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Sourodeep Jul 2015
I get up to see a sky so bright
not the sun or its serene blue
from the horizon to the zenith
filled up by numerous kites

vibrant, shades of all colors,
some soaring high, some calm and still
all shapes and sizes flying with vigor
breathing the purity, going as per their will

Though so bright, they don't cast a reflection
spreading happiness in peace, they do not preach
while I just gaze in sheer amazement
is everything up above, out of my reach ?

With the string attached, it gets pulled back
its actions controlled by this invisible imagination
I want to cut the string and set the bird free,
and wonder, will that dim the sky's illumination ?
We humans are similar to kites, so colorful and diverse, but there is always something attached to us.
Are we beautiful and more useful while we are tied to this reality, or we should break free ?
Abdullah Ayyash Jul 2015
Day after day
And a night before tonight
Knight after knight
Lost lives climbing your height
You are a mountain
You are the moon
Don't pretend you are not the light
You are a thousand year of dreams
You are a life time of hopes
And without you...
I'm just a lost kite
© Copyrighted
Abdullah Ayyash
July 8th, 2015
kris evans May 2015
To grow up;always my dream
a childhood desire;tinted with innocence
to stay up all night; i always coveted
a kiddish fancy; garnished with folly
to speak out unhindered; i always relish
fancies of a growth spur; gathered in rebellion
to travel alone; my craziest fantasy
an immature wish; studded with adventure
years rolled by; and my wishes all fulfilled....

now that i stand at life's brim;
i miss being a kid.
eyeing my kitchen sink; reminding my ordeal till midnight
i wish i could sleep at 7.
gulping the lies and falling in remorse;
i wish some one spoke for me.
being ****** in to this black hole
i wish some one would pull me out of blues.
why did every single one of my wish came true?
if not:
it would not have been so worse;
to grow up and realize;
that life cannot rewind and pause;
that you cant sit back and replay it
that life is just a kite
you keep holding on the string
and life it sways by the wind
pull it hard - and the string snaps
you keep holding on the string
while gravity engulf its mane
tracing it back to earth
tattered and torn to pieces.
but gone are the childhood fancy to solve the jigsaw
and hence i abandoned the task
cursing an unseen fairy godmother....
for making my wishes come true.....
live life as if its your first and the offers second chances rarely....even if it does....the second one would not be the same ......YOLO
Sally A Bayan May 2015
Life is truly a potpourri
a mix of exciting, scary, inspiring,
painful, joyful, heartbreaking,
disappointing, at times, exhausting
these days, there is no longer fear
i shall not fight it, if i fall right now
i am the bent amongst the young,
the straight and tireless,
i always wonder why,
when a strong wind blows,
i still endure, still am standing...when
turning around requires much effort.

But, I can't hide how this world surrounding me
provides me with such a lift
it opens my half-closed view
yes, there are the dying parts, corners
but what i see mostly are blooms of vibrant yellows,
greens, pinks, peaches, so mellow
lively colors all around me.
even the naked tree, towers over me,
and in its own way
indulges in all the grace and beauty
that render both of us

I am, now, in a worn down state,
but I refuse to give way,
for, I see, I feel
i am very much a part
of this pool of energy
this LIFE that leaves me expecting
for more blue skies.

I am a kite set free,  flying on its own
i am a balloon, soaring, with no strings that hold
i am the old amidst the new
i still am... a breath of life,

So...i struggle to live on.


Copyright March 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***a poem inspired by my sister's painting, "The Old Barn."***
Phil Lindsey Mar 2015
Dad made a kite
Out of paper and wood
And a white, ripped up sheet for a tail.
We all watched with wonder when without any wind
He could make his kite rise up and sail!
The trick, he would tell us
Is to run just a bit, then let the string play out just so.
There is wind up above us that you cannot see
It will make the kite rise up and go.

Up went his kite
High up over the trees
And soon it was up with clouds.
It dipped, skipped and twirled as he tightened his rein
“It’s DANCING!” we shouted out loud!
The kite, he would tell us
Responds to your touch, don’t hold it too loose or too tight.
Be forgiving, yet firm, let it fly by itself
And most times it will turn out all right.

Dad gave the kite
To the youngest child there,
And the rest of us waited our turn.
The kite soared, then collapsed; our confidence too
Dad taught; we attempted to learn.
Life, he would tell us
Is like flying a kite, you hold on but you cannot control.
Don’t let a failure or lack of success
Stop you from reaching your goal.

Be like the kite
Reach as high as you can
Set your goals high, and dance with the clouds!
Respect and remember the wind you can’t see.
It’s your Faith that will make others proud.
Faith, he would tell us
Is the courage to fly, and belief in a Presence unseen.
But most of all Faith is the strength to go on
When your kite gets stuck high in a tree.
PwL 3/30/15
MV Blake Mar 2015
The boy ran through the fields,
His kite blazing like a comet
In the hot summer of yesterday.
Flying through the tall grass,
An open mouth, a smile held fast,
He danced, and leaped, and span away;
Safe in youth and come what may.

The day moves on.

The wind swept hard across the fields,
The kite bucking against the strain,
A twist and tear in the summer day.
The boy turned, distraught,
To watch his youth fall in thought.
He frowned, and wept, and turned away;
The kite lay broken amongst the hay.

The day moves on.

He turned to home, a sad retreat,
Replacing his steps along the path
He carved across the summer day.
A bird flies across the run,
Feathers flirting in the sun.
He turns and runs, a smile again,
And doesn’t see the hidden pain.

The day moves on.

A flying foot is sliced and pierced,
A scream of pain splits the fields
And the bird flies so fast away.
The discarded wire, the ill placed thought,
With no care for what it’s caught,
Leaves years of scars for a man to pay
And dream the loss of yesterday.
Elizabeth Hynes Jan 2015
A visible shroud, all over me it says JOY.
In the crypt of a vampire, immense, hoisted bat entrails.
It's a kite, he is making, the wind wants to feel it.
The wind likes to move about, implore.
Prevailing winds, guide the rope's direction.

I strove for freedom more than before, forgot limits,
Now the kite can fly beyond the night, it will be jealous,
High above, in the sky, untouched by evil pride.
I am not soft hearted, prone to emphatic shivers,
But in a thousand pieces I hear every sound.

I love this earth and am reminded by the sights below,
All the birds of various descriptions, fly too,
those feather fingered sisters, they are often in pain,
Like farmers milling the sky underwing.

A cloud is a wall, then a room of purest white,
On fly the birds and on flies the kite,
On many lands falls our shade, life is below,
Now is the time to be soft hearted, swirl in torrents.
jennifer ann Jan 2015
i wish i may, i wish i might,
get high as a kite tonight. ♥♡♥♪
Harsha Dec 2014
Wind was smooth,
And the kite, flying high.
And me, in full control of the kite,
I assume.

The kite above,
like a paint brush.
The  sky beneath it,
like a canvas.

The string pulled me,
towards the kite.
I was attracted,
I give in.

But the wind got gusty,
The string snapped.
The kite flew away,
Like She did.

The kite,
No longer with me.
But still pulls me,
Like She does.
Null Dec 2014
But how do you win when you've already lost?
And how do you forgive when you already know the cost?
What's it feel like?
I can't tell anymore, I'm so long lost.
Does it ever end?
Do we stop, dry our eyes, just pretend?
And if there is indeed a way out which one do you recommend?
What's it feel like?
Is there hope for the lost souls?
Is there a way to be good again?
(Inspired by words from the Kite Runner)
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