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courtney l p Jun 2018
the list of ways that
i care for myself
the way i used to care for you:

1. when i'm feeling down, i ask myself what's wrong. no really,
    what's wrong?

2. i take myself on meditative walks alone to clear my head and
    reflect with no distractions.

3. i take myself out for ice cream to celebrate the good days. i pat
    my own back.

4. i give myself the bad days to cower beneath my duvet. i do not
    push myself to face the world before i am ready.

5. i never say something about myself that i wouldn't say about you
    (the reverse golden rule).

6. i look myself in the eyes at the bathroom mirror, in awe, as if i
    hung the very moon i can't stay awake long enough to see.

7. i scream-sing songs in the car with the windows down until i
    outrun my demons and leave the memories behind like roadkill.

8. i love myself unconditionally.

- courtney l. p.
the words i never thought
i would have the courage to write
mel May 2018
c o n d i t i o n s
toward the degree to which you are individually
and everything else that’s outside of you
should disappear
for this world is a stranger to conditions
and there is no separation here
having unconditional awareness
of yourself + others
helps to fulfill the wholeness of Self
and therefore eventually everyone else

do not look at the condition of now
but focus on the wholeness that is you
view your life through eyes of divinity
come into alignment with who you are
who you really are
the nameless you
beyond this body
before human design
embrace your cosmic sight
undress yourself of judgement
and conditions will lose their meaning
our differences have our souls singing

we came here to love and be love
appreciate your own unique abilities
think of what a blessing it is to breathe
to be exactly what you are in this moment
it is exactly what you came here to be
you are already everything you dream
just close your eyes to see
Bryce Simons May 2018
It's like this:

I pick a human to treat and claim them.

I nag when they don't eat and poke when they sleep.

I care so much that it drives me nuts and I weep;

Tears of joy at their presence - And sadness at their absence.

It's like this and don't miss it;

I like this 'cause it's madness and crazy is my essence.

Madly in love and crazy snug like a glove.

But there are bumps in the dark…

Mind racing at nothing - cant shame my feelings.

It's like this:

No emotions are wrong 'cause they are just raw reactions.

These are effects of causes called rationalizations,

a.k.a. Choices made, like thoughts after sensations.

It's like this and don't miss it:

I love you because I decided to and the reality is that you did too.

My favorite one of trillions of thoughts causing emotions.


We did this and I won't take it back.

It's like this:

Neurons fire at blinding speeds spreading chemicals like dopamine

In response of a decision for an act toward another being

We want to be with for the rest of our existence.

It's like this and don't miss it:

Love is investing like we have a business and don't know it.

Money is our time

the contracts our minds.

Our offices,  our hearts with our competitors all outside.

It's like this:

Competitors are like scavengers

Picking and scratching at weak links and sweet things.

They are time and distance,

Other men and women with their opinions.

It's like this and don't miss it:

Holes are in our contracts making us doubt and act out,

They mislead and would have us seem inconsistent.

Feelings of distrust, betrayal and resistance

It's like this:

Holes are the darkness and it's natural to fear it.

Vast numbers of events we can't predict.

When we try, those are holes we dig -

Shoveling to bury past sins that lack forgiveness.

It's like this and don't miss it;

The dark is the future and a monster –

but the monster has no power unless you gift it attention.

Dismiss it and with it go your worries.

Forgiving and listening are the lights as we hurry.

It's like this.
Bryce Simons May 2018
When we trip, we fall forward.
That's growth and we jump upward.
Skyward to the future,
A style that comes from culture.

When we fall we hide...
Hide away shy when people pry.
Awry in our minds,
We hide instead of find...


When we tremble,
Strong love is gentle.
Cooing voices

Unconditional is:
Nothing can exist
To affect
Our faith in this.


Its Unrelenting.
Love is listening,
A constant,
Never abating.

No matter the road-
Express lanes with toads,
And side roads that end.
If ever we're slowed,

Yule May 2018
I might not be the one
who will tuck you to sleep
But darling I assure you
I will be there for you
the morning you wake up
Warming up your sheets,
only if you would let me

I might not be the one
To intertwine fingers
with your calloused hands
But my dearest, I'll be gentle
I can keep you warm
Holding close onto you
Even if it's us against the world
I will be the one here to stay

I might not be the one
Who will be chosen by you
But my love, I will choose you
And only you still
Over a thousand lifetimes
In the end till forevermore
Even so, my only dear
I'd choose you
180516; 4:41 pm

