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I was stuck in a rut,
Not in a place I knew.
I had my heart shut,
Through and through.
If you are someone who often gets stuck in places beyond their comprehension, you just might relate to this. Places where your heart stops working and you don't know what is real and fantasy. I've heard people facing a war against addiction often experience this and also in some cases it can be a medical condition, often beyond their control. But in the end, I think the human spirit is stronger than these places and it is what will survive. We just have to believe and have faith in ourselves, often the most difficult part but well worth it.

PS: The title is inspired by a song of the same name by 'The War On Drugs'. One of my personal favourites and highly recommended :)
marjo Sep 2020
a place where i ought to be,
somewhere i can be,
a place for my dreams
and nightmares,
but i somehow ended up
anywhere near
but my safe haven.
SelinaSharday Sep 2020
Don't get ahead of me and write your story!

Don't go another chapter.
Thinking the mood will capture.
I'm in time standing still..
With every bit of my own appeal.
In my simple time filled maze.
My own lust craze.
A variety lost in chapter three.
You wont see my feet moving, cuz sum different I see.
Listen you stay writing mental notes
And making quotes.
Of repetitions lil mentions.
Yet I've been writing undisturbed proverbs.
While entertaining fluffy clouds in hidden suburbs.
Speaking unplainly @You
How can you
Understand me to get to
chapter 2.
And see me in chapter 3.
Tell meh you feeling Me.
Selfish..walking talking with a unheard woman.
Right now I'ma be selfish cuz there's not lots in common.
But Im avoiding confusion..
I'm made of words and proverbs emotions and quotations.
And vocals that speak of revelations.
A Queendom nation.
Bell of a heightened Resurrection.
Do I move you to deeper configuration.
Or to liquid confusion.
As a harp I'm played..
My cords play stayed.
Yet to instructions I move, frequently  gently.
Not many clearly see the harmony that guides me.
I am writer. Server..Praiser..Uplifter..Encourager.
Made to stir, seek, employ, create and confer.
A waiter..a humble soul..Qualifier..flower.
@I'm simply__H.E.R. writer.
he quickly says ready set lets go..Lifetime change making moves...The big picture, Oh let's go..
Sirad Jul 2020
Where are you from?
My answer is
Does it matter?
This question requires a five part answer

Where are you from?
When you say from?
Do you mean -
The road travel by me or my mom?

Where are you from?
If I say Somalia?
Will you leave it there?
Or ask me if I belong to the north, east or the south?  

Where you from, your accent is unfamiliar?
I know, language is imperative
when you're lost.

Where are you from?
The answer is nowhere
I am stranger to places
no matter where I call home.
Dinesh Padisetti Jul 2020
The stillness feels like death
But movement isn't life either
I'm getting bored again
But moving around isn't the answer

I'd rather move inward
Make a temple in my heart
That only I can build or destroy

For I know why I move.
To feel home in places
Alien to humanity
A temple in my heart..
Ken Pepiton Jul 2020
works as medicine made good as laughter,
works in ever after, which
you began,
or seemed to,
whenever you noticed, this
is after whatever hapt before.
just a thought.
k e i Jun 2020
i hope you find your place
a dwelling of your safe and sound
be it-
a cafe,
a building,
a house,
some space confined by four walls,
the space between a pair of arms,
a library,
free gigs,
the seashore,
your bathroom,
a twenty four hour convenience store,
an empty parking lot,
a skate park,
your room,
someone else’s room,
a rooftop,
the spaces kept kindled by your lungs,
or your bones,
or every beat of your heart;
i hope you find your place

-a place to get lost only to be found; a home
Eniola May 2020
The overflowing sadness,
that courses through thy vein.
Thy heavy mask,
that thou places upon thy face,
for thous never-ending show.
But thou always ask is it worth it?
for is it really worth it?.
this always is the million-dollar question.
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