I thought about speaking to the reader.
To the person skimming titles
that might suit their current feelings.
Maybe it's heartbreak, which I say
maybe it's time for a heart - break.
If you ever said you didn't want to do something,
I want to be the person asking you WHY.
Why, do you not want to do it?
Why why why, what else do you have to do?
I don't mean to pressure you into a forced response.
I'm not an abusive parent or spouse, (where talking it out means, verbally beating you into submission).
I only ask why, because I want you to know.
That every action is a decision.
A choice made by you.
I made the choice to
share ****** poetry,
and you made the choice to read it.
If we're both willing
to spend our time
on things like these,
then maybe
we should change
what we choose to do.
Do what is right.
Be passionate,
don't let titles lead you,
and **** heartbreaks.
We all need to be working towards what we want, instead of working for what everyone else wants. If you're unhappy, why?