I wholeheartedly wish I could be the best at something.
My inferiority complex
The nicest,
the funniest,
the prettiest,
My inferiority complex
the most spontaneous,
the most adventuress,
the most forgiving,
the most talented,
My inferiority complex
the best musician,
the best writer,
the one who makes people laugh the loudest,
My inferiority complex
But there is always going to be someone
better in my surroundings,
in my bubble.
My inferiority complex
It stems from a family I never really belong in
From friends I never really had,
Subjects i was never really good at
People i never really knew
My inferiority complex
How am I to compete with those,
Smarter than me
When grades “determine” intellect
My inferiority complex
How am I to compete with those
More beautiful than I
When the outside is all taken into account
My inferiority complex
I am so tired of feeling inferior.
My inferiority complex
Lonely, broken. Empty
Nothing more than shards of glass
A failure, A disappointment
My inferiority complex
consumes me
Suffocates me
My inferiority complex
The Jealousy,
It defines me
My inferiority complex
Why wasn’t I born to be like him,
Like her,
Like them