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Sergio Gonzalez Oct 2018
I looked at the moon
And got lost between her eyes
I conform to her moves
Like the ocean and its tides
I hear her whispers
As she reflects the bright of the sun
Telling me
To lose all the doubt

You may be young
But you don’t have a lot of time
Take the initiative
To go out and live life

She spends her time lighting my way
Making sure I’ll make it to the day
She protects me
As she were the love of my life
And I thank her for lighting my nights

I’ve gone through valleys
Wondering if it’s my place in life
Little that I know
That I was there to lift the status quo
You were there too
Waiting for your paramour
But alas I’m here for you
In the same manner
That you are my moon
You’ll light my path
And I’ll light yours
Together we’ll see something more
Nikos Kyriazis Nov 2018
Pathetic warrior...
Down to the meadow
of the valley you went

To fulfil the dire task
of thy nation and
cut the scarlet heads
of those foul lilies

You stand alone
provoking the mighty wind
into a single combact

Viewers of that requiem
are merely the mountains
and the streams
Who's the enemy of our nation?
Who's your enemy?
Why having an enemy at all?
Solaris Lanayru Oct 2018
Through the mists I see
A hidden valley shrouded
In cold chilly air
A mystic place of beauty
A beautiful sight to see
My first Tanka poem
As he
is a
sign that
all things
save this
mud as
spines wither
eventfully that
he vowed
the riverbed
was her
current that
declined their
notion of
incidence here
with this
eternal surmise
A law of incidence
july hearne Oct 2018
mighty mighty miners  
mining for a heart of cryptocurrency  
mighty mighty houses  
might end up empty  

for fake fortune  
for a drop of wine  
for a speck of grain  
for fake fortune  

nec·ro·man·cers quick with answers
will you be their broke financiers  
will you be their paraplegic dancers  

you've got nothing to lose  
just a shield of children  
wielding weapons  
no one knows how to use  

mighty mighty miners  
mine on empty  
too much vacancy  
in a heart of cryptocurrency  

all one person  
all one horsemen  
all fake fortune  
all one horsemen  

wish NPC weren't too dumb to understand
mighty mighty houses built upon sand
because every time jeff eats an iguana,  
he's got the whole free market in his hands.
*Roky Erickson - I Think of Demons

Micah 2:2
They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them. They defraud people of their homes, they rob them of their inheritance.

ISAIAH 5:8 (MSG Version)
"Doom to you who buy up all the houses and grab all the land for yourselves— Evicting the old owners, posting no trespassing signs, Taking over the country, leaving everyone homeless and landless. I overheard God-of-the-Angel-Armies say: “Those mighty houses will end up empty. Those extravagant estates will be deserted. A ten-acre vineyard will produce a pint of wine, a fifty-pound sack of seed, a quart of grain.
Sharon Talbot Sep 2018
If spirits can walk the earth after life ends,
Or even before, to soar in flights unhindered
By physics, let me dance then!
To reel, arms out, on a vivid green lawn
In a garden before a comfortable house,
Where lush flowers grow and summer reigns,
Touching rows of Constable trees that tower, emerald,
And violet-shadowed even at noon or painted
In twilight, soft before a rising moon.
I would skip over roads and find that field
That lies, protective, above the Connecticut,
Watching as it winds lazily northward.
Then, being sure that all is right,
That the corn is tall and full,
I would speed up to a rounded hill
Above a Victorian barn in Leyden,
Ten acres of rye grass for the cows.
I would stand at the summit and gaze
Far away, down the sleeping valley in its haze,
To the little towns and glittering in
The sun, my alma mater, towers
Of attempted wisdom, of spires and dreams.
Then I might then bathe in a little lake
Where I once romped with friends
After a wedding, **** and laughing
While puzzled farmers watched and leered.
As before I would flee to the river that wound
Down between the hills, splashing through
Pools in shade and sun, basking on smooth stone
Whose marbled veins glow in the canyon light,
Remnants of an ancient era, of pressure and time.
Then on I’d go, bounding from one hilltop to another,
Turning north from the cesium-laced Deerfield,
Passing Vermont’s border to stroll the streets
Of Brattleboro, Putney and Newfane.
I might find a canoe and glide up the West River,
Somehow floating above the rapids and dam,
To rest on the flat water as the sun sets,
Skimming lightly, watching the trout rise
To sip dancing insects or hear the splash
Of a bass as it flicks the surface with its tail.
And then I would sit with the ones I love,
Silently, breathing in the mist that rises
As the sun slips below the hills;
Sunset-colored, elliptical echoes
Catch the low swells like waving glass.
I would wait here until morning returns,
Not ready to leave this beauty or the world.
Reverie about the places I love.
It is a Valley of Ghosts.
With imprints of lives
Frozened in it's space.
Let to sit and overgrown in time.
With all it's greens
And it's windy chimes.
The laughter and sighs
Of the magnificent climb,
Is what the mountain holds.
And every step of the way
Will be forever gold.
This is for Dzukho valley and it's mountain, which is situated in the Eastern most region of India. It is empty yet full with moments and natural splendors.
Arcassin B May 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

Do you get nervous everywhere you walk?
Do you get nervous when the light comes down?

Do you have problems in your hometown that your family couldn't
fathom , But would love to keep you around?

Are there troubles that would make you or break you?
You don't know the conditions of my past , so don't have any right
to doubt too.

I say the reasons why my heart stays frozen cause emotions won't
be triggered by my body heat to create a thing called love.
You could make your own purpose , I'm not trying to get in the way.
But If I leave and never come back just know that I'm not here to stay,
I don't wanna be your friend,
I don't wanna teach ya, just to get a piece of knowledge and flee.
I had to end the charade because it was you or me.
Now this day in age friends are pretty overrated ,don't you agree?
I really hoped you saw it clear in my eyes if I give you tools to see,
I don't wanna be your mentor , I wanna be happy,
Ended it so sadly,
i don't wanna,
I don't wanna be your friend,
I'm just trying,
I'm just tying to be with the one above all up in heaven,
One above all up in heaven.

Your dismissed , very unmissed,
Got no time to comprehend this diss,
still you miss,
all the things I've told you, I can't deal with this,
I don't miss,
anything about you, all I care is about the one above all.
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
The one above all.

Your dismissed , very unmissed,
Got no time to comprehend this diss,
still you miss,
all the things I've told you, I can't deal with this,
I don't miss,
anything about you, all I care is about the one above all.
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
The one above all.
Arcassin B May 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

Soul bleeds through the clouds,
Its gasoline for now ya,
If I was buried in the soil,
Then up will sprout a flower ya,
things could never go as planned,
I really really need to know ya,
will this day ever end?
I guess we'll never know ya,
the essence floats up high,
I really wanna be with you ya,
diamond valley in the flesh,
But I just gotta get there ya,
**** a new world order,
we live in poverty ya,

People will come and go like some epidemic,
No one here begs your pardon like a parting gift and,
They will forget you even when your none existent,
Hard enough in society to be a black man,
Play your cards right and you will see a better fortune,
Staring at what you've always wanted in your life,
Struggles are real and dangers will make it to you,
Armor yourself with courage and meditations light.
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