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hiba sajid Mar 2020
One day I'll wake up to a different day,
as I bid farewell to my past.
I'll wake up to a different sky.
A beautiful day.

You'll see my eyes grin
as the warm sun kiss my face in joy,
And my hair dance to the tempo of the breeze.

You'll find me hop past the pink meadows like a merry child.
And then you'll see me run.
And I'll run as fast as I can,
like a firework in the sky,
rejoicing every stride towards freedom I take,
in this beautiful maze called life.
nabilah Mar 2020
all the memories are hanging on the wall.
the best one,
the worst one,
all collected like there's no difference.
we all made mistakes,
we always did.
we're sorry anyway.
it's time to let go,
to move forward,
to forgive and forget.
izzn Mar 2020
When you finally
make up your mind,
don't you worry about me,
I'll be fine

Moving on
is something I've been doing
my whole life,
so I'll be fine, I'll be fine.
Gotta accept that it is what it is.
nevaeh Mar 2020
i dont know what you want
but if it isnt me
then just move on
cut the cord now
instead of straining it
until it snaps
because dragging me along
will only hurt me more
so please
unless you really want this
dont take it
because it's all i have left
i love you, and i probably always will, but if you cant understand how you feel yourself, then please dont let me think you love me too.
aphrodite Mar 2020
last November, you said, "I'll always be here when you need me."
so thank you for staying gone.
Thomas Harvey Mar 2020
She left at the wrong time, but was there ever a right time
She must have seen a sign or worse she may have gotten tired
I thought I was the one who could fill her desire
When we met again she seemed happier
something changed, but in a good way
It was at that moment I knew she wasn't there for me in the beginning
I was meant to be there for her in the end
Timing doesn't matter, All that matters is the memories we shared
For those will last a lifetime
We Are Stories Mar 2020
it’s not the warm heart
that causes pollination  
from the honey bee

it’s just the static-
the spark between the partners-
rubbing off on them

both getting their way,
the bee and the new flower-
the wet dew glistens-

then they fly away,
maybe visiting someday-
moving on and out.

will they remember
the day they spent together-
i guess life moves on.
Nola Leech Mar 2020
Just because you're lonely
Don't let people use you
Leo Mar 2020
I found something
I can not unsee it
I can not unhear it
Although I never really could see it could never really hear it
I thought it up once
I could not tell you if I wanted to—
It will not go away—

I see it behind every scene
Its presence mocks me
Makes absence of the wonders of the world
How could something be beautiful juxtaposed with such obscene, grotesque clarity?

I can hear it always between every word spoken
It frames them as they roll off the tongue
Encases the vibrations as they make their way through the empty space and into my skull
Forcing connections between defunct neurological pathways trying to understand something—

It’s the place where my thoughts come from
The feeling that penetrates deep within me

It is not dark
It is not silent
It is not numb
It is not empty

It is inevitable

It reaches from behind me and pulls at my ribcage
It weighs on my shoulders and gnaws at the base of my skull

Some days, it is a rabbit
It whispers in my ear
You are big
Your bones are strong
Make for green meadows
We are waiting for you there

Others it is a dragon
It whispers in my ear
You are small
Your flesh is weak
Make for dark chasms
My fire will find you

Its breath burns my nostrils
Fills my lungs
Consumes my thought
I am rendered helpless by its sting

How could something be painful juxtaposed with something so calm

So blinding
So deafening

How could something be so dark
So silent
So numb
So empty

How could something be so

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