Kim Essary May 2018
Aw Mother's Day, such a beautiful tribute to give so much thanks and show your love to the woman you call Your Mother. We run out and buy her gift, or send her a card, one day out of the year, for the other 364 days we don't even bother.
Ask yourself, do you truly understand what all a mother is and does for her children as they grow. Let me see if I may enlighten you.
From the time of conception, your mother carries you inside of her until it's time for you to be born, her life is no longer her own as she becomes so much more.
Your mother is the one that walks you through life being all you need until your out on your own, even then she's right there beside you because in her eyes your always her baby even when you're grown.
Make this day extra special for her as you will never know unless you become a mother one day.
The love a mother has for her children goes far beyond unconditional love I say.
Tell your mother how much she means to you the other 364 days of the year.
You never know if your going to wake up tomorrow and your © is no longer here.
Show your mother you love her every single day because the day may come when she is no longer here   I love and miss my mother every day 365 days of every year
danny May 2018
The future is here,
Nestled at my breast,
Untouched by anything but
Undiluted love.

The past ceases to matter
from now is all that counts.
No prejudice or grudges.
A life seen through eyes only.

The only influences that have caressed you,
determination and perseverance
You are proof of that
Alexis May 2018
I miss the very beginning when time seemed to slow the moment our eyes met, and the way we would effortlessly talk about anything and everything
I miss how just thinking of you could comfort my restlessness, and feeling the warmth radiate from your body on to mine
I miss the small feeling of hope that there was a chance you felt the same love and longing for me
Now if we make eye contact anxiety courses through my veins and my thoughts race, and when we talk I'm terrified of saying the wrong thing, too much, or too little
Now when I think about you it poses as a reminder of how you unintentionally stole a piece of my heart and filled the missing space back up with cold loneliness
Now I am drowning in the sad truth of the reality that you will never experience the passion and joy, and the addictive love that I felt for you
You will never cry until your eyes are too overcome with exhaustion, that not even the faintest tear can trickle down your cheek because you fear I don't love you back
You will never lay face up staring into space completely numb because you think if you manage to suppress or even **** your emotions then the heartache will dull and the hurt will fade
You will never feel as cold, alone, foolish, and unloved as I do - because the difference between us is that I will always love you, although I can never be yours.
jackary May 2018
There was a girl that I loved,
so unconditionally.

She was as bright as a new day
bleeding through the blinds.
To my ear she was the spring flow
of a forest’s creek.
To my eyes she was a mountain’s meadowside
speckled with flowers, Alpine.
She skipped through the caverns of my mind,
She was dug deep inside.
Like shadows dancing on the wall,
I envisioned our shadows intertwined together,
slowed to a crawl.


To draw myself closer to,
step by step I wandered near.
The glow of her smile; Divine.
Like the light of a higher
power empowered her.
To not draw myself closer,
I’d have been a coward.
My thoughts ran amuck,
yet in the muck
is where they flowered
like a lotus;
dreaming beautifully, yet only fantasy.
No I didn’t stop to notice.
To really look clearly.
To see that she,
didn’t feel the same for me.
I was too lost in love,

With a girl that I loved,
so unconditionally.
Mister J May 2018
People often ask
If dreams do come true
If fantasies become reality
If love comes to the loveless
I can’t help but feel
That the dreams that I dream
And the fantasies that I have
Stands before me right now

I tried to stop it
These budding emotions
I tried to deny it
The truth being unveiled
I tried to fight it
The gravity pulling me towards you
But I can’t help it
Falling in love, deeply with you

The world told me it’s wrong
The world told me to move along
The world told me you’re not worthy
And that the wait will **** me
But there I prayed
And waited for the day
When you can stay by my side
In all my days and all my nights

It’s you who keeps me falling
Pulling me closer to your core
Your gravity inescapable for me
As I live under your various colors
It’s you whom I choose
The one destined by fate
To be the love that makes me feel alive
To make me see the beauty of life

You make the wrong feel right
You make the worst feel alright
No matter where I may go
Your love follows me
Even through all that melancholy
That Life brought to me
You made all the sadness that I felt
A worthy sacrifice for what came next

It’s you who brings me light
Even in the darkest of nights
It’s your smile that gives me strength
To overcome the barriers of life
How blessed am I to be yours
To be within your warm embrace
How thrilled am I to fall deeper in love
With each smile and frown you display

I long to stay in your embrace
Because in you I find my comfort
I long to be yours for all my life
To be the sweetest reality of your life
As you are to mine
And in all the twists and turns
That life brings to us
I’ll never let go and I’ll always say

I love you
With all my heart
No matter what surprise Life brings
You’re the only right thing
In my wretched life
And if I have to choose
All over again
It will always be you
Another piece that came from a rush of my emotions
To clarify, I'm not in love with someone or anything
Imagine me writing if I truly am in love with someone
Though I think I'll be speechless all the time. LOL :P

Anyway. Thank you for reading this!
Let me know what you feel about this piece!

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