Like a puzzle
Frustrating, beautiful,
And in the end fulfilling
Finding the right words
The right thing to say
That helps you express
The way you want to be
Like a bestfriend
A confidant
Pouring your soul out
Because you can
Your fears
Your desires
Your problems
Your choices
Like a snowflake
Always new
Always different
Always unique
Not one is alike
Like a child’s dream;
An ice cream shop
So many choices
Too many choices
You want them all
You hate them all
You can’t have them all
Like a piece of art
Whether paint or clay
Different formats
Different colors
Different shapes
And different sizes
Like an orchestra
All different sounds
Coming together
To make one big,
Beautiful, enthralling
And emotional sound
Because poetry is poetry
Everything works
Everything fits
Nothing is wrong
Nothing is right
Just freedom
In words