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Soon We Show Up
D Day Tiny
Our Day Big
Infinite Money
Mariah Carey ****
Held Hostage
God Earth
Happen Now
After I'm Torture
Or Die
It Happen
1 Lord
1 King
1 Billion and Trillion Busted
Some Believe
Their Truth
Will Believe
Super Army
Most Ammo
More ***'s
More Bros
For History
It's Just You and Me
Up hiking on a hill that once housed a king
whose golden age had gleamed long ago:
His former realms filling all that I’m seeing
but little trace of him now, just shadows.

Standing alone, his abandoned throne,
overgrown with brambles and weeds
that crack its old stone, unbemoaned,
while the vines spread more of their seeds.

Many years later (or less?), a hiker will pass
up and down this very same hill
and look back on us past, wondering at last
why our gilded age didn’t last like we’d willed.
Inspired by this photo I took of a neo-Gothic stone seat overgrown with weeds and vines:
it is the defining answer as to why
in the infinite measurement of time
we are quickly fading as a species
the heroes and those given the gift of genius
quietly silenced in the shadows
in the whispers that fade quickly like dreams

the light of untethered thought
the discoveries that lay in wait to bring us to an enlightened world
are crushed by the deviants
the malicious
the maggotry that userp and violate the natural progression of mankind
more brazen they have become
more defined are their goals
unflinching in their task
these oligarchs who see utopia as a world under their control
they ******
they destroy
they bury all ideas and creations
that interfere with their burning desire
for personal gain
greed owns them
greed drives them
and in the end
will come darkness
May all the brave journalists, inventors, politicians and whistle blowers who gave their life to reveal the truth rest in peace
tenet Jan 20
A Flaming heart was Struck,
The Flame keeps Burning intact,
That keep the world hearth,
Thank you to thy Heart.

Flame the eats the Worldly,
To purify whose worthy.
Shines the endless Light,
No darkness even night.

Light she bear and carry,
She's humble and exemplary.
Ave, Ave, Ave to her,
Hail to the Mother.

Her comes the Light,
So pure it ignite.
Exist from the beginning,
Long live the King.
Dr. Martin's dream is a dream for many generations
Past, present and future… Life is about hope, compassion
Love, freedom and justice. It's not asking for too much
Because human lives are precious and priceless. As such
We were all created in the same manners. No one got
More, no one deserved less. There are three levels in the lot
Birth, live and death. We all must go through the same process
Health is paramount and wealth is secondary or temporary
We all will leave earth one day, soon. Hoping we're all blessed
To remain on earth for a long time. A dream is a reality
That will or will not come depending on the dedication
On the focus and on the resiliency of the participants
We all dream for a better future for our families, friends
Even for perceived enemies. Hope is in the air, like flying ants
Wishing to land on a fertile sugar cane field. Dr. King, our Hero
Is a man with many names: Dr. Martin, Dr. King, a great fighter
An activist, a superman, a martyr, etc. He was the older brother
That we dream of being with us in time of trouble, at a low
Point of our lives. Dr. King was an amazing inspiration to a world
Filled with backstabbers, hypocrites, racists, maniacs and criminals
Dr. King's dream is well and alive for many generations. Animals
Will never rule the universe. Human beings cannot be obviously curled
By a bunch of so-called right wing individuals. Common sense will
Always prevail. Love will always win. The racists and the haters ‘will
Shall fail. Positive attitudes will always win. Brother Martin's dream
Will live forever. All men and women were created to enjoy the ice cream
Equally, to be free to fight against unfairness, selfishness, racism, bigotry
And injustice. Dr. King's dream and inspiration will live forever, for eternity.

P.S. I write what I want to write about and say what I want to say.
I am a free man.

Copyright © January 2020, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several poetry collections.
Mark Wanless Jan 11
don't want to be king
don't want to be rich
want be word breather
My coronation was a trial by fire.
A heavy orchestration of pain casted upon me was my test of ascension
mechanisms of a divine imagining
that which has stretched me beyond thresholds of innocent humanity presented me another edge to my identity
Cutting deeply into my flesh, that divides like the most tender choice
teaching me equally valuable lessons  
furthering my progression, in life.

The throne is uncomfortable to me.
They lament to me, constantly, that I will “grow into it”
this, abominable seat of my dubious existence here
it’s vast backrest, comprised of a fallible love
petrified skeletal appendages – arms
and various metacarpal complete with long, gnarled, and bony fingers.
It does, whenever I should take a seat, reach into my back, to give a malicious massage to my soul, yet, it does become a shield, of sorts, protecting me from the multitude of tormented souls that fall behind me.
My back
it becomes stressed
all the while I am approached by the denizen of our lower realm.

In such
I am a mastermind to the humbled classes
the discarded region of society’s social classes,
wherein the poor persists, without fruition, in attempting to escape a den of poverty,
akin to the various ways that obstreperous children may try to exit a room secured by vigilant adults
just to reach a room filled with never-ending sugar.
This realm, it is where I am directed to guide.

My crown
it is cumbersome and burdensome upon my crest
heavy is this appointed ornament
to me it is a compliment to the curse
to them – it is a highly important adornment.
Unbeknownst, however, to the masses that wander under moonlight shows,
it slows my pace
akin to stepping double-time through moonlit painted snow
At times, it causes me to perceive that I am entertaining them,
a frost king
it penetrates my flesh and bones
corrupting my other sanities
now, no doubting or second guessing
hands, that gripped my head many moons prior delivering me from my greatest vessel, were immediately replaced
I can recall
the unfathomable pain that saturated my newly emerged head
crowning into light that glared proudly from high above - divine!
My departure from a blessed, blood and sweat drenched ***** concluded with them crowning me.

I stand triumphant still
Moses would smile feverishly upon beholding the liars I have killed
Souls that I have saved.

She graduated the highest of class
remove my concern and the drugs would have taken her away
he could have walked away
a worker with no employer
his jobless gains
were too weak to sustain.
The child was a storm between he and the weary lover
filthy, she always thought
lack of maintenance and how the sheets wore their stains
though, he never gave up
his loyalty to his firm – begotten her diamond rings
six mouths that, gleefully, devour his sufficient gains.
remove my torment!
That he could behold my struggle
lo, if I had failed to set an example he would have walked away

My throne and crown are brutal to me
in life I will persist to possess my position gracefully
children now grow as men of learned minds
therein those gloomy alleys of sordid squalor
I serve with, merely, the shards of a broken, yet, celestial knowledge
and, I pray, the most high father will accept my offerings, from my most meagerly harvests.

most high father
my coronation was a trial defined by struggles
of survival
of the most furious fires!
I am ready!
I think.

Jonah Singleton 2024 ©️
David P Carroll Dec 2024
Bethlehem is besieged and
Jerusalem is wounded
And Gaza is being annihilated
And our Lord Jesus Christ
Is buried under the rubble.
Lord Jesus Christ Our true King 🤴
Steve Page Dec 2024
Always think before you move
This is no composition
Then move in combination

Always think before you move
Protecting your advantage
Take none of this for granted

Always think before you move
Always protect your king
Watch your flanks
Plan your attack
Push until you win
Prompted by'Life of a King' - a movie with Cuba Gooding Jnr.
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
Crowns bow
No question asked

It is clear
God is King
King of kings

Nations today see
One Creator, One Lord

He is the Almighty
The I am that I am

He is He
No question asked
God is Lord
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