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Brittany Ann Jan 2021
I am the one who is

always waiting.

Always anticipating

for what is to come

or what may come.

Waiting to become



than who I feel that I am.

Stronger than what

I think that I am.

Never fully comfortable with,

never really secure in,

what is present in

the moment.

I wait with

this expectation that

there must always be more

than what there really is.

That I must be more

than what I am.

There sets a purpose,

an endeavor,

before me.

And then, once more,

there's another again.

I anticipate for each and every

opportunity and probability,

then I wait- once more-

for what's to follow.

It's the story of a life

that has an inevitable ending

but with no one

foreseen wrapped up conclusion.

And maybe,

I could see this as just

my adaptability and ability

for such impeccable growth.

Yet, while I wait,

here plays out

each sequence of my world

that races right on past me

before I can even savor

the pure fulfillment,

the true wholeness,

of just one single moment.

And how that precise moment,

in a single instant,

can be gone.
Brittany Ann Jan 2021
Here I sit,

amongst a silent chaos.

Desperate to find that

poetic literary justice

to my current life.


here I sit,

finding nothing-

but feeling everything.
Mathieu Jan 2021
To the trees,
and the seeds
Please believe
The crease in
My knees
Are from pleading
Every which season
You’ll come alive

You’ll come alive

The weak,
The meek,
The speech that
Shakes the roots
We speak
Comes alive

You’ll come alive

Like oxygen,
So sweet
In the air
That we breathe
The droplets
We drink
Come alive

You’ll come alive

The soil
And soot
I kneel
No fear
I’m here for
You to appear
And come alive

You’ll come alive

The soul
It shouts
It loves
And doubts
Your life means
Each season
You are alive

You’ll come alive
Life is an exhilarating ride, full of trauma and triumph, and there is nothing more I want tonight than for each person to experience a single moment of total synchronisation with what it feels to exist. To come alive.

While it won’t solve the worlds problems, it makes us feel like anything is possible, and a little more courageous to partake in the wonder that is you.

Remember, today you matter.

Today you get to take a new chance, open a new opportunity and embrace whatever you’re going through, the good or challenging with a sense of pride that you are magnificent.
J J Wilson Jan 2021
Being is a clash of dance,
A lifelong pursuit of an
almighty stance
A game of chances. a game of dances.
All we have in this
life is time,
Everything else we borrow,
Till the day we reach,
Our dead end signs.

We each have different hills, to climb,
Be careful, for mountain slides,
Trying to reach, the summit,
Avoiding all binds.

Decisions change with time, years,
Always be yourself, what you feel,
Others may be totally wrong,
Lazy, full of fear.

                                                                                                                       Tom Maxwell ©
Is this the Subject, of the story                                         ,                          The way, it is explained to you,
Those, just playing their part,
Or you really, just that board,
Your life, without a clue.

Is it all about competition,
Bragging rights, about what you do,
You will never get ahead,
When you only follow, their rules.

Those voices in your mind,
Your inspirations, for life, this time,
At different moments, in this journey,
They come to life, to keep you in line.
2/12/2020 AD   Tom Maxwell
I am born with a purpose
And I live with a focus
Grow with a vision
Survive for a mission
I got a reason
To live for a season
Through the trials
I have to triumph
‘cos my mission
Is to humanity
To add quality
And meaning to life
So I strive
To overcome the storm
That seems so tough
But for my purpose
I shall not lose focus
No thought of giving up
When I have not done all
That humanity demands
For it is a command
I must obey
Ileana Amara Jan 2021
what most people try to look for,
but it's a tunnel vision;
meant to limit one's complexity.

IA ☕
01.11.21. | watched something quite insightful earlier and here's my thought/s about it. i used to think i have to find my purpose which was so often believed by the myriad as something that's entirely capable/responsible of the good things to come. but it's a tunnel vision to keep our lives confined in this singular purpose or perhaps something that's grand.
Vanessa Johnston Jan 2021
My words come from far away
I’d like to think
A place best kept in murmurs
Mere sighs from within

When I write it screams
Shouts from that land
Dusked by tenfold
When gold
I saw starlit

We are conduits
Essence grand
Emotions otherworldly
Outer space’s illusion

Humanity a vision
Reciting sacred
In hopes of deciphering
By potions of syllables

Be my purpose
Messengers of superstition
Begun in slumber
Ours only
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