rubaiyat form
Sean Achilleos Jan 2019
There may be those who have more than you
However only in material value
They might possess a bigger bank balance
Drive a better car
Live in a luxury mansion adorned in splendour
Wear attire bearing famous names
But they will never be as free as you
Even if you were a bird in a cage
You'd still be freer than they are
Because you hold freedom of mind
Written by Sean Achilleos 24 January 2019©
Sean Achilleos' Music is available on the following platforms:
Amazon, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, Google Play, Pandora, Saavn, SoundCloud, Spotify, Tidal, YouTube, Jango Radio, Nicovideo (Japan), IQIYI (China) and YOUKU (China)

Sean Achilleos' Book 'An Affair with Life' is obtainable from the following platforms:
Smashwords, Amazon, Wordery, Kobo, Exclusive Books, Takealot, HelloPoetry, Loot, Overdrive, Bokus, Barnes and Noble
ms reluctance Jan 2019
Red is
I hope it will not be
everything you see when you look
at me.
AmeriMav Jan 2019
In vain I try to count your worth
Try to open long sealed up jars
Finding dazzling gems I unearth
It's like counting the night sky stars
Love, the soul prison soon unbars
Your vast value you soon shall see
Cracking like light pierced, life long scars
You'll know your importance to me
Huitain form
AmeriMav Jan 2019
You're like the sun's golden glow
The peace of soft rolling tides
The silver moonlight shadow
But worth so much more
Dodoitsu form
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