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Lyss May 2020
And it’s been 9 months...
9 months of mental and emotional turmoil,
9 months of confusion,
9 months of playing everything over and over again in my mind,
9 months of wondering why,
9 months since I’ve had moments of pure happiness.

There has been strides made, but stamina needs building yet. It takes time, practice, understanding, growth and patience to achieve.
But this,
Will take longer than 9 months to achieve.
Carlo C Gomez May 2020
Stay inside
Play it safe
There are much greater things to miss than a day at the beach

Beginning with life itself
Banele May 2020
grow older than I am :
I want to be the first to taste the rain
I learnt to be tired of pain
so, please , dear baby of mine , help me grow.

Grow among the thorns
shine though it pit my bones
be my back bone once more.

If no twice be it forever,
life after life will not hurt;
besides, you not honey ,honey , you don't get me sick.

With my sick moods you kiss my cheek
till the bloom in my cheek blossom
The frown on my forehead blown away
like the bark of the yelling dog.

my hair burn down in bald
my house burn in ruins
don't know if running is the option.

Help me grow so to touch the skies,
but the skies shine will be better with you.
irinia May 2020
Of patience, I know only
what sea turtles have taught me:
how they are born on lightless
beaches so the moon can serve
as a beacon to lure them
into the water; how they spend
their whole lives trying to swim
towards it, enamored, obsessed;
how they flap their forelimbs,
a vague recollection of flying -
the right movement in the wrong
medium, as if they knew how
to reach the moon in a former life
but now only remember the useless
persistent motions; how if you cut
one's heart out it would keep
beating in the pit of your palm,
recognizing the cold night air.

by Ariel Francisco from Best New Poets 2016 50 Poems from Emerging Writers
Dave Robertson May 2020
The path ahead is unclear
the first few steps seem fine
(as fine is redefined by times)
beyond is cowled in green gloom
with definition hidden
but enticing

We pause and breathe
ask feet to tentatively tread possibilities
for surer surface

The line ascribed
by timeless river run
seems safe
and the possibility of kingfishers
is a draw indeed

But we have seen these river banks
lost to inundation
and irresistible weight

To realise this too late
would be fatal

so we collaborate in waiting
and make the call
I saw a kingfisher again! That’s three times in 44 years...
Manuel May 2020
Quarantine O quarantine
Our paths have crossed involuntary

I spent all night
I spent all day
In my bed, where I shall stay

Others scream, and wish to flee
“Let me out, set me free”
But I’m content, for today
And in my bed, I shall stay

The world of man, at his feet
the little bat declares “I am not meat”
stay inside, they all say
and in your beds, you should stay

no spring breaks, no summer camps
no graduations, no euro champs
you know where they are
you know what they say
in their beds, where they should stay

you have all the time, that you need
to learn a skill,
or two or three
  in your beds, you should stay

write a song or sing-along
dance too hard or dance too long
say it loud, as clear as day
in my bed, I shall stay

At the end, of quarantine,
When you are free,
And full of glee,
Call him and her, but not me,
For in my bed, I shall stay.
Yasmine May 2020
Life is not race,
Pace yourself and appreciate ,

What you have been gifted.

And, breathe.
Mehdi May 2020
When is this gonna end?
We're loosing track of everything
Only memories feel so real
When the reality is just a bad dream

I sleep so I can live
To feel something, to just breath
I hope to see you every night
At all those places we've never been

I remember moments we never lived
Did I imagine a life where we did meet?
I know you're here, just miles away
I need to travel time to find you there

If patience is the key
I am trying hard just to be
To exist and to forget
How long this all might take...

Days will pass I am sure
At the end I will find you
As much as I learned to miss you
I know you're there waiting too...
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