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Amanda Kay Burke May 2018
I am sorry you met me and fell in love
If there was a way in time to go back
I would keep our paths from crossing
Spin my life on some other track

I would block our lines; save us
Before we got the chance to intersect
Tangle and destroy ourselves
I'd stop them so we could avoid being wrecked

If only we could unsee eachothers faces
Erase memory from your lips and my eye
We could have avoided this pain
The difficult task of saying goodbye

All I want to do is delete wrongdoings
Undo wicked disloyal deeds
Find a way to wipe out forces connecting us
Before your name became one of my biggest needs

I am holding the damaged remains of what's left
Shattered memories and pieces of our trust
Trying to put our romance back together
Instead I stare as it crumbles to dust
Sometimes I wish I had a do over.
Colm Apr 2018
More delicate
And yet stronger in such ways
Unbeknownst to me
And this is why
When I look into her eyes
I see nothing of me
And yet everything
I could ever wish to know
None will search forever. All searches end one way or another. And if you're wise and revere the old words, you'll always have an eternity of sorts. Waiting for you.
Nylee Apr 2018
We never took more
never took any less
of our share
for our hunger
when everyone stared
it is rightfully ours.
Long before
we were
the beggars,
When we had nothing
no more,
did millions of tiny chores.
We were wronged
no one shared,
we looked at them
gave them pitiful stare,
we wanted the same care
and now that we
climbed the ladder
we are no better
that we are having
our healthy dinner,
there is someone
rising upper
working under the sun
this summer
and maybe
we were wrong
and someone knew it better.
mjad Apr 2018
Light green but, dark around the edges
Not emerald, more like nicely trimmed hedges
His least favorite, he preferred blue
But I can tell that it's different for you
Because I caught you once in a moment
You were kissing me with your eyes open
She Writes Mar 2018
You are as blinding as the sun
But that doesn’t stop me from staring
You are as unreachable as the stars
But that doesn’t stop me from wishing
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2018
Sometimes you have your doubts
Disbeliefs and insecurities
You tell me to be strong
In case you fall to your knees

Never ever leave me
Say I am the only one
At the end of the day
Who is there when the sunset is done

You can always lean on me
For support when you have none to spare
There is no other substitute
For the love contained in your stare
few eyes took a look
few eyes took a look
they weren't inclined to view
they weren't inclined to view
eyes weren't inclined to look
they few took a view

last week many would stare
last week many would stare
at what was there to see
at what was there to see
many would see last week
what was there to stare at

optics will become tense
optics will become tense
focusing on a thing
focusing on a thing
optics focusing on a thing
will become tense

few eyes took a look
at what was there to see
focusing on a thing
last week many would stare
optics will become tense
they weren't inclined to view
Saeed Cruise Mar 2018
I see girls, I see her
I hear them, I’m not listening
I’m just here, where’s my soul
I’m driving, oh careful man
I have a dictionary, it doesn’t have FORGET
I sit beside her, cannot control the heartbeat
It is only her, not you
Cause I am coward
mitus Feb 2018
YOU are the reason I CRY
YOU are the reason I want to DIE
YOU are the reason I cannot TRY anymore.


YOU only ever liked me RAW
YOU scratched my back with your ratchet CLAW
YOU only ever liked me in my BRA, exposed.

Why did I ever fall for YOU?

YOU are one of the many millions of fish.
YOU were one of my favorites meal dish.
YOU were the only one who ever received my wish.

YOU don't even CARE.
Without YOU, I might not BARE.
I am so lonely, too many to count, a BLANK STARE.
It's like you never even wanted to SHARE either.

I must never be good enough.
Why are you like this but why am I like this?
Jessie Schwartz Feb 2018
Who are you? …by Jessie 4/05

I met a man this morning I didn’t really like

I looked into his eyes and saw the darkness of night

The feeling I got was empty, I’m doubt we even spoke

The staring just continued, connection never broke

Some how he looked familiar, his face I could not place

The way he continued looking at me, the scowl upon his face

Then it’s as if a fog rolled in, the image began to fade

So I wiped the mirror one more time, exposing the reflection of my face
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