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Autumn Sep 2015
My chest has been hurting
And I don't know if it's
A medical issue or an
Emotional issue.
Àŧùl Jul 2015
I want to just confess,
Not creating a mess,
I love to see her work,
Not some sweaty one,
But right when she studies.

The angel studies dedicatedly,
And I am proud to help her,
Not that she can't do without me,
The tulip is intelligent enough,
But I want to be the dew drops on her.
My HP Poem #894
©Atul Kaushal
Carly Lloyd Mar 2015
I now have a funky heart,
My nurse calls it a ***** heart.

All seemed well,
And I felt swell-
Until I stood, that is.

The funky heart grooved,
The ***** heart moved.

I fell,
Oh hell-
The nurse's name was Liz.

The doctor told me I'd be fine...
But he cannot feel the pain that is mine.
*frustrated because the cardiologist won't take me seriously
Poet-Whisperer Jan 2015
If an overdose
On my medication
Can **** me…
Maybe, just maybe
Its nothing
But an assisted attempt
Of suicide from
My own doctor
For in the end
Death is nothing
But a side affect
Of these so called pills
That are slowly
And very eagerly trying
To **** me.
Abigail Shaw Dec 2014
Don’t read this if you’re squeamish,
Or if you’re eating food at the present,
Since some of the subjects discussed in this poem,
Are let’s just say rather unpleasant,

On the subject of donating organs,
Or the subject of organs at all,
It’s not unusual for my claims to leave,
Some subjects feeling pretty appalled,

Now I’d say that most people die,
In fact I’d vouch that it happens quite often,
But when my time comes, set has my sun,
I want all of me in that coffin,

Now I get it, I’d save lives if I donated,
And I don’t mean to sound like a **** (yes I do),
But the unmissable flaw, the foot in the door,
Is that not all of my parts seem to work,

My eyes are screwy, my heart’s far too cold,
The state of my lungs’ll make you shiver,
My kidneys too small, I'm not sure I have a pancreas,
And don’t get me started on my liver,

And let me tell you with a face like mine,
Not showcasing this beauty’s a sin,
But it’s awfully hard to have an open casket,
If I’m not sporting any of my skin

It’s selfish and weird I know that,
But my eyes are where my soul is exposed!
…Yeah actually my soul’s pretty tainted,
Can someone make sure that my eyes are closed?

I only want those I love to have a part of me,
So if I’m forced, if I’m forced, to partake,
They’ll be frying up my organs,
For refreshments at my wake.
Short poem I wrote after a debate on ***** donation (which I am all for by the way)
Emily Overheim Oct 2014
There comes a point as you sit there
trying to untangle your fingernails from between your teeth
as your leg bounces at a million miles a minute,
and you think Jesus Christ how’d I get here?
Shadows on the screen and a pinch with spreading cold
as you nearly shake yourself off the table,
you clutch at the cage on your head
and breathe deep.
Anthony Williams Jul 2014
Somehow your heart enzymes inveigled a way into my system
I surmise it was your energising tongue which smuggled them in
my pseudoanaphylactic longing to snuggle in vein against your protein
its aim a happy interaction tugged by frenzied polypeptide chains

when your petite triglycerides coil avidly around my pH changes
hydrolysis replenishes steroids to stop any pleasure level plunge
so that functional-group transfers may intervene at all active sites
supervising where coenzymes await love's coursing stem cell sights

that photosynthesise my eyes to sensitise to you despite the dark
dancing in all my living cells with infectious smiles an epidemic
when your DNA can't polymerase enough of the audacious lipids
pleasing as they kiss the density away of fatty acids on soft lips

that release protease inhibitors in ways not too selective
so our hearts find their metabolic pathway audaciously live
and offer themselves completely to a frolic in love reactive
by Anthony Williams
Enzymes are protein catalysts that, like all catalysts, speed up the rate of a chemical reaction without being used up in the process.
anonymous May 2014
I now see why people call it
"falling in love",
because you don't just trip,
you can't stand up after
and dust the dirt and blood off of your knees
like nothing ever happened
if the one you are falling for you
doesn't catch you
you can't patch it up with band-aids
and hydrogen peroxide
it's not a little trip
it's an enormous, mountain high fall
and if you don't land just right
you wind up with a broken heart
instead of broken bones
Ellen Dawson Apr 2014
Your touch closes my eyes
I let your words traumatise my mind
Your breath dampens my skin,
Provoking apocalyptic thoughts from within

The trickle of your touch
Is eating at my mind,
I keep your desires fed,
Thirst and hatred intertwined

Disrupting my insides
My lips escape discordant harmonies,
As in you I confide,
That the truth's foreign to my eyes

You remain my fixation
A sinister hallucination
Occurrences of formination
Are my self-rehabilitation

— The End —