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Nameless Feb 2016
Do you feel your hands, tight----------
... Around my neck?
Do you see my face,
the same shade of purple
... To go with the walls.
Why is black and blue
... The only color, in your life?
And I still don't know you--------
Know me?
... And I could NEVER
write about you.
Do you hear yourself, how---
How can you paint me?
Do you see your face?
My face, the same face.
Staring back at you...

The same blue eyes,
And a different mirror.
Joyce Jan 2016
Writing with inspiration.
My words are flowing.
Like the wind is howling.
Ice cold blue sky.
Snowflakes floating by.
Slowly ice melting.
Like a tree with autumn leaves.
Swirling and twirling around.
Leaving colors of paint
on forrest ground.
Hear chestnuts falling
on crispering leaves.
Love this beautiful
nature sound.
Words will come as they come.
Like seasons they shift.
Bringing each their own gift.
Snow and cold.
Leaves so colorful.
Flowers will blossom.
Hot sun and beach walking.
Inspire and embrace life
in all of your days.
Give some love on this
beautiful place.
Jamie King Jan 2016
Pierced shreds of brown rags, ravaged by hounds with reeking sores.
Dripping a stream of pus, bred in rage, howling in dread where nights have no end.

Dancing Queens carrying the caskets of life,
majestically waltzing across salty rivers, swiftly gliding across oceans to embellished gardens nurtured by old wrinkled, shriveled hands In narrow paths with sinking sand.
I'll let you decide what it's all about.
Justin Koellner Jan 2016
Forged by Hephaestus himself, tempered in Satan's heart.

It moves too fast for the normal eye to see,

But leaves traces of moon glinted footsteps in the fissure of heaven's breath.

In the harmonic tune of clashing instruments, an orchestrated chaos is present.

The chord from the bowstring beats time on wooden shields.

To this, their blade waltz continues.

Their cadence unmatched by surrounding performers,

The maestros continue their viperous style.

Just as a painter cannot take away a stroke of the brush,

A swordsman cannot take away a stroke of the blade.
honeybee Jan 2016
you painted on my tongue
i can hear your gentle voice
wrapped around my jarring words

i tried to brush you away
drowned myself in mouthwash
tied a noose with floss,

you will never leave me
i am stained

i'll never know
the paintings i'd create
if i hadn't kissed you first
i don't want you there anymore. i don't want the feel of you on my skin, i don't want you. it's not healthy to drink yellow paint.
yellah girl Jan 2016
she would be unclothed
all her secrets laid out
in the late summer sun
streaming through the open window
she would face the painter
her almost-green-but-not-quite eyes
wide with a fear and a thrill
never felt until now
her rosebud lips twitch in a half smile
as though she is afraid
the happiness will be lost if she grins too wide
her chocolate brown hair
curls just above narrow shoulders
sprinkled with cinnamon freckles
the artist paints with a tender hand
capturing both innocence and allure
and when he is done the girl is dressed and gone
and so the painting is hidden and gathers dust
until a curious boy unveils it years later
and hangs it above the fireplace
where his greedy eyes can feast on the girl's secrets
day and night, he will try to unravel them
but distraction comes in shape of a skin and bone lover
so the painting is suppressed again
until another prying hand wipes the dust away
Annie McLaughlin Jan 2016
I thought that if
   I had enough spray paint
    And a place to put it
      Then maybe I could
        Make something out of these
          Drab pale walls

            But the landlords
               They got mad
                  And they said I would have to pay
                    For the damage done

                      But, I didn't see any damage
                        All I saw was galaxy
                           And colors that reflect
                             What I felt at night

                                 ... I wish that I could just
                                    Order the ones that painted over
                                       And damaged me
                                            To pay, and to fix what they did
                                               But maybe they don't understand
                                                  What they did, either
                                                      Because I look fine to them
                                                         And my expression
                                                              For all that they know
                                                                 Is not faked

                                                                    And maybe they like what
                                                                       They did
                                                                          And maybe it doesn't
                                                                              Look that bad
                                                                                 From where they stand watching

                                                                                    So I will fix the **** wall
                                                                                       And then right once it is back to
                                                                                          Its normal
                                                                                             Wretched colors
                                                                                                I'll paint over it again
                                                                                                  But this time with my own blood
                                                                                                      And the tears that they caused

                                                                                                         And you won't be able to
                                                                                                              Demand me to fix it
                                                                                                                 And they will still gaze at me
                                                                                                                    And smile
                                                                                                                       At what
Lauren Leal Dec 2015
Your body is a canvas,
Covered with the paint,
of your life.
I want to study
and learn every stroke,
every scar.
I want to know
every part of you.
I need to learn your story
by seeing
and feeling
every inch of you.
Sarah Dec 2015
There is a vast depth within me,
strange and inexplicable
even to myself...
No words exist to explain
the truths that lie there.
Only pigment and brush
intuitively composed
on blank canvas
by hands none other than my own.
Red Dec 2015
It hurts to breathe
and oh my god I thought I meant something to you
But I can't sleep at night
There are puddles in my eyes.
You opened up a book full of mysteries and pictures of better days
And I fell in between the pages
Mesmerized and lost in the clear skies and dark shadows
I was amazed and intrigued by this new world you opened up in a matter of a few pages
I never wanted to leave
And I wanted to have a thousand forevers in that paradise
But soon the clear skies turned into gray and it started to rain
The rain turned into hurricanes and it never stopped
I thought I had found my better days
but it turned out that I was just in the eye of the hurricane.
The raging winds and roaring storms left me breathless and torn
Now I don't know how to make myself better
I don't know how to be whole
I don't know what I've become
All I do is play the clear skies and the parts where it felt like I mattered over and over in my mind
When your words and my heart intertwined like our fingers, inseparable by any storm.
I thought your words were the only truth I needed
You held me close and I was so lost in the haze that I didn't realize you put me in the middle of a storm
You crushed my mind, my sanity, and my heart
You ******* crushed me and left me to glue myself together
I can't find all the pieces
They must have gotten lost in those winds
I don't paint clear skies anymore
It hurts to breathe.
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