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Robin Carretti Aug 2019
So touched writing in stone
Her glass slipper no rock unturned
The rock untouched the stars shape the
donut glazed
Heartbreak Hotel making rounds no return
Rock message "Venus" Our Turn
She touched to dream and gave birth like "Saturn"
This is about the rock how love can roll down but something picked your spirit up for the love of Venus a touch a smile or did something get untouched like a painting of rocks
Robin Carretti Aug 2019
Those frolics the highest
Grandeur "Gin and Tonics"
Mr. and Mrs tropic tongues
Like soft velour don't disturb the door
Bermuda triangle marriage in general
to be in sound mind
Be the human kind

  Tropic lips treasure rare find
The grandeur topics
Mr. and Mrs. climb Ice Queen
Meeting the King mountain
Goggle if the crown fits
Drinks flow in form with hearts
beat in uniform
"Malibu Me and You" sounds cascade
Godly gesture inside and out he reads
Bali water the tropic pours the topics
Single glass marriage "VIP Pass"
love comes with variety of colors
The blue ***** whale

Holiday sale Gold- Rush
Pours and sounds warm lips hush
Stars of atoms instagram post
Love and marriage toast
the whole entire sum it's love
This is like being on a vacation as a married couple but also its for anyone  that love to drink or think of a moment when life made you smile
MisfitOfSociety Aug 2019
Life is your movie,
You can direct it,
Any way you want it.
Rama Krsna Aug 2019
gratitude maximus,
earthly moms
for bearing in your ******
the burgeoning seed of intense passion
planted for forty weeks
amidst severe contractions
and extreme corporal discomfort

makes me ponder,
how that burden measures
to the pain maximus
suffered by the mother of the cosmos
who patiently hauled and delivered
the primal seed of desire
from her womb
for god only knows how long?

© 2019
MisfitOfSociety Jul 2019
Every cell holds a sacred memory.
Learn the language of the body.
It speaks when you ask it to.
Lend an ear to yourself,
Start listening to yourself.

The secret is right here.
Coded within every fibre.
Humanity's greatest treasure.
MisfitOfSociety Jul 2019
Have we forgotten how to dream? To see the world through ourselves? The place we used to be is now lost. When we were children we knew where that was.
Before we knew the world, we only knew ourselves; then we became aware of the world. The dream became the reality, and the reality became the dream.

This dream has to be real, because it is all I've ever known.
It is hard to let go and fall right in, and go to places I've never been.

At night when we close my eyes, I dream of the place that we used to be.
When I sleep I remember who I am, but when I awaken I forget again.

The rabbit will take us there. Let's all go and chase the rabbit.
The hole only gets larger.

It is larger than you can imagine. You will never truly grasp the bottom.

The rabbit's leading us down the hole,
How deep down can this rabbit burrow?
We're beginning to see from the in,
We will never see out again.

We are falling down the rabbit hole.
Which way is up?
Which way is down?
We can't see the top,
And we can't find the bottom.
We're looking from the in,
Going to places we've never been.
We're learning to dream again.

Follow the rabbit down the hole,
Into the unknown we go.
What is real? Is it what we believe to be real? Or is there something more real than what we think is real?
Derrick Jones Jul 2019
Sink deeply into being
You’ll find it oh so freeing
This life is oh so fleeting
Why spend it just retreating

I’d rather go exploring
The horizon’s glow implores me
Like those who came before me
I will go to find my glory

So jump in without restraint
Rescind each shrill complaint
Evacuate your ego
Fall fully in the fairest flow
Wander where the wind may blow
See just how far you can go
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!
Rama Krsna Jul 2019
in the rarified air of kilimanjaro
damsel vyomakesi
sporting parrot in hand
recluse vyomakesa
to another game of wanton love making

some five thousand feet below....

i battle
step by step
ambling into the den of lassitude

intellection and fervor dissipate
until that experiential void is hit
as frugal breaths get consumed
for unalloyed endurance
at that razor’s edge
between life and death

just then
the root mantra of subsistence
alights the anima
it whispers

iceberg mendicant
you take a pause
from that fervid dalliance
with the galactic enchantress
to throw my way, an entranced smile

hermetical vyoma
armed with that beam
i’ve now merged
with the macrocosm

Derrick Jones Jul 2019
As I twirl in velvet mystery
I unfurl the quilt of history
I am left awestruck and dizzy
As I let the world shine in me

My senses are assaulted then assuaged
My brain battered and barraged
I tumble in a technicolor tornado
Made from borrowing the beauty of an autumn tree
And as I fall in twilight infinity
I finally feel I’m flying free

The autumn leaves form an iridescent raft
I sail on sunbeams and fly through dreams
I gently float down these fantastical streams
My vessel gleams bright as I part at the seams

My form opens up and I splash on the deck
A filament, a photon, a spiritual speck
My truest self made up mostly of space
No longer hiding behind the mask of my face

Lost in this brand new story
A novel way of noticing the world’s constant glory
The unknown adventure insistent, imploring
I cut loose my mooring and begin exploring

Colliding with chaos I plunge in the deep
I daringly explore the dragon’s dark keep
When I finally lay my weary head down to sleep
I will have made music that makes angels weep
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!
MisfitOfSociety Jul 2019
Isn’t it quite funny,
that the thing that is closest to us,
Is the thing we know least about.
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