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Natasha Apr 2020
darkness coating old shoe prints,
fossilized by mud, a modern relic.

the steady pitter-patter of footsteps falling,
drawn forward, hurried

by the silent calling.

labored breath,
as beads of sweat
trickle down reddened cheeks.

tightness in my chest,
struggling to breathe.


I never want to stop

chasing this feeling.

sprinting forward blind,
my feet cracked and bleeding.

no destination, no plan

just the sensation of gripping
my bare toes in the sand.

or feeling the concrete beneath my soles
as I rush head first

towards everything unknown.

for when I stop
I lose the rush

palour coats my fading flush.

for the moment, it's relieving
to catch my breath

enjoy the moment
of silence in my steps

or the quell of my frantic heart beating.

yet the world continues
shift through time

I mustn't stay long

or I'll leave myself behind.
Angmar Miedema Apr 2020
Dead on demand wil be the name of my band.
When I'm reborn and my friends are too.
A different universe where our dreams come true.
Not like in here.
Where every phone call is bad news that you don't want to hear.

We will be free because we went through hell in here first.
We know not to be too ecstatic cause we'd known the thirst.
When everything goes right we know what every type of wrong feels like.
Everything will be completely turned upside down and ruled by music and magic.
Love is rather ecstatic.

In here it's dark when I wake and all the people are separated.
In their own space dealing with their own pain.
Dead on demand is something that could never really be honorated.
***, it's gone on too long! Learning from every disaster but disaster will always remain!

We will be free!
Dead on demand flying to the colourful sea.
Reborn with your friend.
Dead on demand will be the name of my band!
It will never be like it is in here.
Where every phone call is bad news that you don't want to hear.

We will be free because we went through hell in here first.
We know not to be too ecstatic cause we'd known the thirst.
When everything goes right we know what every type of wrong feels like.
Everything will be completely turned upside down and ruled by music and magic.

Love is rather ecstatic.
Love is rather right.
Love is a feeling like you never felt before.
Love is rather ecstatic.
Love is better than magic!
Sara Apr 2020
She was staring out the window
On a rainy afternoon
She liked jazz
but he always played blues

Tune after tune

So it was blues she listened to
With mock appreciation
for the records in the room

A lazy lovers weekend
with books and plants and puff

She smiles every so often
But she knows she’s had enough
Ivy Davenport Mar 2020
ever get that feeling
that you don't want
anyone to decide
who they think you are...
that you want to crumple up
the page of yourself
in everyone's mind
and title yourself
Ken Pepiton Mar 2020
Would of, I just got.

Would is past tensed
right. And would have is wishing

for power to do
all you could, were there a way,
will makes the way, the way comes
of will.

I would have told you sooner, but
would of never made sense to me.
Nothin' t' do. But live the high life far from the maddened crowd. And crow a little,
Riz Mack Mar 2020
Find me
inhaling the smoke of summer dreams
blown in from somewhere far afield
breathe deep
observing the mountains of ash
dust on the periphery
recently undisturbed
from the beasts ever lessening visits
once, they were ravenous
a force unbound
now bound by force
consummately conquered
intravenously consumed
with cold inattention

Find me
immovable, unmoving
as artificial flowers in spring
copy of a copy of a copy of
delusion of heart
where wistful winds
erase the path once tread
breathe deep
the ghost of slanted seasons
here, in the autumn of all things
where the dead come to rest
you'll find me
and still
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