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K Balachandran Aug 2018
Death comes water clad,
Distruction’s own water waves;
Monsoon’s killer rush!
Kerala reels in flood havoc that destroy habitats, **** people..obliterate homes!
aj kamari Jul 2018
he has no clue
that he's killing her
he has no clue
how much he means to her
he has no clue
that she would die for him,
live for him,
or **** for him
he has no clue
that she loves him
and it's killing her
in every single way
Isaac Aug 2018
Life is hard
Killer hard
So hard it can **** you
In fact, it will
But that's what makes
It so sweet
Knowing that we
Are all going to die
We have to
Written 11 August 2018
Danial John Jul 2018
**** or be killed
                  Killer be killed

         For they pray
                           For their prey
                                    For they're prey
Steelyvibe Jul 2018
In the shadows of the Island
The moon killer on the prowl
Trio of eccentric professors
An echo of a howl
Turn out the light and interconnect
The mysterious Dr X

A technicolor ****** scene
See the bizarre experiment
A creepy lab, a fiendish killer
An evil development
He waits to see who is next
The mysterious Dr X

A group of strange wax figures
The victim bound to a chair
Peculiar feeling of cold mechanism
In a Gothic horror nightmare
Who is the killer suspect
The mysterious Dr X
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