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Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
What is security?
For I never felt it
in the love of others
and in my own fibers and cells.
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
We don’t put a label on it
Because we don’t want to fit
And commit.

We keep it fun and chill;
Nothing serious
No consequences
No future
Nothing romantic
Trying to keep it platonic.

Doesn’t it sound ironic?
Because I am frantic
About you, boy.

Trying to be ice cold
Pretending we are something,
when we’re nothing.
I am losing my mind.

You play these games
Trying to make me insecure
About all these other girls.

So I play along
Because it’s love,
Maybe not long lasting
But real.

But we’re just spiraling
No end; not infinite
I guess I can not pretend
For I don’t want to be this type of girl.

I want to us to burn;
Our hearts to yearn
Our souls to learn.

I want attachment,
Security and stability.
I want it to be long lasting
And not a temporary fling
J Jun 2019
Why do I attach to people so easily
They come into my life
And I latch onto them like a leech

I can't settle these internal cravings
To find the one
That latched back on to me  

Yet instead I find myself easily disappointed
Tossed aside like a useless piece of trash

My soul searches
To realize my own worth
Yet I measure it
Based on the actions of those around me

How many time
Will I be tossed away and forgot
Left without a second look

My need for acceptance is forever growing
Yet this love for me is shrinking
And the dislike is overgrowing
Call wealth by any other name
And it will surely feel as sweet
Your end result remains the same
Yet varied words make wealth complete

So many wealthy words to use
Splendor, success, security
New words lead to new breakthroughs
Income, freedom, prosperity

Voice the meaning of wealth for you
Abundance, fortune, property
Speak words that thrill and resonate
Words that flow and make you free

Use a wealth of wealthy words
And from within, a world you’ll build
The meaning from each word affords
New ways to make all dreams fulfilled
This is Prosperity Poem 31 at  and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background here
F A Pacelli Jun 2019
we would happily
walk into a prison
and lock the door
if it improves our security

when will you
open the cage
and soar?
Ylzm Apr 2019
Hush, Baby, Hush.
Soothing and Pillowy, Lush is Love.
Waters Rush, Rain Pour, Tears Fall.
Sleep, My Baby, Sleep.
For Dreams, Life's Balm, Soothes.
Spread claims you are the only one who can stop corrupt politicians and their dependence on the rich (even though you yourself belong to the rich)

2. Spread lies and insults about anyone who might look like a serious opponent

3. Once you are in power, continue 1. & 2. and put your rich friends into influential positions in state offices and courts, give tax breaks to the rich and claim that everyone benefits from them. Declare any information that runs counter to your lies „fake news“.

4. Invent threats to the security and well-being of the nation and then claim you are the one who can solve all the problems by strict measures, like building a 2,000 mile wall against those criminal immigrants that threaten your people – what the „fake news“ reports as a few thousand refugees from neighboring countries who flee from misery and persecution and crime and hope to get asylum in your country of 350 million.

5. Cut your aid programs for the home countries of those resfugees so that the situation there worsens even more and even more people will try to run for a better life, and you can rhetorically justify inhuman security measures at your borders.

6. On a different field, isolate your country internationally, be the elefant in the china shop, break or end international agreements, destabilize whole regions, and then threaten to send the military – all of which, you tell your voters, makes your country great again.

7. Start trade wars with old global partners, accusing them of taking advantage of your countrty, and when your own economy suffers from such idiocies, calm your afflicted followers with federal subsidies that jolt the nationl deficit to singular heights.

8. Fire (or mob into retirement) any critical person in your government until all your officials speak with your voice.

9. Look around for a worthy cause to be the focus of your consoldidated power.

10. Start a world war and lose it.
Apropos certain current global developments ....
Emily Apr 2019
Mike I did like.

For he took the time, kept track of my dime.
Helping me find, great peace of mind.

His careful attention, I think, I should mention,
For it’s not every day that someone works in that way.

I hope he’s rewarded for counting what others have hoarded.
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