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Kristina Weeks May 2018
Where am I?
What path should I take?
Begin this new life waiting to die?
Or turn my old world?

Am I still stable? Or am I being consumed by the chaos?
Is this truth that I’m seeing or the fabricated delusions of insanity?
Just one step away from that finite darkness.

The uncertainty and despair it snatches at my ankles and neck like chains. Pulling me towards the wall of doubt. This sour taste of fear bleeding out of my mouth. It threatens to consume me now. Truly already so lost. This bird without wings trying to fly but fatally falling from grace.

So long I’ve been staring and searching for some semblance of a savior that I’ve been tying my own noose with the false  fibers of fabrication. Can I still be saved when my soul is so barely recognizable? Covered in acid and tar from my wretched past with blatant disregard for the lives around me. This dark cloud nearly has me now.
Can I be saved?
Can I be saved?

Suddenly bursting forth in a brilliant display, the light pierces through the darkness illuminating my face like an unforeseen kiss.
The veil is lifted.
The chains are broken
falling like ash.
Veneration percusses my soul and through squinted eyes I can see it all.

This truth I’ve been searching for. What was always inside whispering.
Too blind to listen.
Too deaf to see.
Overcome with indescribable peace I reach for the hand of solace.
The light melting this torment and anguish from my heart.
Climbing from that blind cave of oblivion I raise my face to my rightful place in the sun.
Blindingly taken with this beauty I once withdrew from.
I am reborn.
I am reborn.
Just wrote these lyrics to a song. The song will be a spoken word over a metal type instrumental. I drew my inspiration from the swelling style of the music and Plato’s allegory of the cave.
JD Leishman May 2018
And now the heavens have opened with a wonderous explosion,
The universe has awoken and I felt it crash into me.
A tremendous force of dangerously raw emotion,
The culmination of all things, the entirities of entirety.

To seek common needs no more and for more and more I have no need,
My eyes are firmly shut to selfish reprise, and from the conditions of meaningless deeds for senseless greed I am freed.

No more fake.

I’m awake!

I am Jimmy.
awknight Mar 2018
my eyes
drag across
the world in
front of me.

from darkness
to light
I am tired
but awake.

a new life.
reborn from the
grasps of death.
slightly conscious.

around me
I see faces
— unfamiliar.
Chloe Marie Mar 2018
Time after time, her paper wings were torn.
Rustling, cruelly clipped by circumstance
She moved and so did they
broken and crumpled, stunted by misfortune.
But hope was not lost, for she knew
Paper could be smoothed
It could be taped, it could be
Against the dying breeze she beat her creased papers
Rising up
creating a Storm behind her, with
the power of her need to fly
Time after time, her paper wings were torn
And yet, she flew on
archwolf-angel Feb 2018
A heart full of emotions
A body ready for war
Found a new awakening
A new vaccine

Demonic empowering
A spirit of strength
A story to tell


  ... Once upon a time-
It's starting.
InfranGilis Feb 2018
They say that upon someone's last wish,
Darkness caresses and prolongs,
Where once was Light, has now gone to waste,
My heart bleeds and for justice longs,

Monsters are shattered by swords,
Look towards the coming dawn,
They say a beast flanks his tail,
As he has your heart gnawed,

None may rise to the challenge,
Few remain of those heroes of old,
Now death stalks the lands,
Yet within darkness it is gone,

So wail and rest your head on my shoulders,
As I now venture into the night,
For without darkness, light cannot be reborn.
I wrote this on a whim, I've been reading lots of vampire myths and legends and came up with this poem.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018

I’m busy
I love my dream
I’m kind to my shadow
I’m friendly with my hope
I communicate with loneliness
I find millions small reasons to smile

I'm use to with this world
I hear, I understand

I trust the god in me.
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: When, nothing matters, beside hope.
Sam Miller Jan 2018
Feathers in the wind
Crashing to the ground
Plucked from a bird who's sinned
Never again to be found
tears shall be shed
For a piece that has been lost
Her actions made it fled
for which she never  knew the cost
Oh though its gone and probably dead
It will move on to more
Feather to the ground
It has been lost soon to be found
A bit of an older one so a bit amatuerish in wording but hey may as well chuck it up
fhamideas Jan 2018
The power of inner,

The will of god,

The force of the undertaker,

I declared myself an animancer to revolve my path’s sod.

May God blessing me.

Reverie untill reality,

Hands are the best revolution tool in the world,

Endeavor to reach verity,

Don’t wait — capability nature stunted when  35 years old.

limitation kills everybody.

Fast – is a great teacher,

bestowal gift for learner,

One, default person will eventually open their eyes widely;

Two, for the lifelong learning in time, moment, patience & opportunity.

Who doesn’t experience desperate plea?

How well verse we are with ourselves?

Are we just playing part for wolf and lamb?

We only know a thing or two, but we still delve,

like we, human, finally found the wolfram.

Within you, there is a key.

deeply blame only blair walshing with life,

Like someone aiming to connive upon you,

choice need to do again & plan need to contrive,

Life is a marathon, there is no queue.

If your new path is like boomerang, be like kylie.
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