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Chase Parrish Apr 2019
Eastward we marched toward the Black-Water Tower.
Every stout hero aloft by their willpower
We knew the bloodshed the pathing would bring
March'd we with willful and unyielding hardening;
March did we eastward,
To Black-Water tower.

Damnable scourge is the Black-Water Tower.
Watching our coming with malice and glowering
Knowing what death it brings
Naught did we cower!
March did we onward,
To Black-Water tower.

First came the rattling,
Then came the thundering
Lumbering hoof-beats grew louder and louder.
Then did the marsh turn alive with a showering,
Splinters of arrows all poisoned and sour.

Bellowed and charged did we
Onward to victory.
Many did fall but were all men of valor.
     Righteous, and honored.Yes, all men of valor.

Death did not leave them fair,
Nor took them anywhere.
Save for the heavens, and memories of ours.
After we burned them, some somber few hours,
March did we eastward,
From Black-Water tower.
This is the fifth poem in my The ****** Journal series, it was also the result of a prompt we had in my poetry discord to write a poem with a unique meter or internal rhyme scheme. I took a lot of influence from Charge of The Light Brigade, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. My goal was to write a completely dactylic poem in the setting of The ****** Journal while portraying a theme of valor. As always I'm up for comments and critiques!
Paige Error Dec 2018
My head is spinning like the vinyl record I bought you for Valentine’s Day.
I thought a break from the stresses of pre-engineering.
Would be good for me but if that means being near you maybe not.
So I’ll just lock myself in the highest tower of my mind and pretend I’m
I’d let you in but I kinda chopped off my hair
B E Cults Nov 2018
On a scale of 1 to Lord of All,
how important is your
opinion of what others create?

I see you, through these sigils,
pretending every breath you took
is a doctorate.

Did you know you dont have to choose between being the brush or the brush stroke?
You could build boats,
hunt ghosts with broken radios,
climb mountains to commune with the dead,
stare at the stars and make
your own constellations,
or play ukulele alone with a head full of acid.

All I am saying is
there are far better plotlines
than playing sovereign king of the
swamp that swallows you
and believing it be noble.
Shewrites Nov 2018
Wish you were here with me
Gazing upon the city lights
under the starry sky
We'll hang a lovelock
in the bridge
with our names
engraved on it.
Today was cold
Because of Autumn's breeze
Wrap me around
Your cozy arms
And make me warm
I miss your touch.
I miss you
And ill see you soon my love!

Lots of love
jace Oct 2018
Up high in the tower
In somewhere it's hidden
A withering flower
For a heartbroken maiden

As petals fall
From up to the floor
Memories I recall
Of moments out the door

As blue as the sea
His eyes would glisten
Handsome he may be
He still wouldn't listen

With words I was swayed
With the voice of a prince
Promising he would stay
Was enough to convince

But another flower appeared
And he stared to abandon
A situation I feared
Has already happened

With word I tried to woo
With the voice of a maiden
Wishing something I could do
To win back his affection

But as blue as the sea,
His eyes may glisten
As handsome he may be
He still wouldn't listen

The withering flower
In my hand I hold
Up here in the tower
With my story untold

And as petals fall
In such a late hour
Memories I recall
From the floor to the tower
Haven't been posting in a while, super ******* busy
Engineer -
Building towers,
Building walls,
Building keeps,
Are you -
Reaching for the sky?
Trying to guard something in?
Trying to fortify?
Building towers to mimic flight,
Building walls to keep them out
Or keep something, someone, in
Building keeps to keep,
But to keep what?
I might ask,
Hamlet, what are you building
In that kingdom of yours?
What are you trying to achieve?
Yenson Sep 2018

Some Red setters dogs are eating Jewish people
in England
But why, do call them off, they are british people,
The are hard working, Industrious, Entrepreneurs,
Professors, Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers, Entertainers
Scientists, Writers, eminent Surgeons, Artists, these
are nice Britons....stop the dogs, stop the dogs.....

Woof....woof....woof.....woof.....woof...woof woof

Some Red Setters dogs are eating and biting some
Labour MPs all over the country

But why, do call off the dogs, No! we have a list and this list,  highlighted the behaviour of a number of Left MPs, including Jess Phillips for telling Corbyn’s ally Diane Abbott to “*******”, John Woodcock for dismissing the party leader as a “******* disaster” and Tristram Hunt for describing Labour as “in the ****”
and all the other hard working Moderate MPs who dared protest at Anti-Semitic stance or supported the Jews .


Some Red Setters dogs are devouring some minor
Royal from Africa

But why, do call off the dogs. No that ****** has a big ****, he's
Charismatic, intelligent, wholesome, has good work ethics, polite,
wise, charming, generous, witty and a ****** good lover and to top it all he's Royal. Now that's ******* GREEDY, how much can a
******* man have. NO! he's a goner. He is too perfect, he must be hounded and persecuted to death.


Congratula­tions People, we have got rid of them all
we now have real democracy, we have a real society now
Get in the dogs ... And all you useless ******* people shut up!
And report to the Labor Camps 7:30a.m. tomorrow
You're Working Class and now you ****** have to work!
Chuka Umunna says Labour has become an institutionally racist organisation as evident from those MPs and members forced out of Labour under Jeremy Corbyn, and he urged the leader to “call off the dogs”.
Gary Brocks Aug 2018
I hear the carve of oars,
I see your palms enfold the wood,
as shards of stars shred
a back and glistening wave.

I hear the carve of oars,
the shore is breached,
we reach dank granite stairs, climb
a tower in moon gritty light.

I hear the carve of oars,
you speak, your turgid cheek
blue-steel-gray, your gaze grates,
my salt raged eyes summon waves and stars.

I hear the carve of oars,
waves rattle a candle's flame,
chill the bed frame, the wet stony room ––
the door closes, it scrapes.

I hear the carve of oars,
I know your lurching gate,
the clank as both oar lock’s turn,
you slip the shore,
I hear the carve of oars

Copyright © 2002 Gary Brocks

They didn't get along
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Looking up at you.

Standing here all alone in the rain;
Outside your home trying to hide my pain
And hiding away,
From each and every feeling that I have today.

Wishing I could heal your heart;
Knowing I will never be a part,
Of that life you live, alone in the dark.
But I will try my best to heal your broken heart.

Looking up at your balcony,
Wishing you were into me;
Like I will always be into you.
Loving you from here is so easy to do;
Down in my darkened sanctuary.

Summer is gone, but you bring me warmth;
When I think about you.
How I wish I could be there for you,
When you are feeling blue.

You look down on me from your ivory tower;
I stand here a man, with a bunch of flowers.
Come join me down here on planet Earth my love
And the two of us shall live in bliss forever more.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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