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Lieke Feb 2019
I yell and I yell
enclosed by the air
and yet I can't feel it.

I want to hurt myself
just so I can feel something
So I try and I try
but not a drop of blood shed.

I shoot and I shoot
I clash my cymbals
I set myself on fire
I bomb the whole **** cloud.

Nothing moves.

I am stuck in an infinite circle of an alternate reality.
Isolated from life.
I sit and sob
in a cloud of white air.
about a dream I had a few nights ago. 1 February, 2019
XyL0S Jan 2019
Why can't I trust you
to answer
the same question Tt Ww Ii Cc Ee,
When I think we're
       °               c      
r      ° u   m ° b
°          l °    in
°             g
?      ?    ??  ?

Am I not enough
even when I'm bleeding cold?
stopdoopy Dec 2018
We are done.

I will no longer sit idle.

I will not wait for my friends to get hurt.

It is long past due,

we will not tolerate it any longer.

Do not make up excuses,

listen to what your friends tell you,

do not give the benefit of the doubt;

they do not deserve it.

If they make you feel

unloved, belittled, ignored, hurt, unsafe,

come to me.

If they call you names

*****, *****, disposable, immature,  a child,

come to me.

Tell, if you wish, all of how they have done you wrong.

Tell me, and I will tell you.

Dump Them.

Gone is the time of "It's none of my business"

Gone is the time of "It's not your relationship"

Gone is the time of "No one asked for your opinion"

That is my friend,

and I will no longer sit and let my friends be hurt.
No matter who you are, friend or not, if you come to me and tell me such things I will not sit there and try to reason it out, I will not hear excuses to their behavior, I will not be forgiving. If you come to me with such words, I will be there to tell you to get out of it now.

I am absolutely fed up with people and how they treat others- that is your partner and you will treat them with the respect they deserve or you will get out. I DO NOT care that you are sexually unsatisfied, feel ignored, and feel unsupported when you have tried gaslighting and dragged in so many things that do not belong in the conversation. I DO NOT care if you are ******* and angry- you treat your partner with the respect they deserve. How dare you.

I'm livid that people will treat others like this and I am done being silent.
mal monson Dec 2018
i just want to scream at them that theydont get to care now
they dont get to pretend that they never hurt me
not without saying sorry
not without telling me why
why that for years they ignored me
no matter how hard i tried
no matter what i did or said or didn't do
they never tried for me then
not when i needed them
not when i was screaming for help
but now
now that im okay and can handle myself
they care
muna Dec 2018
Why does it always feel like
no one's listening
when I talk?
I'm never loud enough..
a Nov 2018
the sweet taste lingers
I can still feel you on the tips of my fingers

I can't get you out of my mind
you're all I seem to find

even after all this time
I still find myself coming back to you
like a heinous crime

but I never reach your field of view
even if I wanted too
you would never see me
for I just can't find the words
so I end up blue
while thinking of you
Hopefully I'll turn this into a song. I really like how this turned out, and I hope you guys like it too.
Stephen Star Oct 2018
Frigid winds pushed up against my car,
and then I saw you come inside.
Those chestnut eyes
that had been gone for so long.
My enraged thoughts
were quickly unraveled
because just a simple moment with you
was worth a thousand days.

But, the feelings didn't last very long.

The car swiftly became a space filled
with words that were never said
and words that would always be dismaying.
All I wanted was to understand
but that wasn't a part of your plan.

I wanted you to come back for more
then just an obligatory visit.

Why couldn't you come back?

For now, though, we'll drive to my house
filled with laughter and lies.

See? I'm smiling.
We're doing fine.
This was a poem I wrote a very long time ago but I could never post because I tried submitting it somewhere and it took months for them to get back to me. I was rejected but now I have the chance to post it here. I hope you enjoy it.
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