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I L U like my ***** clothes
Love being forgotten
On my bedroom floor

I L U like chores love the
music that helps them
forget they're chores

I L U like ***** dishes
Love hot showers and
the other side of the sink

I L U like I love spilling
Salt, and warding off the evil,
By tossing some behind my back

I L U like I love
Breaking rules about
my own supposed

I L U like black cats love
Bad luck, cause to them,
It's just Friday, you know?

I L U like the hot dog bun
Loves staring at the beef patty,
Wishing "if only, if only"

I L U like bread loves
Being forgotten till we're really hungry
And then we're all ungrateful, like
"Hey bread, you remember us?"
And bread is high above us, like
Not even a hint of scorn

I L U like the first time I saw
Jurassic Park, The dinosaurs
Were real enough
sans chicken feathers, and
Who needs modern science anyways
when love has no fossil records?

I L U like the weather loves
Surprise parties.
I L U like painful
surprise party memories love
being forgotten on my bedroom floor

I love you like Mayflies love living,
oh so briefly, once a day, every single day,
Chapter one to chapter none

I love you like mayflies love themselves,
brevity and all, stirred by nothing but
the glow of Dawn's light,
Dead by dusk, the Mayfly never
knows its final form.
It dies
in complete
but that's okay.

It drank the salt ocean,
it breathed the living air,
And that's how I want to L U
Mayflies are cool little buggers.
Kora Sani Jul 2019
we gravitate towards pretty things;
and flowers,
but the ugly things
we hate
ants and beetles,
all insects alike
but we are quick to fling them away
killing them with one stomp
but when a butterfly lands on our shoulder
we take it as good luck

if the world didn't teach us
that we have to be pretty
if we want to be loved
would we still be petrified
of the creatures that surround us?
Basil Watkins Jul 2019
Hello boy bee,
I'm look so sexyyy,
I smell so sexyyy:-
I'm an orchid.
I'm doing ***.
You're so stupid,
Visit another one
Of me.
Basil Watkins Jul 2019
You love, hate, hope, fear and plan, do you?
I am your tapeworm, I am inside you.
You are my universe.
I don't love, hate or fear, I don't need to.
My only hope is that any egg of mine
Makes another one of me in an
Island universe like you.
Basil Watkins Jul 2019
He felt the maggots wriggling
In the sockets of his
Gouged-out eyes.
(Euphony from agony.)
Basil Watkins Jul 2019
One of us.
One of us.
One of us.
One of us.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019

In the pines, in the pines,
There lived a bee who shivered the whole night through.
His hair was dyed, his enormous size,
Meant he didn’t have to listen to anyone and he ruled his crew,
With fear and intimidation;
He sought to bee the cause of social dysfunction.

The Blues-Bee was hardest to bee seen,
When the moon was up in the sky.
He would move between the shadows unseen;
His reflection cast no light.

No soul, no noise, just endless nights.
No smile, no toys, just one bad idea; it was time to fight.
He had raised a band of blues stingers
And he knew there was only one way; his way.
He couldn’t stand the way others sang;
It was his depressing buzz that made all other bees fly away.

Blues Bee and his gang travelled in search of sound;
They were never happy and travelled under the ground.
The fleas and the Blues Bee travelled with the worms.
The worms would lead the way through all the dirt
And the Blues-Bee would tell them what to do.

He heard a noise, so they burst up through
And appeared at a picnic party birthday celebration.
There was a grasshopper playing the lute
And the Blues-Bee took it away and imposed his condemnation.
Hey give it back!  I built that!
I’m just here to bee with my friends.
The Blues-Bee said nothing; he was a bully
And the lute was never seen again.

Blues Bee jumped down a hole;
The lute he stole was never to bee returned.
The grasshoppers friends said let’s go after them!
But the grasshopper said in the end they will lose
And there is a lesson here to bee learned.

The group they sat and listened to her words;
The rivers flowed through to bee forever heard.
She spoke of peace in a time of conflict;
She taught them how to just move past it.
She taught a generation to see further…
So they named her Lila.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
The Blues-Bee

Beyond the trees, there lives a bee.
He lives alone in a place called Harmony.
He left his hive a long time ago,
When they threw him out for being too cold.
He shivers, so he could never fit in with all the happy warm families,
So one day they said he had to leave
And he has never been seen since.

His time in isolation allowed him to decide what to do;
So he found himself a blue berry or two and now his fur is dyed blue.
He has no friends who are also bees.
He spends his time with worms and fleas,
Because these things they cannot fly;
Blues-Bee protects them from the things upon high.

They all exist together deep in the forest,
Beneath the darkest leaves.  
Blues-Bee says he will never leave.
Blues-Bee has lived in the wilderness for such a long time,
That he can no longer remember what it was like in the hive.
He only remembers the day he left
And all the goodbyes that they never said.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Sara Brummer Jul 2019
Childhood address remembered
all these years. Used now as
a password, a code, a credit card number:

the place itself a mist
of memories, light palpable
in the smoked filled air

Lawn springing downhill,
steeply impossible to mow,
steps winding up to a green door
as if in a dream.

garage below where is used to hide
among small dark thoughts
hanging from their webs
barely discerned in the dust
of time.

That’s where it all began
the endless internal battle,
the wasps’ nest of emotions,
the constant buzzing of the mind’s
heavy present that always
“seems to fail this bubble of a heart.”
Moths in great abundance - cavorting and obsessed -
Flit about the fluoro lights with single-mindedness;
They spiral in confusion as they misjudge the view,  
Believing that their beacon lies as distant as the moon
They ride this fatal arc until their final destination;
With exhausted wings and will they then collapse in desiccation.
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