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Brent Kincaid Aug 2018
Come dream with me
Of a wonderful tomorrow
Where heartache and sorrow
Never come to stay.
Let’s make memories
And let’s make them come true
Through the efforts of we two
Then celebrate every day.

Come try with me.
We can make things better
If we work hard together
And fix whatever is wrong.
If we believe it
I know we can do it
There is no hill we can’t climb
If we just continue to remind
Each other as we go along.

We can reach for the highest goals
From the strongest part of our souls
Never have a moment’s doubt.
Take the chance with me
That even against strong opposition
We are truly in the best position
To face the problems and work it out.

Come dream with me.
Picture what we want to happen
And I know all the doors will open
And let us walk right on through.
Come walk with me.
May Jul 2018
they spit venom
— past their devilish lips
— the evil
and smile a frown
— on a devastating mask
stare with eyes
— cruel and harsh
speak words so sweet
— soaked in bubbling jealousy
throwing my heart
to an eternal downcast
and stabbing my back
making me kneel;
they laugh a monstrous laugh
piecing my lungs
of love and bond
and forgetting my mind
the blossoming smile
of true friendship…
Merry Jul 2018
I’ve never been in movies
I’ve never shouted from on top of a roof
I’ve never had a dream come true
I’ve never had a wish come true

I’ve never been kissed
I’ve never been in love
I’ve never had a boyfriend
I’ve never had a girlfriend

I’ve never had to work a day in my life
I’ve never been rich
I’ve never been broke
I’ve never had an ambition

But I’m gonna get there
I’m gonna hold someone’s hand
I’m gonna scream from the roof tops
I’m gonna have a wish come true
I’m gonna fall in love
I’m gonna be someone

I’ve never had a life before
I’ve got one shot
I may as well
Try and be someone interesting
Amanda Jul 2018
I just want to be happy
I want to live free
I want someone to cherish me

Always asking what everyone needs
When the real question is
What about me?

What do I want?
What do I need?
Who will be the one to make me a priority?
Blade Maiden Jul 2018
Sometimes I ask myself
when did my thoughts and hopes of blue and green
turn into violet worries, violent dispositions
When did this soul with its empty bookshelf
burn all its unwritten scripts of things yet to be seen
and my steady solace turn into a contradiction

I know what I want in life
when I see my favorite pieces of art
scattered accross the canvas of my solitary nights
my cold fingers once touched it and I can count it on all five
I want to believe that I'd be content with really only a shard
to know my dreams aren't just made of imaginary sights

My open heart drives me
in uncertain directions with clear aspiration, sometimes just insane
but always looking, always wanting, always one heart ahead
If my eyes could only look beyond uncertainty and I'd finally see
a way that goes far and will let me travel along a green country lane
If I could feel as if I'd know why it seems so difficult not to be dead.

In everything that had to be broken and shed
these distant promises on remote and empty shores
For only the contingency of all that could be good and whole
Truly not knowing where this road might have led
and still keep my hands open and reaching and breathe in deeply through all of my pores
let me just find one wholesome and abiding content in this burning library inside my soul
A very deep-rooted and emotional piece that just started to flow out of my head into my hands and finally on this page. I'm at a better place today, surely. But there's still so much that feels empty and uncertain and not.. quite right. And things sometimes seem so hopeless and sad in such strangely and terrifyingly normal ways. It's difficult to hold on to things that you want to live for. Here's to all the blind but necessary hope!
Marguerite Jul 2018
Here it comes again
--the acid creeping up my throat
Reminding me that the motion I perceive with my eyes
Does not coincide
With the motion of my mind.
The fluid in my ears, I find
Being steered by forces hidden behind
A curtain blinding my sight.

When I was six, the sickness would hit
When I was in the backseat going down winding streets.
The pain, I claimed, came from my jaw
But it wasn’t long until they saw
Splattered across the back bench of the car
--I was motion sick.

As a teen, cleaned from this curse,
Steering the machines that once made me squeam,
I thought I was free.
Until vertigo creeped into my seams.
Clear sight, but a spinning mind!
A crystal displaced in the skull behind my face
Would trace every turn through, as if it was reality who had forgotten to move.

Now nausea creeps in again as my mind perceives a reality that once again, my eyes can’t see.

All of my hopes
and dreams

so real to me…

But when my eyes look out to reality, they are nowhere
to be
And it makes me feel
Merry Jul 2018
I want to live in a big house
In the middle of a big town
And in my big house
In the middle of a big town
I want to bake biscuits in my big kitchen
And feed them to my friends
Who come to visit my big house
In the middle of a big town
Ezzah Saleem Jul 2018
Some are too good at goodbyes,
A couple of letters,
A couple of confessions,
Some words like " I'll miss you"
Some like "we'll meet soon"
Some photos with moments stuck in them,
Some times that have gone so far
You don't hope you'll be able to see a thing like that,
But you still hold your head up,
You pretend you are brave,
Brave enough to say a seven letter word 'goodbye'.

It doesn't seem so big,
Yet means something you know you won't be able to bear,
But you keep a heavy stone on your heart and you say it,
You feel it but don't exactly realize,
That your paths have been separated
And the time is gone,
Even though you'll see sun everyday
You will still feel cold
Like that cool wind and blues that winter bring and blows,
Or those cold winds that follows rain,
Or that touch that autumn brings,
With that de trop sadness,
After all, all we need is something to hope for,
To put our hearts into,
Our blood to run though them,
But dont forget the most deserving gets the most undeserved,
They will have to live with or without hopes,
In this hollow, cold, dark world.
adept Jun 2018
you left me with nothing
but the words i wished
i would never hear.
but yet i make excuses
for you, in hopes
that one day things
will go as i had once believed.
it’s funny that i ever thought this would end with all as planned
nafyaputri Jun 2018
Whenever i see the appealing blue sky,
And unique clouds passing by,
It reminds me of how i use to love watching clouds.
But seeing it was never enough,
So i gave an effort to reach and get it.
And the next thing you know
I fell,
Then i feared hope.
Sometimes its better to just see,
Than trying to follow your ego and make it yours,
But you fall instead with no more hopes.
Because impossibilities can hurt our feelings too.
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