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Cat Moulaison Feb 2015
Tell me a story
He says
I can't think of one
She says
Yes you can
He says
She stays silent
She doesn't want to let him know
The hundreds of things
She has to say
Because she regrets everything she does
But she is now left wondering
If she stays silent
Will she regret that too?
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
It's great and wonderful to go to your                                                                    Prayers on time ...                                                                                                    You are a good person .                                                                                         ____________________
Claudia Feb 2015
I don't have elegant words
I'm not one to relate lips
To fresh picked strawberries

But I have feelings
They could deafen you
With their dial tone

And god I try to use them for good
But I end up finding the bad
In everything

I know you're a little rough
around the edges, I'm a bit
coarse on the inside

There are moments where
I question it all
I'm blind when you're not here

The simmer on my
hard-to-warm-up-to soul
slowly dissipates

I ought to learn to remind myself
It's okay to open up my thick skull
To let someone see what's underneath

But who's to say
I won't regret it
Like I have with every other
Gallivanting soul I've allowed
To muddy up my doorstep?
Trinity Key Feb 2015
How are you?
You probably haven't noticed me but...
I'm in love with you...
That's right
I said it...
But I just can't say it to you...
bear Jan 2015
you say that all blacks are bad
you say they all do drugs and **** people
you say they cant be trusted
you say that kids will be confused with mixed race parents
you say it makes people look horrible if they are seen with a colored person

you make no sense

have you seen the news?
read the paper?
you see whites doing horrible
if not worse things.
but yet you only point a finder at the colored

you just don't see it

So what if races are mixed?
another persons feeling and emotions do not affect you
If they are content then let them be
There is nothing wrong with it

Colored families have just as many ups and downs as a white family
but yet they are not seen as civilized people.
just a color, not a person.

So why are they still seen as "different"?
why do you have double standards?
Why can't you see a person's character and adjudicate that.
Stop being so dense and prejudice!
You know for a fact that whites are causing as much disorder to the world as colored.
Stop trying to protect yourself from a color!
It jumps around a lot
Suzy Hazelwood Jan 2015
is not always welcome


I'll say it anyway
I'll say it how it is
Daniel Hunt Jan 2015
I can hear your whisper,
upon the breeze,
and see your smile,
in the sun.

I touch your kisses,
by the dew,
as the meadow lark,
sings his song.

I can smell your fragrance,
upon pedaled stems,
and the color abundance,
shows your joy.

I feel your tears,
when it rains,
soft, salty,
and warm.

I will always listen,
to how you speak to me,
silent purity,
upon my heart.
This is my message to Slilent Talking
Daniel Hunt Jan 2015
I thought you said you loved me, but it was whispers on the wind ...
And sometimes when it's late at night, I hear those words again.
And when the rain is falling, so softly as a mist ...
I hear a sound that whispers, a sound just like a kiss.

When the moon is shining full, and it shows me where to walk...
I hear the wind flow through the trees, I remember how we talked.
With faces close, and hands held tight, no words were needed then ...
Between our hearts, our love would pass, like whispers on the wind.

I thought I felt you love me, like it would never end.
What i Whisper
Daniel Hunt Jan 2015
What can I say to the one who owns my heart,
my body, my very soul?
What can I say to the one that I
could never imagine life without?

What can I say to the one who
has been there for me all along,
The one who encouraged me go on
when I was so ready to give up?

What can I say to the one who
understands me more than I understand myself,
who shares my every pain?
What can I say to this man I adore?

When I am in your arms,
feeling the warmth of your body next to mine,
I find no words, only the beating of two hearts in love.
Two hearts joined together forever..I love you.
What can I say?
sainche micano Jan 2015
"do you love me?"
         i said yes
   because i like you
and afraid to lose you
..this happens all the time
but, i'd make love to the whole world,
        if it was morally acceptable..
        for you were not any special
you were just closer than everyone else
and if i had said...
  "i don't love you"
we wouldn't have made love..

..that's just my way
across this town
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