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Twaffle May 2019
People will reach out to you,
for they want to earn your trust.
But there's something inside you,
telling you...

"Are you gonna trust that person?...
Sooner or later, you'll end up disappointed again,
so it's better to shut the door and lock it...
Don't let anyone in."

For your heart was far too damage,
it can be fixed...But not the way it used to be.
Makenzie Marie May 2019
I’m so sorry, Lord
I failed again
Even though I say I’m trying
It feels like I can’t

I can’t try
Without failing
And I fail
At trying

All the while I carry this cross
The weight seems so heavy to bear
And I stacked on the pounds
I was not unaware
But surprised when the last grain of rice tipped the scale
And I look back to see myself having failed

And then I stop and I think
(Not to dissipate the guilt,
But to accept my fate)
It was never written or taught
That you never tripped while you walked
Carrying your cross
To Calvary— for me.
And for a time even, you allowed
A friend to carry the weight
You, even, were not alone in your feat.

I will look and behold
But strengthen my neck
To hold it up
Help lift my cross
So that I am not crushed
I want to dwell in your glory
But what do I know of Holy?

A year ago this was not me,
Somehow my direction changed
And slowly I turned from your face
And once you were just an arms length away
And now I’m in a valley
Looking miles up the Hill
Where you died for me

Today I am not the woman weeping
At your feet
But my Lord and God
I long to be

It was me
who nailed your hands and your feet.
Please, forgive me.

Forgive me Lord
It was me.
I am the cause of your sufferings.

Please show me what it is I need
To do to come to your mercy seat
Lead my feet And hold me

I will walk the road to Calvary
Or I will walk the road you paved for me.
I will collapse at your feet, begging,
Please forgive me.

I understand the one
Who washed your feet with her tears
And dried them with her hair

She saw your glory
And perhaps her misdeeds

And like so many heard
I long to hear the words
“Take up thy bed and walk”
Or, “thy sins are forgiven thee”

I will not pray,
“Please save me”
But “you have saved me.
Now please, please,
Change me.”

Make me more worthy
I know it might hurt
Cleaning the wounds imbedded with dirt
But you will wash me.
Makenzie Marie May 2019
Trust yourself and let yourself be afraid. Two emotions and conflicting ideas can exist in one mind and one soul at the same time. Come together with yourself and accept it. And then, take the step.
Aa Harvey May 2019
My liar

I need you to give yourself to me completely.
Anything less and we will not make it last.
I need you to have only one lover and it can only be me;
If you want me to love you and to give you all I have.

I need you to need me, like I need to want your body.
If you do not feel the same way,
Then there are plenty of other men out there for you;
Leave me to remain a nobody.

But if you think you want me to be your burning desire,
Then tell me
And be with me.
Be the fuel to loves Molotov cocktail
And the ignition that makes me glow;
Be the spark to my inferno.
Be the match to my forest fire.
Be the inspiration to my wishes,
But never be my liar.

Be honest with me
And you will have me as yours;
But I will always keep one eye upon the exit door.
For I will be gone if you decide to test our bond;
Love is fragile, so treat it kindly, or it will be gone.
I am fully committed to leaving, or love
And all it has to give.
But I will not stand still, to be knocked down,
By a cheat who cannot be true to their promise.

One chance only, to stay faithful, truly.
I am one step from leaving, so do not disappoint me.
If you cannot be truthful and truly stay faithful,
Then I will be gone and our love will die like a blown out candle.

Passionate about being passionate,
But not willing to take a chance, through fear of regret.
Honestly, I just cannot take another hit of a liar’s carbon;
I have inhaled enough false roses to build myself a fake garden.

I am alone, because love left me to my dreams;
But nightmares are true memories of what real love is.
So love me or lose me,
The choice is yours; so choose now.
Here is my soul;
Here is my heart.
Here is my mind…
So tell me; are you in…
Or are you out?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
growingpains May 2019
love is not just letting go of the memories, the laughs and the past. it's letting go of the present moment and its comfort. it's also letting go of the future and its potential to becoming tangible.
Might've written something similar to this a while back! My friend recently went through a break up and I wanted to write about it.

Much love, N.
eve May 2019
i just miss the way we used to speak,
sitting on your fire escape,
we vented our little hearts away,
figuring out a way out of the destruction we faced.
the hardships we endured weren’t just,
we were too young to experience those things.
so they’d tell us, but hey, remember when i used to sleepover your place?
despite needing space, you used to tell me anyway that I was your safe place.
it was as if we represented our own homes,
not reflecting it, just avoiding the conflict,
all we knew at the time was feeling like we belonged.
all along, i wanted someone to lean on when the obstacles grew too difficult to face.
when i found you,
i learned just how that felt.
now, we’re growing old,
connection is wearing thin,
but i’m still thinking of you to maintain faith.
you help me through things i can’t make out,
and for that, i’m forever grateful to have you,
to have had that one special connection.
days are passing by,
time is ticking, and it feels longer without you here with me.
you moved away four years ago,
but it feels like i lost track of where that person I’ve known my whole life went.
distance could be the reason for our connection not being the same,
but, the harder i try to remember the reason why,
the more pain it brings.
these tears I cry out are temporary calls for help through times I need you here with me to stay.
hopefully one day, our days will come back to us as they should,
we will reunite and rekindle our once special connection,
making each other feel like nothing has changed.
in the mean time, i can replay the memories we’ve made,
with you by my side reminds me of the feeling of getting through anything.
because you were my safe place, the one I depended on when people pushed me away when I had nowhere else to go.
when i cry at night,
the thought of you next to me bring the tears I cry to water for the trees, and those cries turn to sounds of peace,
you are my safe place.
Makenzie Marie May 2019
I’ve never known a love like this
No lying
Or cheating
And no emotional beatings
Or pain
Or anything for his gain.
I could
Make a list
Of how with you exists
None of this.
With you
It’s so much of the opposite.
And trust
You’re given to me as stardust
I’m Adored
You are teaching me how to
Let go
And hope
And you’re willing to take it slow
Show me
Showing me your dedication
Until I fell
For sure
You caught me with your allure
I love you
My dear
All I want is to keep you near
With you
Just seems like the right thing to do

I’ve never known a love like this
And I intend to keep it.
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