Peaceful sleep washes
over my consciousness,
I shroud myself
in the warmth of a duvet
and close my eyes.
Time passes in waves
washing the day away.
Colours spiral and blend,
as logic bends,
and I float weightlessly
through memories
that have never happened,
as I can only imagine.
The moon guards my secrets,
in a language
that I almost understand,
while I am everywhere
and nowhere,
dreaming through
seas of starlight
in my dreamland.
Then, my eyes snap open,
and reality crashes over me
like a wave of cold water,
leaving an emptiness
of something once profound,
and scenes that I
can no longer recall.
I can only hope
that it was a beautiful dream.
©️Lizzie Bevis
I wrote this at 01:00 and then promptly fell back to sleep again.