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Don't fall in love with me.

I'm a devil in sheep's clothing dressed behind a brightly covered shirt and black jeans, bright eyes and a warm smile.
I will be cute. I will be sincere.
You could be standing in a busy crowd. Everyone. And I mean everyone is screaming in your ears. But. Just the thought of even seeing me will make you feel at home.
I have reeled you in.

Don't fall in love with me

I will get attached.
I will ask you what your doing about every hour.
I will ask you  about your day.
I will Instagram you, tweet  Snapchat, facebook and spam you.
I will worship the ground walk on  make you feel special. Because that is what everyone is suppose to feel.
I don't know it, you don't know it. But you just fell into my trap.

Don't fall in with me.

You will text me and If it's not .0236 seconds fast enough. I will get mad.
When I see that you answer my question with and "I don't know" guess what, you got me ******* furious.
But no, I won't tell you. That would be too easy.
I will save it for a another day. Explode on you like a unstable grenade.
"Hey honey" DON'T HEY HONEY ME!
You didn't been see it coming.

Don't fall in love with me

I will get sad.
I will question if you love me. Every. single. Day.
I will ask you to compliment me, even if I don't believe you or I don't deserve it.
I will compare you.
I will wonder why you aren't doing these things that I saw this stranger do with his girlfriend.
I will question why you didn't have the manners to open the door for me that ONE time.
I nip and pick at you.

Don't fall in love with me

You will grow tired, dnd your tiredness will grow to anger.
You will wonder why I did the things I did.
You will yell at me.
Tell me that I torture you.
You will scream and you curse. "Why this why that, why?"
I will question the things I did.
I will go "why this why that, why?"

Don't fall in love with me

I will lay those traps for you.
A series of bombs that I left lying all around us as I tap my hooves around the foundation.
I will for you to light your match Tap tap tap.

Don't fall in love with me

You will light that match

Don't fall in love with me.
Haruharu Jul 2017
I wanted you to be like me.

You wanted me to be you.

It worked for awhile.

But we found our way back..

To the ones we actually are.

That's when it crashed.

Our worlds collided.

It didn't match.

We grew apart again.

But for a brief moment, we were something.

We were glorious.
A gob of squash
in a saucer with a hub
let a carrefour marque
with an apple ding
in swirls of romance heading there
a crowd of superfluousness as a hip is king
and a patch through the field
that roll lushly on green for this round mesh
while exquisitness hit so sweet
in a shade of sky  
where ablaze in silky attire
with her brazen desire again.
Wimmbleton Championships
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2017
Not even the heaven did
encompass Adam forever
nor can do the earth.
But with a woman, with Eve
He is got his perfect match.
JAC Mar 2017
I'm a boy made out of wood
And with you I know I could
Be painted better than I am now
To befriend an artist like you somehow
My hair and shoes are made of clay
Molded carelessly, messy, you'd say
Fix me, bend me, make me new
But please don't make me into you
Someone made me, someone great
But made of wood, I know my fate
Will be met in a fire, so easy to catch
For I know I'll fall in love with a match.
blue mercury Feb 2017
i love how when
i'm with you,
i can be my abnormal

and you just match
my weird,
break my fall,
assist my functions,
and care.

thank you for being such
a great thing for me,
for making me happy,
for being an unexpected
but wonderful
addition to this life of mine.

♡ blue
a valentine i'm thinking of giving out to someone i care about very very much
Open your eyes...
The person you've always dreamed about is there...
Right by your side...
Open your eyes...
Not those on your face...
Open your eyes...
The eyes of your heart...
I know, is not exactly as you imagined...
But that person has what you need...
Open your eyes...
The vast emptiness of space,
And the passage of time,
The void between an atom’s nucleus
And her orbiting particles,
The fact that we are made of elements
Forged in dying stars,
And, not to be forgotten,
The perplexing reality
That we are little more than empty space
Floating on a green and blue island
That somehow beat trillion-to-one odds
In a lifeless, desert void
Where the shadow-signals of our loneliness
Carve brave new trails through the darkness,
Only to fizzle out
And die like a match struck
In a lightless room,
There one second;
Gone the next.
I read somewhere that radio signals sent out into space degrade in a couple of dozen lightyears.

You can find more of my poetry at
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