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Elisa Holly Nov 2018
I sit on her couch
Sipping *****
from some mixed concoction
Scrolling through the social media experiences
meant to be a self reassurance
of how good we have it
when it’s just so
******* hard.

These little positives accumulated
to remind myself
that even in the midst of my hardest trials,
don't get caught in the failures
but relish in the triumphs.

I don’t even look at the other feeds
so self absorbed
at reminding myself
that each day my hustle
will be rewarded with the ultimate win: love.
But success isn’t love... or a like
and every minute I spend self absorbed on what I don’t have
I miss out
on the minute to minute love
I receive with each interaction
from people I share space with.
Life isn’t a feed.
Life isn’t happiness every day.
Life isn’t measured by the have or have nots.
Life is this moment.
Life is this experience
and the decisions we make in them.

So I closed the phone
and listened
to her

She wasn’t doing it for the hashtag
or the like
and I listened.

Sipping on my *****,
closing my eyes.
I didn’t care what was seen
as long as she kept sharing
this moment with me.

The feed.
Social media
Nightkeeper Nov 2018
we are selfish
we are selfless
and there's no in between.
Deanna Nov 2018
i didn't want it to end this way
i didn't want to leave you
i didn't want to hurt you
but i didn't want to hold on to be selfish
and hold on to you when i knew
you'd be better off without me
and i was right
Hello Daisies Nov 2018
The words are pouring out of me
The thoughts scramble in my head
As i lay in stress in this bed

I'm so deeply depressed
I write this out loud for all to see
And everyone says go seek therapy

It's like a shock when they hear
I am already seeking professional help and couseling
So they assume I'm fine and let the phone just ring

Everyone thinks the gesture of the hotline is good enough
Never stopping to realize i know the number
That's supposed to stop me from my eternal slumber

No one ever thinks
That a simple hug or being around
Could help someone keep their feet on the ground

If once someone could be there and listen while i cry
Just as simple as knowing someones there to comfort me in the dark
It would help me keep a little bit of spark

But I've learned all too well
People are inherently selfish as of late
They can't stop to help you with all that's on their own plate

Now i don't want to be the ***** who thinks she's better then all
Im just saying what i believe to be true
No one has ever stopped to help when I'm deep in blue

Unless i came crying and begging to them
Even then it takes them time before they'll stop to see if I'm okay
Becuase they have more important things then if I'll decide to live another day

I myself am selfish as can be
But i always tried to fight it and stop to help anyone in need
But to expect that from another is what's truly selfish of me
im just not ok and no matter of tberapy or meds seems to be helping. No one is ever around for me to even just be a normal friend amd thats really weighing. Guess life alone is fine too.
Sylph Nov 2018
I dont know what to do
I try to love
But all i do is hurt
I care
But i guess just not enough
I try to be me
But i dont know who that is anymore

I cry every week now
Almost everyday
All i feel is guilt
I told im a "Compulsive liar"
But i dont know if these lies are white anymore
I think they have turned back to red
The color of the blood that leaks every time
They found out it was a lie
I just dont know what to

How does anyone love me?
When im what i am now?
I cant love me
How do they?
What do they see thats so pure?
So bright?

...Every time i cry
I hurt someone else
Just in their worry
And concern for me
They feel my pain
As the first tear trails
They just hug me and cry with me
..I dont want anyone to be in pain because of me..
       I feel like a monster
I gotta be honest sometimes i feel so sefl centered only concerning with myself when others that i love are being hurt by me and all i think about is myself...
I dont like who i am anymore
I Really feel like a monster
delilah Nov 2018
love me
i want you to love me
i want you to want me
i know i sound selfish
and that's because i am
i want to be wanted
i want to be on your mind
i want to be a post-it note over your eyes
i want to be in the margins of all your pages
i want to be your what-ifs
i want to be your every second-thought
i want to be your muse
i want to be the subject of all your sappy poems
i want to be molded into cliches
i want to be a forced metaphor
i want to be
many things
to you
& for you
and yes i am selfish
i want your attention
and i want it all
alex Nov 2018
the more i ask for things
the more i realize i don't know how
to ask for things.
spent a lot of time as a kid
learning that i can believe i deserve something
but that doesn't mean that i do
i cried in the library yesterday.
i was very very sad
and then i decided not to be
this is all about me and how i'm sad but i try not to be.
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