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Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2021
She was a flower wild
Wearing thrift store pair of shoes
Holes in sleeves of her hoodie
Jeans in all types of blues

Knit sheets unmade on queen size bed
Dreams Jersey or maybe New York
Knows she's destined for simple things
An average underachieving dork

Pizza breath
Bloodshot eyes
Red as petals blooming
A rose
Whiskey shots over wine any day
Toothpaste on tip of her nose

Alabaster skin and crooked smile
Knotted shoelaces on feet
Hair tied
A messy braid
Freckled embrace emitting heat

Shoulders carrying world
The burden of it's weight
Too prideful to ask for a helping hand
When the heaviness is too great

She believes love to be tangible word
Favorite songs are always sad
Can catch her staring out the window
Reminiscing joy she long ago had

She agreed to attend therapy
But an appointment was never made
Voice was simple to convince
Body harder to persuade
It's so much easier saying than doing
Edmundo Apr 2021
I’ll do it later
We should not be sure
As there is such Time

We can’t say what time it’ll be

But there is a Time
One last T
Live while alive
Brett Mar 2021
I would like to take a trip, but the only bags I own
Are the ones weighing down my eyes

My feet long to set out, but
They are often outpaced by my mind

My body doesn’t move an inch because the nerve
Has crawled up from out my spine

The eyes blink to signal I’m alive, but behind those oval blinds
An echo

You’ll be fine
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2021
I do not know what is wrong with me
But I have a problem clear to see
When attempting to smile my muscles won't move
Like sorrow is a splinter I cannot remove
Sadness an infestation sprouting from seeds
Spreading throughout soul with greater speed than that of weeds
Roots reaching furthest depths of my ragged reality so dark
Squeezing skull so tightly it leaves a permanent mark
Scars nothing new to me
Wear them with pride
Whether on surface or invisible inside
I am aware of imperfections
Count them one by one
Internal self-critique is a cycle that is never done
There are always mistakes to look back on and regret
Unrealistic expectations too high to ever be met
At night lie awake
Unable to find sleep
Haunted by promises failed to keep
The sight of photographs on my bedside table
Makes atoms in my flesh excited and unstable
Igniting flames
Stoking intense yearning
Enticing while simultaneously burning
Pleasures forever lost echo in my head
Beyond my grasp are words you once said
Clutching pieces of past so tightly my hands start bleeding
It's the shattered fragments and broken bits I'm needing
Your presence rendered life beautiful on our hardest days
Can't help but wince when I hear the word "always"
Time after time you have shown your love to be only lies
Only have myself to blame for being taken by surprise
I was an easy target
In line of fire
Lured me where you wanted with powerful desire
I was a pawn for you to manipulate
Took advantage of fact for you I could never feel hate
Regardless of how bad you hurt me to your embrace I'll always return
Victim to games countless occasions because I never learn
I suppose had it coming after all that we've been through
Traveled all the way to hell for you and back again too
I've tried everything could think of to make mistakes right
Still threw them in my face each and every night
I ponder if our relationship meant anything to you at all
If the years we spent together to you were insignificant and small
It's difficult to accept you are happier without me there
Try to chart a new course but each direction leads nowhere
Perhaps I should teach myself how to survive alone
Have it as MY choice not answering the telephone
When it comes to you it's not possible to win because I'm weak
I don't stand a chance against the silky smooth words you speak
I watch you through a screen wishing that I was where you are
Sigh because distance separating us is way too far
You moved on and left me reeling struggling to understand why
I'll get by without your touch
Missing you silently until I die
I got more issues than a magazine rack!
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2021
You can say whatever you want
But that doesn't mean it's true
I suppose if the roles were reversed
I would have trouble admitting it too

Of course your memory differs
No two perspectives are the same
It was many years ago
So you are not to blame

But what you said weighed much more
On my ears than your own
I am not trying to make mountains out of molehills
My recollection is not overblown

It feels like it was yesterday
That those careless words left your lips
Even speaking them aloud now
Still stabs my self-esteem and rips

"With the way you are you deserve to die"
I am not making it up like you think
I did not misunderstand you
You didn't even stutter or blink

You did not say "You are gonna die"
Although I am sure that's what you meant
To summarize
I had it coming
That was pretty much the extent

You apologized right after
Realizing you were wrong
But the damage was already inflicted
Statement a little too strong

What hurts the most is you are honest
And only say things you truly believe
But when I analyze it you are correct
I beckon death with a push of my sleeve

So denial may have you fooled
But I can't forget what you said
And no matter how much I wish it wasn't so
Your comment will always remain in my head
To my dad
Blossom for a moment in my heart, here,
although things are never certain,
what will be after you bloom fragrant
and beautiful.
Maybe something will come off, wither, then disappear.
Maybe something will be lost, vanish, and never come back.
Blossom where you want to grow and people will like you,
not because where people like you then you have to grow.
Indonesia, 28th March 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
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