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Alissa Rogers Aug 2014
My analytic mind
can not define
that which is truly you.

You may take my body
break down the parts
weld them back together
but you will never find me.

I am an engine
of ever-burning fuel
I am a howling wind
unseen and out of reach.

I was not created
by any understanding on earth
and thus can not be destroyed
by anything we know.

I am finite and infinite
vulnerable and invincible
I can only be touched
by soft hands and sharp nails
of love.
Anshul Aug 2014
Wish The best of you
With the best for me
Wish infinity
Kenshō Aug 2014
Deep between the veins of a crying leaf

Lives a sneaky green thief.

Hidden deep within is an infinite release.

Under his cracked wooden dome, found belief.

Creating magnificent worlds abound!

Fascinated with the life that sprang from ground.

Humming, he meanders from each sparkling leaf.

Catching a wind breeze drifted by belief.
alone in the forest
Kayla Bellinger Jul 2014
There are moments when I cling to you
Like a cotton shirt clings in a downpour
I hold fast to those infinite moments
And try to make the feeling stick

But we cut the cord, you and I
There are whole years between us now
I don't know why my mind still calls to you
When I know you won't come back

I think I must be mourning the cusp
Those days we teetered on the edge
Claustrophobic, coming clean
And begging the future to come meet us

Only two faces spell out fear to me
And I have to cast yours out
I can't keep waiting for the fallout
Of a bomb that never woke

Our infinity was only smoke
nour Jul 2014
From deep within;
As if you're trying substantially to chase a ghost;
You look around and there is no one, nothing
Simply yourself and some nonsense..
I ask myself, is it me? Am I the problem?
I take a look at my heart;
I wouldn't find pureness but lucidity and daintiness
Im still on my own
Fighting the feeling of loneliness everyday
The day ends, I go to bed
Cry myself to sleep.. But I wake up hoping that my day would be different
no, it just ends horribly.. like every other day.
Giving up.. It hurts to give up though
Specially giving up on him
As if you're yanking, stripping out, extracting
a piece of your own heart and mind.
Holding way too many feelings
Nodding to people and heads
When I wish to have a simple happy life
With my loved ones,
Instead they misunderstand me,
hurt me,
blame me,
disrespect me,
I can't explain my love to him,
infinite emotions of love,
flowing thoroughly within every inch of my heart
Shruti Atri Jul 2014
Do not look at me like that.
With those eyes that see only what is shone to you.
And you accept all of it.
No questions asked.
No logic, no reason to seek.
I am not just an object you can look at.

Do not look at me like that.
With the judgment of their thoughts
That you so shamelessly replicate
in your feeble, feeble mind.
No originality.
You bore me in your dullness.
I am not who you think I am.

Do not look at me like that.
With ears filled with their whispers.
I can hear them too, you know.
You're not very discreet.
I am not defined by the stories they say.

I am not an open book,
Or a single shade,
Or a monotone.
I feel nothing for their interests.
I am not alive in their ballads of woe.

I am alive in myself.
I am the abstract, I am the obtuse.

My colors, range to infinity.
My stories have happy sad tormenting everafters.
I do not care for their hollow affection or their false ratification.
I am unattached and I breathe fire--

I'm ablaze in my little place of ease.
Even alone, I have found my love...
She was there along.
Residing in me,
It was always--

*I am myself. That is enough.
Inspired by the line: 'I am myself. That is not enough.' - by Sylvia Plath, from The Jailer.
Omar Kawash Jul 2014
Like flipped coin midair
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Two ends of a spectrum, Möbius strip

In a room together,
Maxwell’s demon, revolving door
Cancer and chemo
Like life and death
Only one can be
The next is inevitable

Like an election
Only one figurehead may speak for a governing body
Like the seasons
Change is expected

Like a cat left to its own devices
Guaranteed to scare itself after a given time
Man tries to conquer for comforts sake
Mercurial reactions
Like elements under catalyst
Electron orbitals
Exchange positive core
Theory of relativity
A choice of determining
Accuracy of position or velocity

Hermes, deity of mine
Masculine and feminine
Ruler of I
Relieve the war of the immortal twins
Battling my heart and mind
I think ill always be sad;
not in the way most people think.
i don't always want to cry
or fall to my knees
or scream words even i can't comprehend.

I age like the sun.

Time slowly ticks,
to the day when it has taken all that it can
and its endless energy erupts
into infinite darkness,
never to be seen again.
somedays i feel like the sun;
although, i don't light up the galaxy.
I don't cause the earth to rotate in perfect
and I don't control
but someday
my energy will erupt too,
leading me into infinite darkness,
never to be seen again.
Third Legacy Jul 2014
~She is graceful, elegant, and beautiful.

He loved her
from the depths
of his heart.

A heart She broke,
because She
never looked back.

They were not perfect
But that did not matter.

He knew no chance,
for it was Impossible.

But he Loved her
as if it were not so
and spent his days
thinking only of Her.

thoughts that consume
and make his heart
break even more.

But He Loved Her,
not caring about the risk,
without bounds,
without fear
That She
would not love Him back.  

And He Loved Her
Ad Infinitum.
Always and Forever
joyce knee Jun 2014
I forget how many kisses we've shared,
but I know how many more we'll share when I'm back.
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