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Abby Cunningham Apr 2017
i am tired.
i am tired of seeing the way people are unrightfully treated.
i am tired of sitting around and pretending that you have not affected me.
i am tired of hiding problems and tucking them away like it's no big deal.  
i am tired of feeling awful.
i am tired of being sad.
i am tired of not being able to order my own food at a restaurant for the fear that someone will judge me if i stutter. which i will.
i am tired of a lot of things.
"how are you?" a kind acquaintance asks.
"tired," i immediately shoot back.
a popular response.
fraught with worries.
drowned by despair.
devoid of energy.
too tired to sleep.
"how are you feeling? what's up?"
you don't care.
you're just trying to be friendly.
and i'm too tired to be friendly back.
physically speaking, i'm exhausted.
mentally speaking, i'm distressed and exhausted and anxious.
i'm tired of lying.
i'm tired of trying.
i'm tired of sighing.
i feel like i'm dying.
Zero Nine Mar 2017
We got some dead queers here
they're messing up the floor
Too many *****, too many
******* ******* don't get
me started on the trans*
We need to move our cars
and stroll the walk with
ignorant future tagalongs
More than need to care
To say, ******* speak up
We got some dead queers here,
No ******* problem
Jenny Mar 2017
It is full of smiles that it starts happily
Eyes show the truth,  the reality
I'm so HAPPY, happy of things that surrounds me!

I discovered something strange
That shocked my whole system in a short range
Because I once believed a fake news that spreads rapidly.

How could I possibly accept that lie?
Is that what I deserve?
Do people know the reason why?
Unlimited questions that continuously occupying my mind

Tears flow,
Laughter turns to endless frown
Mood shifted from happy to sad
Am I truly fine with it?
How could adversity come unexpectedly when you recently felt genuine happiness?
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
I smile
     when I do not know what to say
I smile
     when I do not know what is happening
I smile
     when I am expected to do so
I smile
     when I do know that I am in trouble
I smile
     when I do not want to lie
I smile
     *because it is better way to deal than to cry
Rae Mar 2017
My head spun and
I couldn't see the
lines between
a potential problem or
I swore
I could plow on.
And suddenly,
there was a quiet moment
and it would make me realize that
the worst thing that can happen
can happen.
it did.
Nylee Mar 2017
Many things in my life, unsorted
many thoughts in my life, uncategorized
many mysteries in my life,unsolved
many potentials in my life, untested
many emotion in my life,unlabeled
many problems in my life,remains unresolved
many days pass away, unnoticed
                          and still, my life continues...
Elkhan Asgar Feb 2017
It is alright to be scared!
Just stay there and face the fear.
Things will happen, be prepared,
Don't we all have problems, dear?
"Life is hard" you keep on saying,
Yes, it can cause plenty of stress.
Will get worse if you stop trying,
Quit adding to it more mess.
Problems are good with friends!
Mikayla Smith Jan 2017
Life seems pretty
Plain with
Their faces so dull,
Arms so
Weak, the
Of the world
So heavy.

Suppose that it
Does get
Brighter beyond these
Black horizons and
Opaque words of
The mad.

Where will we be
Once the
Weight of
The world crumbles
Mounds of
Saline tears and
Ashen hearts?
Title explains it all, my friends.
A Wegner Jan 2017
'The biggest problem with communication is that we don’t listen to understand, we listen to respond.'

You trace my bottomless eyes to the pit of my stomach
You stare at the tip of my tongue,
With that sordid tang on it;
Reassure me now,
I am not the cause of it.

Taste, but not too late
The stuff of which
I am made.
Never think
I would clean the bottom
Piety of your sink

Would you hear me?
Muffled in a crowd?
Where my delusions
Of your confusions
Are shrouded

I smell repugnance
And make nothing of it
O the fancies of tongues
Bowed, I make nothing of it
In the crowd I hear your sound
I make nothing of it
My rejoinder blaring loud
You make nothing of it

The boil of the grey water
Murky glasses unclean -
Silent unorderly

I make a run for it.
Bit of a cryptic one, but one of my favourites.
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