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Shraddha Arora Feb 2021
I kept walking for forty years;
I had my joys and my tears.

I was a daughter, mother and wife;
I was told that this is life.

I have no regrets.
I have met my targets set.

Then why this question sounds New?
When she asked me “Who are you”?

I fumbled; I stumbled.
But the question is still unanswered.

I am sad, I am nervous;
I was walking with No Purpose.

Maybe it's ok to let it go;
No one else will ever know.

Or, maybe it’s time to walk again;
To finally find “Who I Am”.
This poem is a reality of those who keep living without a 'Purpose' only to realize later how difficult it is to define their 'Why'.
Jonas Feb 2021
I'm looking for Meaning
for answers to the questions blurry in my mind
visable through my screaming heart
my aching chest
the hole in the middle
where my soul ought to be
fighting for room, fighting for breath
I'm looking for Love
whatever that is supposed to be
a gift, a curse, a savior
freedom of me
try not to run away
at first sight
I'm looking for Death
for it is a choice
but binding by nature
face it
accept or despair
one can not wander in a painting
without minding the frame
I'm looking for Purpose
for me to face myself
in no mirror
you weak, fragile, useless being
find your use
don't be to ******* yourself
they say
I'm looking for many things in Life
yet do not open the door
I am scared
live to die another day
in my bedroom
get out
one step at a time
It's natural to be scared
that's how you become brave.
Steve Page Feb 2021
Wakey wakey
Rise and shine
Grab the moment
Start your climb

Get off your ****
Put it in gear
Raise yourself up
Your moment's here

Pull up your socks
Tie up your shoes
Now seize the day
This time's for you.
Feeling lethargic
Jean Marie Feb 2021
It's humbling to remember that
I am just a speck
of dust in the cosmos.
No true greatness; insignificant maybe
But I exist -
My faith sustains me.
I serve a purpose,
I am the sum of my experiences,
I am at its mercy.
My soul, adventuring,
In this period of life,
A different shell, last time,
So far, an endless flight.

My imitate family,
Have journeyed forward,
I learned, miss them much,
Be positive, for the reason.

My work, this era of time,
Advise help, and care
Separate, grief, moments,
Write, leave messages,
Discover, myself.      

Tom Maxwell ©  2/17/19 AD  11:35 AM
My soul, adventuring,
In this period of life,
A different shell, last time,
So far, an endless flight.

My imitate family,
Have journeyed forward,
I learned, miss them much,
Be positive, for the reason.

My work, this era of time,
Advise help, and care
Separate, grief, moments,
Write, leave messages,
Discover, myself.

                                                                          Tom Maxwell ©  2/17/19 AD  11:35 AM
Simon B Jan 2021
The obsession is
finding purpose in mundane
We keep searching on
have you found it?
Brittany Ann Jan 2021
I can hear the way someone is able

to hold the notes in a harmony

like the angels themselves sing

within them from the heavens.

I can see the way a light shines

in the corners of someone's eyes

as they hold the hand of a patient

knowing that is exactly where they're meant to be.

I can feel each graceful stroke

of an artist's paintbrush

where their body and whole being meets.

And all these moments,

I admit,

have made me envious

of their absolute surety.

I have become so engulfed by a life

that is not made to be my own.

Wanting desirably to have the assurance

of a solid purpose like theirs.

But in doing so, I have lost focus

of the recognizable aspects of myself.

Aspects that deserved to be admired

by my very own senses.

For, I can hear the way the softness of my voice

is able to ease the mind

of a troubled soul.

I see the way a light shines

in my child's eyes when she looks at me

before her.

I can feel each graceful stroke

of the pencil I hold where

my body and whole being meets.

And all of these moments,

I must admit,

are just the beginning

to what is my surety.
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