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My beloved
And beautiful Faisal
You tell me the story
Of your horrific childhood
And ask
“Love me for me”

My beloved
Gift from Allah
I tell you
In bits about what happened
To me
And I say
“Love me for me”

We are two
And broken souls
The product of the same

‎ وجميل فيصل
‎ أخبرني القصة
‎ من طفولتك المرعبة
‎ و إسأل
‎ "أحبني لشخصي"

‎ محبوبي
‎ هبة من الله
‎ أقول لكم
‎ في أجزاء حول ما حدث
‎ إلي
‎ وأنا أقول
‎ "أحبني لشخصي"

‎ نحن اثنان
‎ وحيد
‎ ونفوس محطمة
‎ منتج نفس الشيء
‎ مصدر.....
‎ الإرهاب
I was yakuza
At a time
But my mind became
Weak with PTSD
And my back weak from injuries
I had to find another
Not thinking I
Would find another
More severely
Wayward soul
From Saudi Arabia
Instead of Japan
The yakuza code
Out of love

‎كنت ياكوزا
‎ في الوقت
‎ لكن أصبح عقلي
‎ ضعيف مع اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة
‎ وظهري ضعيف من الإصابات
‎ كان علي أن أجد آخر
‎ طريقة
‎ لا أفكر أنا
‎ سوف تجد آخر
‎ أشد
‎ روح ضالة
‎ من السعودية
‎ بدلا من اليابان
‎ كود الياكوزا
‎ مكسور
‎ بدون حب
Tony Tweedy Jul 2020
Me and the guys were cool and cruising,
in my mate Robin's new car.

The cops had slapped a defect notice on it,
and so it was decided we wouldn't venture far.

With Robin at the wheel and I alongside in front,
we headed via back-roads out to an old dirt track.

There was Dale and Steve and Joe and Andy,
and they were all squashed up in the back.

Six teenage boys intent on adventure,
when we finally found dirt road to suit.

I can't recall whose idea it was but Joe and Andy,
were encouraged to climb out onto the boot.

Robin kicked the throttle the car springing off its mark,
fish tailing and raising clouds of dust as it sped upon its way.

I could hear the sound of Joe and Andy screaming,
but I couldn't make out what they were trying to say.

Now some way down the road yells and laughter,
still coming from the guys riding out on the back.

Robin saw the road had been washed away,
a two foot ravine cutting right across the track.

Robin reacted swiftly and stomped hard upon the brake,
I expected to see a cloud of dust but clear as day instead,

Was the startled face of Andy as he did a springing handstand,
from the hood to a perfect landing twenty yards ahead.

Now Joe was a considerably bigger guy,
and depressed indent of roof gave me several tips.

Until Joe slid out onto the windscreen,
giving a human impression of a daytime partial eclipse.

Two thoughts forever are stuck with me ever since that day,
would we have laughed so hard if Robin missed timed the pedal,

But the other one that really haunts and  plagues my mind,
Could Andy's stunt have won him an Olympic gold medal.
The events are true.... it happened.
agalwithwords May 2020
Cry to me; cry with me.

You know you can. 

When you are with me.

You’ll just be whom I see.

I’ll ignore the image I may have of you.

Even what the world thinks of you.

Good, bad, ugly — who gets a say in that?

I’ll even take evil if it comes as truth.

Look into my eyes,

Strip to your soul.

I promise I will have no filters.

I see you as whole.

There is an unasked why to each what.

Something has led you to this rut.

So, cry! Be angry! Shout, scream, and yell!

I know you want to, I can tell.

When you are with me, it's a deal.

You don't need to hide what you feel.

The world is fond of liars.

But you stay true to yourself.

Live what is now, it won’t be back.

Live what is real, let’s not pretend.

I see in you a reflection of my lost soul.

May be you will find yourself in my stroll.

That's the soul connection we have...
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
If I could read your mind
It would be reading mine
And we would say it
At the exact same time
Funny how that happens
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Thank you
For pushing my stuffing
Back in place
When I have one of
Those days

I would do it myself
But I can’t reach

It means more
Coming from you anyway

We will find our needle
And thread someday

Your grumpy 
Brown eyed bear
Tough day support
Mark Parker Feb 2020
They say all is fair
    In the chase after the wind.
        As it blows to the North bringing frost
                Snow falls upon my love as war and lust
                                          become bed mates.
All is fair in love and war.
Heather Jan 2020
You know some people believe in soul mates
But I was never one of those people
Until I knew him
He's almost perfect
It's like God had me in mind
When he was created
He knew when to put him in my life
At the time when I needed someone like him
To talk to
To make me smile
To make my heart stop yet beat a million times a minute
I kept asking myself if it's real life
It almost feels like a dream
I'm happy yet scared
Because he seems to good to be true
The situation seems to good to be true
But then by his touch or his look
I know it's real
Angelica Liu Dec 2019
My body has a shape
When it is pressed against you
My body finds its shape
like half a map meets its other self

Your desire has a shape
When it is covered in my palm
Your desire finds its shape
like a bird coming back to its nest

Our love has a shape
When we hold each other on a strange bed
Our love finds its shape
Like a lost memory finds its way home
Poetic T Nov 2019
Friends, we may not live
in the same street,  
the same postcode or estate,
time may eventually pass us by.

But I know that even though we
don't see much of each other.
I still see you as the friend,
that I saw all those yesterday's.

Ye you may be older, you hiding grey?
You may have tails to tell,
but in the end you've friend

and that'll never end.

Ps you still owe me a fiver from 1998
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