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Figure it out for yourself,
It won't be interpreted the same way
Leia R Nov 2016

tired of crying over people who don't deserve my tears
Kat Nov 2016
You're not good enough kid
You've been told that for so long
Your menial effort means nothing
And in reality it doesn't
Grow up kid
You've been told that for so long
Your constant tears won't do anything for you
They'll make you weak
Toughen up already kid
You've been told that for so long
Be bold or else
Or else you'll eventually be ruined
And I've agreed
I've listened to your uncontrolled stream of ****** advice
I've sat quiet
Sitting still and attempting to look pretty
And my silence is at it's end
My voice yearns freedom
From its prison of rules
It's screaming NO
It's screaming that you are good enough
It's screaming you're a child so act like one
It's saying to feel weakness
Because all of those thins make you human
And tbh I'm lowkey human
When im sittin in my bed, nothin else is said, without you,
When im cryin alone, someone pick up the phone, without you,
Without you,

Yeah, i sit in bed voices in my head, fill me with dread, man get out my head, fill me with lead, pump me full, of a mean order, man dont dis no daughter, or else ill have to floor ya, kinda **** to prepare ya, cuz life aint fair yo, fill my head with air yo, aint nothin compare yo, your livin on my land yo, id happily lend a hand though, cuz nothin can prepare yo, for what your 'bout to hear yo.

When im sittin in my bed, nothin else is said, without you,
When im cryin alone, someone pick up the phone, without you,
Without you,

Went from man of my house, to a drug addict.
Use to hate dope, use to hate drugs, use to love my mates, now they find me cheap, i use to live my life, now I've ******, anti-right all I've left is to fight, for what is right, no more drugs, no more ****, these voices have exceeded me, get out my head, leave my life, you’re as addicting as my knife, but i gave that up, so i can leave you too, my heads a zoo, so leave me alone to flow.

When im sittin in my bed, nothin else is said, without you,
When im cryin alone, someone pick up the phone, without you,
Without you.
A song i made about my addiction,
I thank everyone who helped me through it.
Kat Oct 2016
You were someone I cared about
I tried so hard
To be the perfect daughter
But nothing will ever be enough
And I have too much to live for
To die another day for you
So now
You're dead to me
Aaron LaLux Jul 2016
Hey America I love you but,
I don’t think we should elect a president right now.
We really just need some time to be free,
and to find ourselves.

Yours Truly,

Aaron LA Lux

if you want to leave the door is open,
If you want to leave feel free to make me free,
I tried to show you the truth,
But you blind from head over hate,

You’re mad over things that never happened,
Say I cheated I’ll say your insane,
I never cheated it was all a game,
Now u left me I seem to gain fame,

I don’t know why I bother you held me back,
Now I see you’re the one that made me attack,
I though you were the one to set me free,
You locked me up now I’m breaking out,

I can't believe I tried to save us,
You never cared about our fate,
With you anything could be done,
Now you nothing I’m f**king done,
Aaron LaLux Jul 2016
Fck these words,
no one really reads much anymore anyways,
thought we were on the precipice of a Literary Renaissance,
but I was wrong we’re all too far gone to really care,

fck these words,
should’ve just shot a ****,
maybe then you’d at least give me a few minutes of your time,
maybe then I’d be able to get these thoughts into you,

fck these words,
maybe I should rephrase that,
make love with these words,
let me rephrase that,

fck these words,
fck politically correct,
Donald Trump is winning the election,
our country is the **** of a bad racist joke,

we’ve gone numb,
seen so many murders on the big screen,
that when our own character is assassinated,
we don’t even blink we just shut our eyes,
we will bring flowers to the funeral,
but we won’t tell them we love them when they’re alive,
we’ll write a beautiful eulogy once they’re dead,
but we won’t send a postcard while they’re still living,
lost my adopted father,
saw his wife and daughter cry,
and after missing two seasons of holidays,
I only came out to see him after he died,
and honestly it’s hard to feel connected to a black casket,
so I blocked out the white noise and read my eulogy,
then I flew back to Hollywood after the 21 gun salute in DC,
because I’m a narcissist and I think the world revolves around me,
but I am not the Sun,
I am barely even a son,
I just think I’m someone somewhat important,
because I’ve ****** out my words and thousands read my naked verses,

fck these words,
fck these fckn words,
I swear to God I’ll shut my MacBook for good,
pull that trigger and open up my mind maybe then I’ll be understood,

shock therapy,
self promotion,
suicide doesn’t answer any questions,
but it sure is an all-inclusive simple solution,

in my atmosphere,
is there anything I can write,
that will really make anyone really care?

