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Aa Harvey Aug 2019
It will never bee

Humble knocked on the door to BlondeBee’s parents home
And her Mom answered the door.
Hi Mrs. Friendly, I’m here to see BlondeBee.
I’ll just give her a call.

BlondeBee, Humble’s here, are you nearly ready?
Just doing my hair Mom.
Take a seat Humble.  Would you like some honey?
No thank you Mrs. Friendly, I’m all full up.

What are you two up to tonight?
Oh, we’re just going for a walk.
Make sure that you don’t go outside the hive
And to bee back before it’s dark.

Humble and BlondeBee tried dating for a while,
But they never really made the connection.
Sure they were friends and could make each other smile,
But the relationship lacked any passion.

At the end of one night on the doorstep to BlondeBee’s house,
The kiss opportunity came along, but Humble feared like a mouse
And no sound came out, when he tried to ask her for a snog.
She didn’t ask either, for she wasn’t a believer.
She was starting to have her own regrets, knowing it to bee wrong.

So nothing happened, three nights in a row.
Then along came a whole new threat.
BlondeBee cancelled a date, after turning up late,
And Humble walked home alone feeling bad and fell into bed.

Little did he know, BlondeBee was not alone.
She went dancing with a bee from her past.
They shared a kiss and BlondeBee did confess,
That Tiny Dancer was the one that made her laugh.
Humble thought maybe he should forgive her.
When she was around, he could still act the clown,
But there was no way he could ever bee her lover.
Humble was happy for BlondeBee, but he still felt so let down.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2019

Humble wasn’t a pretty bee, nor was he what you would call ugly,
But somehow he did ok with the ladies.
He got the eye, lots of smiles and feels,
But he never knew how to seal the deal.

So on he went, a lone little bee.
Most of the time, he seemed to bee quite happy,
But underneath, his heart was aching.
There was no mistaking, it was good love he was needing.

So one day he somehow managed to get BlondeBee
And sure enough, she sure was pretty,
But all the time they seemed to disagree,
About almost everything.

They had their time; Humble thought it was love,
But he had never experienced the real stuff.
So he stuck it out and liked it when they danced,
But at the end of each night he would never make romantic plans.

I guess he just didn’t see a future.
Well maybe he did, but it wasn’t with her.
So he decided to live in the here and now.
Who knows what will happen anyhow?

But BlondeBee could see this wasn’t the real thing.
She spoke to her friends in the hope of finding meaning,
But they were just mean and told her to dump him.
Move on, find someone else, you go Girl-Queen!

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2019

The hornets appeared on the horizon.
Zipper was on lookout with Tryin’ Flyon.
The two of them were in an argument
And didn’t see the hornet’s a-flying.

In fear Tryin’ stumbled back and hit a plant,
And all the water came raining down with a mighty splash.
Sound the alarm!  I can’t, Tryin’!
My wings are soaked through, said Zipper, nearly crying.

The two of them ran and watched as above a squadron of hornets,
Crashed down with a thud!
What have we got here lads?  A couple of wet-through bees.
Please don’t hurt us, please!
Oh this doesn’t look good!

Shut up Tryin’, we are not scared of hornets.
You should bee, we’re bigger and stronger that you lousy maggots.
Zipper grabbed his stinger and said en garde!
The lead hornet laughed and insofar,
As to actually consider Zipper a threat,
Grabbed his stinger sword and said ok Bee, let’s!

The two of them fought and soon Zipper was no more.
Tryin’ was desperately trying to find a door,
But he was surrounded, soon to bee pounded,
Like the honey in the hive,
When it was deemed too rounded.

But the hornets didn’t know that the two bees were a three.
Scaredy Bee flew off as fast as he could,
Heading back to the hive and brotherhood.
He didn’t wait to see what happened to Tryin’,
He was too busy screaming and rapidly flying.

The guards saw him approach at an incredible speed.
Who the heck is this?  The fastest bee I’ve ever seen!
The guards said wait!  He said no way!
And he was past them before they knew what else to say.

Did he say hornets?  No way, get your ears fixed.
He did, he said hor…He said there were hornets!
With that the two guards turned tail and fled.
The commotion caused by Scaredy Bee was up ahead…

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
A B Faniki Aug 2019
After the ill fortune her humble father manage
To make it -self made millioner at his old age
The turn of fortune in their life meanss she's fortunate;
But her friends said the fortune came a little late,
For she still wore the old rage that she own
and hang out with the same friends she had fun.
God knows that the only constant thing on earth
is change and yet it's always hard to accept.
Her beautiful smile and humble beginning she still carry
and won't let fortune change what she love in a hurry.
© A B Faniki 18/14/2019 humble beginning is abt loving what who u are even when things are changing around you
Jule Aug 2019
My conscious seems to be in a state of solitude
One where it is hard to reach the light
Because the dark succumbs
the area surrounding you
One where I'm not sure if this is me growing up
Or if Ive wandered too far off the path
to find my way back
But then I question
if I even want to retract to the old path
If maybe this path, this new path,
is one that I humbly learn
Until I am ready to break out of my shell again
I just hope
that it's just a shell that I can break out of
Pluto Aug 2019
Aspire to walk among those you see as
...but humble yourself
And remember they walked in the
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
I am humble
when I’m aware
that I don’t know anything for certain;
that all I am aware of
are philosophical-questions
with uncertain changing answers.
Perdue Poems Jul 2019
two men were told
the key to life
was balance

the first man gathered
and tried to balance
all his property

but found the endless stream
of material things
a balancing impossibility

the second man gathered
took and sold
all but two peas

and found balancing
his two peas
was an absolute certainty
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
All abuzz about a bee

The name’s Humble B. Bumble; welcome to my mall.
How do you do?
If there is anything that you need, I am sure we have it for you.
Need a fresh *** of honey to go with your food?
Not a problem, keep the bottle; I saved this one especially for you two.

Do you need to buy your honey something new?
Not a problem, all honey is good here, I can make honey too.
If you see something you like, I am sure we can find you a good price.
The sugar sure is nice; we just got this frozen stuff,
You won’t believe your eyes!  
They call it ice;
It keeps the water cold
And you just need to add flavour to savour,
The refreshment of your soul.

Your honey’s no good here; the first drink is on the hive;
But I must insist after that, your wallet must appear
And please do not drink honey and then dive.
I will have the bar-staff make you something to drink
And when you are feeling all warm and fuzzy inside,
There is a quiet section for you to sit and think.

Only you can decide what will bee next on your shopping spree.
We’ve got ‘Beegee’s and Banana’ and ‘Our-army’ suits.
There is the Jumper Gotye fashion store
And Kelvin Flies if that is what suits you.
Gooey has more high-end goods, if you have got the honey to spend.
Whatever you need, you will find it here at the ‘All A Buzz’ Mall,
PO Box 3B, Fly Mile End.

If you live in the sky and want to bee a diner,
Then you won’t find a place that is finer.
If these syrupy sweets are not at all to your taste,
Maybe you could think about some bling for your wings?
We have the little shop of forgotten treasures;
I am sure we can find whatever you need or think,
Would improve your life.  Our doors are always open to new idea’s!
We work through the night, to fit your clothes, right on;
If you need a refund, we will always bee right here.
Here, take my card and don’t forget to mention my name.
The middle initial stands for Bee
And Y’all Bee sure to have yourself a nice day!

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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