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Anais Vionet Jul 2020
Which came first - kissing or fire?
Which came first - dance, or the language of love?
A look back at those romantic bronze men
Mariah Button Jul 2020
I wonder if this is what it feels like
If my heart is supposed to feel like hot ash,
blowing in the wind and landing in my hair?
If my words are meant to be like alphabet soup,
equating to be nothing?
Am I meant to feel like an empty shell,
sinking to the bottom?
wote this with a bit of a jumbled brain.
Title ideas? I have a few but they don't quite fit.
Thanks for reading!
Samantha Jul 2020
Do you love me?
Eagerly, all-consuming?
Do you crave my touch?
Dream of my kiss?
Do you whisper my name?
When you’re alone?
In hopes I’ll show up?
Could you survive inside?
Without me?
Or do you love me lightly?
Do I make a pretty center-piece?
To your life?
Does my food taste good?
Do I feel warm?
Am I home every night?
Am I welcoming?
A comfortable place?
To lay your head?
Balaguer Jul 2020
It's easier to walk in between the doors of hell
Resilient and motivating
heaven is repulsive
Ditch the two dead birds
bald dead deer still bleeding
and angry white wolves
Subliminally content with the context
your out of context is much more subjective
keep walking

I used to know
misha Jul 2020
why do we call it "falling in love?"

perhaps it's in the act of giving oneself up
or maybe it's because you take a leap of faith
or is it because when you fall

        you either get caught
                             ­Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  or
                                                   you get hurt?
don't fall in love, it's a trap x
Hazel grey Jul 2020
Whenever i have questions
I look up at the sky
For the stars to lead my way
But today when i gazed up
The stars had formed a strange pattern
A question mark as it seemed to be
For the first time the sky was dazed
Not every question requires an answer
Not even, why you left and never looked back.
Owen Jul 2020
When I decease,
if I ascend to heaven ,
what is the point?
If I return to this plane
as human or worm
what is the point?
If I simply cease
to perceive, to exist,
and become one
with all matter.
Why does life matter?
I know theres no true answers out there for me.
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