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Dawn Anderson Jan 2015
Some people in the world
Are really blind
And by that I mean
If they shut you out
Or make you feel bad
It's because they can't see
How much of a great person you are
How much you care
So **** the blind people
Because I sure as hell **can see
People's opinions only hurt you if you let them
Rockie Dec 2014
Fireworks are sure to pop, fizz, and bang
Drinks are sure to be passed around
Getting the happy people
And stupid

The New Year is sure to be good;
Resolutions are made
Never to be resolved
Promises are made to break

The last words of this Year will be
*Goodbye. It's been a great one
Dawn Anderson Dec 2014
I feel alone
But don't know why
I don't even know if it's feeling alone
Or the frustration of not knowing
What I'm
People always saying things like
"You look sad"
"What's wrong"
"You just aren't being yourself"
Because I act like myself
And no one likes it
Then I act how you want
And everyone loves me
Then there's people's actions
A gift meant for me
Given to another
I hug I need not ask for
Not given at all
So maybe I feel this way
Because I don't know who I am
Stuck between two worlds
Two lives
Only to be ripped apart
By the people I'd like to call
'My Friends'
Hayley Dec 2014
The one guaranteed to break your heart,
he seems like a good idea.

"I hate you" will definitely get you out of this one.

If your lies spill out of your mouth faster than your heart is beating,
they won't even know.
Or are those impulses?
Selio Aras Dec 2014
Its your fault
Not mine today
it is your loss of love
Not mine ever again to you
I will no longer apologize to you
This time I am hurt but I am walking away
with only a few bruises and a broken heart after a battle
with reality when I had no weapons to defend myself with
while you stood there shooting at me as if i was never anything to you.
Emma Henderson Dec 2014
Are you as sad as your eyes,
Those dull blue eyes that
tell me you're carrying a dead love
like a heavy carcass
everywhere you go

Are you as weak as your lungs,
those tar-stained lungs that
I thought were going to give out
when you stopped holding your tears back

Are you as lost as your voice,
that husky voice that seemed to crack
and fade out, carrying unfinished sentences
as if you had been gagged

I'm sorry,
I cannot hold your heart for you,
wrapped in velvet to keep safe
when you keep letting her
                                            tear it
                                            tear it
                                            tear it apart
like the beer mats that you abused
m Dec 2014
in times of pain
in times of harsh
i give you heart,
shelter from rain
so ask again
why do i try
when you are blind
of my demise.
NeroameeAlucard Dec 2014
Well I'll tell you cats about an impossible feat
Why every single night I have to wrestle myself to sleep
It's because the ghosts of regret won't admit defeat,
When I get under the covers they wake up and bother me
Every mistake. Every pain. Non on the sunshine all the rain
Then there's the fact I'm on medication
Which silently causes the liver devastation
Oh, you didn't know this but I suffer from epilepsy.
So I have to consume pills on the daily
So there you have it, a rundown of why I can't sleep.
Although I should note I'm blessed to have a bed on which to lie my head and feet
Nienke Mar 2014
didn't know each other
very well

source of love
happy through hell

what the ****
was your problem
our problem

was it me
against your mind

was it the fakeness
you couldn't hide

discovered today
the aching pain

to think
you used your brain

but i, not too smart
i used my stupid heart

to believe in my dreams
come alive and please

but i forgot, not everyone
is ready to believe
in dreams
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