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Lex Jan 2018
finding out the one you love
is different than what you thought
is kind of like finding out
"daddy's not a superhero"
you feel sad
and worst of all like it was all
a lie.
Jillian McLean Jan 2018
"GET OVER IT!" She said as if depression can be remedied
by any of the contents found in a first aid kit.
Randy Mcpeek Oct 2017

Roses are red,violets are blue. You think you broke me,but, I'm going to show you.
I'll come back even stronger than before.
Your lies and deceit don't affect me anymore.
I'll be even more confident, wait and you'll see.
You thought you could take my dreams away from me.
My belief in my abilities, but, here’s what is most sad;
You'll never know the diamond you had.
What was once in ruin is more solid than ever….after you tore me down.You thought you were clever.
Now who's the smart one?.I am, without a doubt. I've changed who I am, both inside and out.
I won't accept anything less than a heart that is true. The days finally come, I'm over you.
If you ever realize the pain you have caused, If you finally see how you made my life pause.
I hope you never hurt anyone else that deep. Because in the end, what you sew, you'll reap.
Someone else will come along, that captures your heart,and before you know it, will rip it apart.

Randy McPeek
girl diffused Oct 2017
i only learned value
after i picked
through my wreckage
he left me as a broken house
derelict splintered wood
peeling paint
broken shutters
i fed myself softer things
rebuilt myself on a river
and married the earth
It takes a while but eventually the pain recedes. It becomes acrid first, then bitter, then bittersweet, and finally it will taste like nothing at all.
Lshassan Aug 2017
I don't know what's wrong
I don't care about what's right
Despite of the starring eyes, I rise.
And, Im never scared to flaunt
I do whatever the **** I want
olivia Aug 2017
when last mine eyes met yours
the roses in my belly didn't fall to my ****
and my tongue didn't tie itself up with the rope in the dark
and my hands didn't clam up with the sweat that slicked off your back
it's like I never saw you the first time

when last mine eye met yours
I invited a cordial embrace absent of complication
and my mouth flapped away with stories of a me who doesn't know you
and my hands stayed folded in my lap atop my crossed legs
and when you couldn't bring your eyes to meet mine
it was like I never even saw you the first time
BrittneyForever Apr 2017
What do I look like to you?
A Woman who doesn't deserve flowers when she's melting or not?
Maybe a tissue too wipe your nose and clear off your sweat?
Or am I you're favorite book you've forgotten laying under your bed side?
Maybe, it doesn't matter what I look like to you. What matters is how your treating me- with out even realizing, and that's what it looks like to me.
Erin Nicole Apr 2017
I hate being called strong.

I'm not "strong" okay?

If I was so "strong", I would have
never cut myself.

I would have never skipped meals
because someone said I was fat.

I would never started this
stupid self destruction cycle.

So, no, I'm not strong. I'm far from it

Try using different words; maybe
They'll actually mean something.
Erin Nicole Apr 2017
You have those moments where you think you're over it and then you have others where you cry on the bathroom floor wondering why you weren't good enough.
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
your chest pops out a bit more I see
and you got taller
as you jokingly mentioned I must have shrunk
and while you're at it, you must have got some
while you know I'm left in the dark
and while you're at it, I see you didn't shave...
though you wanted to shave anyway..
someone else must have got your ego up
and while you think you're the victim
don't think I didn't notice
your struggling for words to find me a compliment
while you asked why my hair was half was not, you *****

you're just a cocky little ******* now
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