I’m asking a serious question,
share a few moments of your time with me,
and I’ll give you me entire eternity,

my heart is on fire and it’s burning me,
I need some fresh air,
I need some new hope,
I need to not need anything,

I am a fckn *****,
I told you that before,
we all are in our own ways,
that’s the reality of this world,

and I try and write to find redemption,
because I’ll sleep with a *******,
then donate a thousand dollars to a charity,
I’m an unbearably uncontainable contradiction of virtues,

writing the madness of us all,
writing with the urgency of a conductor as his train careens off the track,
flying over the edge of a mountain cliff in slow motion,
getting out the final proses before it’s all over for all of us,

fck these words,
fck them until you’re sweating out all your pores,
until you’re coming over and over with these words,
until you become overly sensitive from overstimulation and you’re begging for no more,

until we are both exhausted,
laying there in the thick humid silence of a passed moment,
staring up at forever tunnel vision bright lights everything blurs,
and we become memories of our passed selves and all that’s left are these words…

∆ Aaron La Lux ∆

Volume 1 of my new trilogy about Hollywood is now available worldwide.
I’ve decided to donate ALL of the profits of this new trilogy to three charities.
Volume 1 profits will go to a charity that prevents abuse and ****** assault on children.
Please support my new book and by doing so you’ll not only be helping prevent ****** assault,
but you’ll also be helping set an important precedent in making a statement to other artist,
saying that we all need to start giving back and helping each other more than we have.
PLUS you’ll also be getting an epic book of poetry from an epic best selling poet.
Let’s make charity cool and change the perception of coolness for the better.
Who cares what car you drive or what clothes you wear anymore?
What matters is what you’re doing to help those with less.
We live in this world together and can all give more.

It took me six months and thousands of dollars to create this trilogy in it’s entirety,
and all I am asking for in return is a few dollars and a few minutes of your time.
We made the last book I published #1 worldwide and we can do it again.
Simply purchase a copy now for less than it cost for a cup of coffee,
and/or PLEASE WRITE AN HONEST REVIEW about the book.
I’ve priced the book as low as I possibly could with Amazon.
And honestly If you really don’t have 3 dollars to spend,
at least REPOST this message,
or RESPOND to this message,
or something,

Here is the link for purchasing/reviewing the book:
A frustration all  us writers go through...
Aaron LaLux Jul 2016
...No wonder,
no numbers,
all blunder with,
scarred slumbering,

do you compute the math?

Most don't but luckily I’m only half as bad,
a psychopath on sassafras off the track and on the attack,

but at least I don’t stick my neck out like a gangly giraffe,
shoulders limp as seaweed baked and bouncing to whatever wack raps,

not even understanding what you said,

clowning everyone else but honestly,
everything you dis you are that,
and like I said before,
I’m bad but only half as bad as that,

I’m only half brainwashed and somewhat sheepish,
so at least I’m able to write about how stupid we are,
false egos fake libidos we played ourselves and that’s a well known secret, still we dye our hair dress up get on stage and play the air guitar,

and it all sounds like,

egotistical *****,
reincarnated regurgitated nonsense,
narcissistic linguistics characteristic of conflicts,
nobody cares about how much money you’ve got,

not even you...

** I just published a new book. If you could take a moment to check it out and even write a review it'd be most appreciated. All profits go to a charity that prevents ****** assault and abuse against girls and boys. So not only are you getting an epic book of poetry, but you're also supporting a good cause. I spent 6 months and thousands of dollars on creating this book, all I'm asking for in return is a few minutes and a few dollars to help prevent the abuse and assault of our children. Thank you SO much ∆ Here are the links for my new book as well as the link to the charity I’ll be donating all of the profits to:
Nik Jul 2016
you will never be what I need but constantly seem to be what I want,
and I don't understand why.
you are fire,
and I like to play with matches.
you could burn me 100 times
and my common sense would still be blinded by whatever this twisted excuse for love is.
I will no longer allow my heart to be scorched.
for so long I was afraid to be water,
but here I am now-
ready to dwindle your flame.
No matter how many times I read this over to myself, I still don't believe it. I am not strong. Your false love made me this way.
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