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sunprincess Oct 2017
Lately feels more and more like
I've stepped into a fantastic maze
There is a way out, always is
Only seems like I can't find it
Which way should I go now?
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2017
Look to the stars
in this maze of life.
It is when you travel
that it is the same sky
we're under.

Blessings rain on us all
as well as curses and pain.
Turn to the inky sky
with scintillas.
Let the umbran tendrils
fall behind you.
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2017
With time comes wisdom.
And in time, you will
be able to see many
truths in a maze
of falsehoods.
The world evolves and not for the better. To find the truth in certain things, takes time.
Be wary that there are those who view others existence as a mere opportunity to use, or create profit off of. These people will barricade themselves beneath a facade, that will lead many to believe them. These people view their fellow human beings as property, and will use them for their own selfish-desires. These people are afraid of intellectual thought, and promote a sheep-like lifestyle. Some may try to use your imagination and destroy it, using you for their experiment.
Alec Jul 2017
it doesn't matter how smart I am
it doesn't matter that solve sudoku on the sand
it doesn't matter that the gears in my head turn constantly
it doesn't matter that I try to be as fair as I can be
it doesn't matter how hard I try
it doesn't matter that I know it's manly to cry
it doesn't matter that I have so many people who care about me
it doesn't matter that I need glasses to see
it doesn't matter that I go to the gym
it doesn't matter that I've technically never broken a limb
it doesn't matter that I've set up my life goals
it doesn't matter that I wear out my shoes until there's holes in the soles
it doesn't matter that I don't believe in a god
it doesn't matter that I don't know a guy named Todd
it doesn't matter that I like grapes
it doesn't matter that ripped paper gets taped
it doesn't matter if I'm in love
it doesn't matter that I saw a pretty dove
it doesn't matter that I got hit by a car
it doesn't matter that a 3 hour time difference seems far
nothing matters to you
nothing matters to sue
nothing matters to me
nothing matters so there's nothing to see
there is no outside as long as you are trying to get out
you want to find an exit but you will begin to doubt
they tell you it's there and that you just need to find it
but it's much easier to just sit
enjoy the fleeting moments of sanity
WARNING! they may or may not be filled with vanity
watch as your world is turned upside down
wonderland, you have found
yes Alice made it out
but she was young and knew not to pout
maybe we are all a little mad
that's why we're all a little sad
or stuck in our minds
chained up or restrained by binds
there is a door
somewhere past all the horror
but we cannot see it
we create the maze where we sit
we keep ourselves from the door
because to leave would truly take our sanity forevermore
Like a pathetic attempt at
Grabbing visions of beautiful
Colour, beautiful violence
Of rainbows dancing in the sky, tingling the belly of the horizon
Lost in the glory of happiness.
Placed in blinkers and thrown into the search.
And it all completes
When all that is held are memories.
At last fake hope goes away
When lost in the maze of regret...
Vale Luna Jun 2017
I'm trapped
Inside the labyrinth
Of my mind
I've lost track
Of the day's gone by
Trying to trace my way back
To the light
But I've gotten so used to the black
That now I just sit in silence

I'm tired
Because before
I would constantly
Stumble my way through
Just to get back to
No progress made
No distance created
So I'd just stare
Into the depth of it
Wondering if I should really care
Or if it doesn't meant ****
So that giving up
Is my only option
The pain
Too impossible to bare
Cuz I'd always
Land somewhere back in Nowhere

I'm tormented
Because every time
I try to stand up
My strength
Is never enough
So I'm forced back down
By the pressure
Falling to the ground
Over and over
And in this maze
The only sound
Is silence.
Shiny Star May 2017
The world is full of beautiful mysterious mazes,
And each breathing soul, including us, is solving it.
All of us are trying to reach our destiny,
which we are clueless about and seek.
Just when a small streak of light transpires
showing us where our passion lies,
we set forth towards it, to see for ourselves,
if it is the key to our life’s purpose,
if it is what we want to become.
Reaching there, we find all the resources
we need to build the castle of our dream.
Block by block, we build the castle of our goal.
Once done, we spend some time at the castle,
enjoying our creation, making the best out of it.
As we spend some time at the beautiful castle,
we realize we want more from the maze.
We set out on a different journey, a different field,
this time exploring the unexplored.
We, once again, dream of a big castle,
a castle filled with bigger dreams and happiness.
Block by block, we build again a beautiful castle.
After seeing many days and many nights, living in the castle,
we wish and aspire for something bigger.
We keep building huge castles,
trying with all might to figure out
what we want to be,
where we want to be,
what we want to do in our life.
Years roll by, we have built many breath-taking castles.
We have had many adventures, many failures, many successes.
At about this time, the secret of the maze becomes
visible to the human eyes,
we see the road not taken,
we dive in, building the magnificent castle,
the castle of our dream,
the castle of our destiny.
Donielle Apr 2017
I've broken through
The wall that has surrounded
Not a word
has been written by my hand
since a time so far forgotten.
Overgrowth from disuse
has cluttered my focus,
drying up my ambition
although no sun has shone upon it.
My thoughts became cracked,
dusty with age,
and the webs
became so thick
I couldn't cut them with fire.
But like a maze,
I found a path through.
There were dead ends,
and tricks,
and traps along the way,
but I made
the correct turns to get back
to that place
like a mouse to cheese.
I've found my pen,
and through the ink,
my words will find the world.
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