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Kashish Lahrani Sep 2020
We spent hours witnessing the fall of leaves in autumn
The way they swayed away with the breeze
A bonfire in the moonlight and you by my side
I wish I would've wished for the time to freeze.
I never wanted to wave the final goodbye, you had me captivated
Instead, all I urged was us to lay on the ground, love and tease
And do nothing but gaze at the falling leaves
Feel the air in my hair and together breathe out all the grief.
Alicia Moore Aug 2020
when hands meet,
the world heals...
veins intertwine
and survival becomes certain.
The uniVerse Aug 2020
Do you need another poem?
haven’t all my words been sown

I stitched verses together  
to  get  her
forget    her

I cannot

She is at my seams
my lungs scream


I provide it
in brief moments of emptiness

I have no mistress
no muse at my disposal
just memories that act like chains upon my heart

but this is art

No! this is my heart
sprawled across the page

every page

I wage war with myself
just so I can speak

I keep nothing back
you’ve seen the white and the black
a contrast that happens so fast
I almost look complete

I could never accept defeat
not even death could steal my promises

I promised this

Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
A word that floats in the back of my mind
As emotions ebb and flow.

When everything feels so unknown;
When seasons come and go.

A feeling in my belly,
Like the flutter of a butterfly.

The promise for a new tomorrow.
The steadfast love between you and I.

When there's nothing left to do,
But surrender.

The piece of puzzle in life that will help us
Make it through this time together.

More than just a word or flutter;
The only thing I can cling to now.

A gentle and sweet reminder,
We'll make it through somehow.

For today and for tomorrow,
And just for right now.


©KSS 4/2020
Kashish Lahrani Aug 2020
You filled my empty heart with love;
When I was fenced with intense detest
Oh how full of warmth I am now;
My life is brimming with zest
Unmatched is the tuning we have
I am overwhelmed by the vehemence of this emotion
Together we are nothing but a pair of swans
In fidelity, we believe. Our love is as deep as the ocean.
Hold my hand. Let’s walk on the lane smeared with passion
I know it won’t be cushy but please give me a chance
Forever we are meant to last, I promise
Come with me, to the rhythm of love let’s sway and dance.
In the beginning we were strangers
Because we came from different places
From homes both far and near our new home
But with time we grew a bond
A bond that makes us a family
A family with many differences
Differences in religion, beliefs, political ideas and so on
But our bond transcends all

The common goal and the familiarity spirit joins our umbilicus to one mother
At times we fight for each other
Other times, we fight each other
That is the beauty of a family
Isn't it?

Today, we're not gathered under the same roof but we're still together
Our beloveds are close to our hearts than to our arms
We long to once again meet and laugh our loneliness and troubles away
Then tell the stories of our lives during the unexpected break to each other in flesh

We pray to once again have the chance to chase academic success again, hand in hand because our exit is at hand
But till then, we're far apart even though together

By technology we still see each other
Hear one another's voice and at times feel the emotion in our individual lives regardless the distance

We know we have a lot to achieve
So we do no relent on our efforts to advance
That is why we still connect to learn

Some are taking the opportunity during the break to develop their talents and expand their knowledge in other fields
Fields including music, agriculture, marketing, technology and the arts.

A few took the opportunity to legally unite with their life partners and we did nothing less than to celebrate in happiness
Because that is what families do
Isn't it?

One day, we would go our separate ways
But for now, we're together even though far apart
Mama earth Aug 2020
Not sure how I'm feeling
Coping and dealing
Roping and reeling
In need of serious healing
Colm Aug 2020
Meet me there
Where the beach is tall and blonde and nearly as fair
Where the sun kissed sidewalks are more forgiving and free
Holding warmth more unpretending than those who never cared
And the night breathes life refreshing back into our chests with a bellowing swing
Where we sing with campfire sparks in the dark
And look only to see the stars
Staring back down into our eyes alive
For as high as we are on this lifeguard stand
Meet me there my soul friend
I will be with you again
Above within the tepid air
Soul Friend At Sunset Beach
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