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Nylee Dec 2018
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what is there
is so less.

it is endless
little still
extra need
more to feed
up to greed

no way to rid
there is a thirst
countless prayers
many faces
every day
ending with empty hands

all the resources
on the toes
multiplying the lives
depleting what is left
it will end
all has been said.
Dani Nov 2018
No song explains it, no poems I’ve read
So I guess I must write one, to express what’s dead
He loves me, I am sure
But my soul does he adore?
He loves me as we are supposed to
The way they tell you when you say “I do”
Here is the thing though, I must express
We have fallen way too far, the subject I must press
A marriage once made for love has changed
Now a business partnership, tasks exchanged
I know between us love is there
But it’s a chore now, what despair
“I cannot live without you.”
He says to me, but “I can’t live with you.”
I scream in my head
My soul almost dead
I do not blame you, or who you are
I blame us both, for driving this far
I must confess I wish we could…
But we cannot, it’s no longer any good
We deserve better, we deserve love
Not the kind that we have, as it’s fading
But the kind with clear cut passion, no shading
It’s the rare, true, and scariest goal
To find someone to love your soul
My heart sings for you, and what we built
My soul cries out to me, filled with guilt
For I have neglected it’s thirst for a drink
You see, that is more important, I think
To follow your soul, fill it with its desires
To explore and find adventures, until it expires
I cannot miss out on another cry
For my soul needs fed or it will die
I tried to express, what I now confess
I tried to express, I even gave you my compass
Maybe you have a different map
Is it worth it to try? Or is it a trap?
I must go now, as my soul has a call
To live life, and experience it all!
My soul is suffocating. I desire adventures and excitement. I want to live and love life. I am held back tremendously. My soul is withering away slowly..
Alexander Foe Nov 2018
My hunger escalates
Like the pooch that wanders the streets
Scavenging for the desired scent of food
To plaster the sting of a Belladonna
That lingers in the stomach

The affliction intensifies
I try to move my enfeebled limbs
But to no avail; they remain stale
Like parts of a run-down rusted machine
Which only screeches when moved

My thirst deepens
Like my spirit was siphoned away
My throat shrivels and dries
Clearing it is like rubbing sandpaper
I reach desperately for it

I caught it.
Was it satisfying? It sure was!
I can almost taste it, sweet succulent success
It sated my fervour but now I'm not sure
Because it leaves me wanting more.
I'd like to leave the subject matter at hand open-ended. This is perhaps about an addiction, a desire or a particular hunger. I'll leave it to you to think about it whichever way you'd like - literal or metaphorical.

Thank you for reading my work. It's been a while since I wrote. I have upcoming exams and also a little bit of a writer's block. I took a particularly long time to finish this one.
Dani Nov 2018
I crave
A touch
Not soft or gentle

I crave
A lust
So instrumental

I beg
For you
To grab me roughly

I beg
For you
To touch me toughly

I thirst
In need
For someone pressed against me

I thirst
In need
For Someone to hold me

I desire
To moan
Loudly with pleasure

I desire
To moan
Loudly - uncensored

I crave, I beg, I thirst, I desire a touch, a lust-loan.
You see, I am in dire need to moan.
A never ending thirst, a never fulfilled desire. A never ending craving for more.
I have known
ravenous hunger
that bread does not satisfy
and thirst that water
does not quench

there is only you
waiting with your mouth
opening like a spring flower
about to blossom

the yellow stem of you
pushing dirt back into
the ground where your
brown roots have taken
hold and tied their knots

so that you may always
be tethered, like ropes wrapped
around the wrists of a black
slave child

you seek escape but it
is not within my power
to grant such a thing

there is only me
mouth dry, belly empty
and raw
Gopika Krishna Oct 2018
Sitting here all alone...
Well, at least
I'm not totally alone
I hear their
shrieking voice
The voice of thirst
The thirst for me, my blood.

Sitting here all alone...
Well, at least
I'm not idle
I'm here scratching my body
Scratching like a maniac
Leaving red bruises on my skin.

Sitting here all alone...
With a rage to **** them all
**** them with my bare hands
The ones who have caused me pain.

The ones, the monsters
You are salt and sweet of the Earth,
Honey and sweat and wine and seas -
The kindling wood, fires of hearths,
The rush, sway, and rustle of trees,
You are thirst and quench of lands,
A forest and a desert rolled into one,
You are warmth and scorching hands,
My darkness, my light, void and sun.
Sabila Siddiqui Oct 2018
I would've torn myself
limb from limb
to appease your hunger
but you still would't have wanted me.

I would've broken my bones
to build you a throne
but you still wouldn't have wanted me.

I would've wrung myself dry of blood
to quench your thirst
but you wouldn't have wanted me.

I would've skinned myself
to stitch you clothes
but you still would't have wanted me.

I would've burned myself
to keep you warm
but you would still leave.
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