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Brett Palmero Nov 2016
We were so close
A friend in life
Who could take my woes
And cut them with a knife
Yet I was a flake
I want to mend this mistake

I chased others
Who said they'd stay
Then flew like feathers
The very next day
My heart they take
I want to mend this mistake

I missed your presence
The way we smiled
We were a menace
Living life wild
For our own sake
I want to mend this mistake

Then one day you spoke
And still cared for me
You fixed what I broke
And I felt so happy
Now I lie awake
Mended is my mistake
I ignored you, and I'm sorry. Even though most of the people I ignored you for became my closest friends, I didn't have to leave you behind. Those who misled me to forget you, I am not a fan. So now it's just up to me to mend what I can.
Lady Bird May 2016
an alluring portrait of beauty
a painting worth adoration
the portrayal of love
mending its flow of art
the starlit eyes
holds a broken heart
so fragile yet easy
to spot the lies
in the fallen mind
I just sang a song
because of you. I cringed
a little,
cradled a broken part of me
in these arms where love
used to be nested.
I shed a tear
for you. I mend a little heartache.
Gracie Knoll Dec 2015
Mending broken teacups
Mending shattered glass
A little spot of glue for here
A little more to make it last
But can I ever fix what matters most
Is it possible to mend a broken heart
Probably impossible like mending broken promises
I wish there was a way of mending broken pasts
Like trying to keep a cloud together
Or making forms from dust
But there is a God out there who made impossible work
Once you believe in him impossibilities start
First he forgives you
Forgives all of your messed up past
Then he starts to work on us
And mends our broken hearts
Deana Knight Dec 2015
An unstable mind.
Why is it so hard to find peace?
Because you have an unstable mind.
If you aren't stable then peace will be the last thing you'll find.

Wish my heart could flow,
Like sleds on snow, but it can't because I am unstable.

Take another look at that broken heart you hold. You tossed it to just about anyone in hopes that they'd catch it and not let you down, but you were surprised when your hopes where flipped upside down and that made you unstable.

See your thoughts is a way for your mind to breath, to live; to speak. And when your your unstable and your speaking, so is your mind.

That's what makes you unstable.

But remember, that if you think no one cares, please note that I do.
Because you are me and I am you.
So throw away your unstable mind and and take mines, while im mending your broken heart and your unstable mind.
and so i tremble
oh, need i even regret
having tried,
having been broken beyond mending
like rare china?

the years balm not
for as the shadows follow
the lean figure, they haunt.
too deep for tears.
sighs would be trite.
but, there is no begging.

would that i could hate:
love betrayed is vinegar
poured on wounds bleeding.
but you shall be with me
for every hair
i hesitantly smooth
with suspecting fingers.
i shall not forget.
Caitlyn Morton Apr 2015
You are beautiful to me,
and i never told you this
but the way your scars
light up in the sun just
proves to me everyday of
how incredibly hurt you are,
and i hope it's not because of
me because that would break
my heart into a billion pieces.
and i pray that one day you
will open your eyes
and realize that what you're
doing to yourself isn't right
because you deserve the world
and i know that your cuts
sting because mine do, too.
but we can mend eachother's
wounds while lying on the beautiful
quilt your mother made the day before
she killed herself
as we watch sad movies at two in the morning,
crying our poor little selves to sleep.
not only crying because the movies
are devastating but because our
lives are.
the desire to want something better
for ourselves is torturing,
because we all know
that'll never happen.
Mavis Mayhem Apr 2015
The End plays softly,
Dancing upon my ears.
My soul rests gently
There are no more tears.

Up and down like gentle waves,
Breathing deeply: no pain remains.
Drifting away, lost at sea.
What do you see when you look at me?

The hurt in my eyes,
Or tear stains on my cheeks?
The heartbreak you left me,
In volumes it speaks.

But alas, sadness does not forever last,
The sun will shine again and help me move past.
Your hold over me is broken for good,
My heart is mending, just as it should.
Mathilda Boe Sep 2014
I try not to fall
And you know,
I'm really good at it

I don't ever fall
Because I'm the type of person
Who always breaks

They always pick me up
And mend me once again
Then push me back out there

They call it love
Call it pleasant
Call it heaven

And I promise them
That this time
That's what I'll find

But I've fallen again
And I'm so sorry
Not for me
But for them
Because their is no worse thing than seeing

A friend whom you can not mend.
The Terry Tree Aug 2014
Crack in my heart
I feel a break begin
A start to fall apart
Not yet these things

I am so happy
In this newfound place
This grace
I am not ready

Though I have known
You yes for years
My soul cries out
How long it's been
That I have known you

In this length of time
Yes our souls have
Known the other
I have at many times
Even called on you
As brother

Now I cry when I
Am happy
Not tears of joy
But tears of pain
Remind me of the rain
Of which I love

Play with me
And mine old memories
In a sandbox
For all time
Which to consider
Every feeling of sublime
Fluttered forgiveness

As my heart wants not
In-two be broken
It craves only
That which heals
Out the unspoken

Still unreal
Has cause such thinking
When connection
Meets with sinking ships
Emotional equality that drips
Away, it melts and frays

As plucked each thread
Bright colors dead
Beholds the canvas of our painting
Torn to shreds
With the passion of a feather
Quill once bled

Upon the pavement
Of our wings
In the bread of our concern
Here lies instead my
Heart's forgiveness
As gifts the benefit misled

Exonerate this feast
At table and at seat
And for the sake
If not our friendship
At least for every
Other that would glean

If not to grow
Then why to bend so
In the end?
If not to bend so
One cannot mend
Such cracks
My friend

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